College sucks more than you do pt.2 (Tubbo and Ranboo)

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TW- swearing, use of r word

Tubbo's POV:

The class finished soon enough and I could finally go home. I put my airpods in as I left the classroom and walked to the bus stop, I didn't want to have to deal with/ talk to anyone. The bus stop was full of kids from my college and a few of them kept laughing and looking over to me. I just tried to ignore it. Key word there was tried.

A girl walked up to me, "I'm Tilly, you are?"

"Toby." She smiled, and I assumed it was a genuine one. I'm so f-cking naïve sometimes.

"So what courses are you taking?"

"Media stuff, you?"

"Hair and makeup," she said, twisting her brown hair around her finger. You know, giving me that physical hint if I couldn't quite get it through the bognor chav accent she spoke with. She seemed nice enough though. I just smiled and nodded at her answer, leaving her to carry the conversation. "Can I give you my snap?"

"Uh sure." She took a crumpled up post it note from her pocket and handed it to me.

"See you around!" She walked off, back to a group of people who were all laughing. I thought nothing of it, naïve me again. And slowly I uncrumpled the post it note, thinking to myself that however made them in neon colours definitely never dealt with sensory issues. Scribbled in biro: '@urar-tard'. I looked at it for 10 seconds or so, actually trying to work out what it was even saying. Screw my dyslexic brain, I can't even understand when someone is being mean to me. Ur a r-tard wasn't exactly the most clever of comments but it got to me, the day had been hard enough already.

I really felt everyone staring at me then, and no amount of wilbur's music, which I had definitely not just put on to remind me I did have friends, was going to stop me hearing it all. They sounded like hyenas with asthma and they are stared at me. I felt the heat rise up my body until it reached my ears. It was like a painful heat that happened when I got overwhelmed. Everyone tried to convince me it was embarrassment, but it's just different. They don't get it. The only consolation is that whilst I feel like I could be red enough to be mistaken for a tomato, I'm told I don't actually go all that red.

Still, I walked away from the bus stop. Whatever my brain worked out in the end, I would just have to get home some other way, or maybe just a bit later than I'd planned. I pulled my mask up closer round my face; the fabric of it didn't bother me all that much and I found some comfort in people not being able to see my face. It was like an actual mask for all the masking I'd done since I was little, the irony could actually kill me.

I ended up in a Starbucks, where I got a drink and sat down. I tucked myself away into a corner and asked Ranboo if we could call.


"Hey, where are you?" He asked, sounding confused.

"Just a Starbucks, I decided to get a drink before going home."

"Oh cool, how was college?"

I paused, did I want to tell Ranboo what had actually happened? Or did I want to just continue lying and avoid him thinking I was a r-tard too? "Nothing much, just those kids kissing in the middle of class."

"Yea, I don't know man, that sounded so weird."

"Bognor for you I guess. How was your day?" Always repeat the questions someone asks you. It's good conversation. Well unless it's a waiter or waitress asking you if you enjoyed the meal. In fact, repeat the questions someone asks you, most of the time.

"Yea pretty good, I mean I'm supposed to be in class now, but I'm in the library instead cause there's been like fights today at school or something and they've just sent a load of kids to be split up. I didn't do anything, but I mean, I'll take the free time."

"Sounds great."

"Yea, any reason you wanted to call?"

"Nah, just bored." My voice cracked. Curse purberty!

"You sure Tubbo? Did something happen at college?"

"No, nothing I'm fine. Hey I should probably get home. Nice talking, bye." I hung up as I heard Ranboo repeatedly calling my name down the phone. What did I do now? My parents were both busy, I knew that. And I couldn't get the bus now, I just couldn't, it wouldn't work. Sorry autistic moment, some things just don't work, I can't explain it any other way.

I took some more sips of my drink and continued listening to music. Maybe, just maybe if I could pretend everything was okay, magically things would fix themselves.

Ranboo's POV:

Tubbo hung up on me, which was not cool. I tried calling and messaging him but I got no reply. I didn't have his parents contacts, and the only person I could think of that could help was Wilbur. Wilbur was only an hour away, everyone else was much longer. I waited for him to pick up, drumming my desk in the library with my fingers anxiously. Something was up with Tubbo and it worried me that he didn't want to talk about it. Had I done something?

"Ranboo, what's up? Why are you calling me?"

"Something's wrong with Tubbo. He was supposed to get the bus home from college but he decided to get a Starbucks instead and then randomly call me, and then hang up when I tried to ask him if he was okay."

"Ok, take a breath. So you think that something has happened with Tubbo?"


"Well he's 16 Ranboo, he does know how to look after himself."

"You don't understand, he never hangs up on me. Something is wrong."

"Maybe he needed to do something else quickly."

"No, I know Tubbo. There is something wrong. I think he got overwhelmed or something happened or..."

"What would Tubbo get overwhelmed by?"

"He said the class he was in at college was loud."

"I never knew Tubbo struggled with noise."

"That isn't the point. The point is I need to reach him and he won't answer me. Can you at least try calling?"

"Of course, of course. Bu he's probably fine."

"You don't get it Wilbur!" I got a few dodgy stares from people in the library, good thing their masks covered half their face.

"What don't I get?"

"I'm pretty sure Tubbo is autistic!"

A/n Hey. Thank you for reading and voting, and following and adding my books to reading lists. I've been seeing so many new names pop up in my notifications and it's really cool! Left you with a bit of a cliffhanger I know, but there is a 3rd and final part for this one.

Just to clear it up. Last post of the Wilbur soot angst story will be Friday, and hopefully by then, I'll have sorted out the posting schedule for my other 2 books. I'm writing a 3rd, and there maybe be another surprise one of the way, but I want to change my schedule a little.

Would you guys prefer the oneshot updates to be on different days to the just me and him updates? I prefer it, cause it will allow me to be a little more flexible whilst I've got all this time off, but I'd like everyone's opinions. Let me know!

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