America: Disneyland pt.10

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A/n Wow! 10 parts to 1 story. That's insane, but I know you guys love the America story so I don't mind. Enjoy!

Tommy's POV:

I was tired, and everything was a bad feeling. Everything apart from a hug from someone I trusted. Even water was too much sensory information in my mouth, it was horrible. There were people everywhere and my ear defenders weren't really helping enough. I was just sniffling at that point, I was so upset and I kind of just couldn't stop crying.

Eventually, we found some sweets. It was chocolate in the shape of loads of Disney characters but I didn't care. It was chocolate, it wasn't that weird Hershey's chocolate like the one from Ranboo's stream and it made me happier. I needed something to eat, I got hangry, and it affected me badly.

"Will?" I looked down at Dug, he was soft and I liked running my fingers up and down his fur, it was calming. Wilbur came and sat down beside me on a bench I was at cross legged on. I didn't look up, but I felt him next to me.

"What's up Tommy?"

"Sorry 'bout face."

"Hey it's barely hurting. It'll form a little scab, and I'll tell everyone I fought a crocodile. You've helped me out there, I'm going to be so cool. But how's your finger doing?" I looked down at it, the plaster had fallen off throughout the day, I think it was at lunch actually. It was too overwhelming anyway, it kept flapping about and feeling all weird.


"What is your cool story going to be? Maybe you were fighting the same crocodile as me."


"Child?! Are you going to say a child bit you?!" Wilbur laughed as I nodded and laughed myself. Wilbur was the only person I really liked talking to when my speech was like this. I was kind of forcing myself to be as verbal as I could because I couldn't use my iPad. But no matter how much I said, Wilbur always understood me and that made me happy. When you are hardly ever understood, being understood makes you eternally happy. It's why I like being around Techno. He gets all the sensory overload things and everything. To be honest, all my friends were great about it, I was lucky to have any of them.

"Tubbo good?"

"Tubbo got a migraine so Phil took him home remember?" I nodded, giving Will a certain look. "Yep sorry, not stupid, just dumb haha. I get it."

"Wilbur you can't call him dumb," Ranboo stepped in.

"It's a joke Tommy and I have. Dumb actually means to not talk, which technically Tommy is when he goes non verbal. So we always joke that when people baby Tommy because he's non verbal at that point, that he's not stupid he's just dumb."

"Oh right okay. Sounded so bad out of context man." I laughed with Wilbur and Ranboo for a bit. Techno was somewhere else, probably talking to Phil on the phone. Charlie was in a toilet, I think.

"But to answer your question, Tubbo is alright. And when we get back, if he's not sleeping, you can go show him Dug."

I nodded. "Home."

"Yep Techno's just talking to Phil, he's probably 10 minutes away and then we'll have an hour till we get home. We'll eat some dinner, maybe watch a movie and then go to bed."


"Yep, we can watch Up if you'd like."

"With Dug. Up with Dug."

"Up with 2 Dug's. The Dug in the movie and your Dug." 

"Good music."

"Yea Up has got really good music. I like the one in the starting screen."

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