America: day 10 pt.2

385 16 8

Phil's POV:

After lunch, Tommy helped me with the washing up and we agreed that we had spent enough time in the pool for at least a few hours. Now of course, staying at the house all afternoon was 'too boring' according to Tubbo, Tommy and Will, so we agreed to go shopping and then for dinner. I was a little apprehensive as Tommy had said while we did the washing up that his social battery had just run out, and I didn't see going out in public helping with that, but he agreed. And said he wanted to go.

So, we got ourselves showered, which did take around an hour due to there only been 2 bathrooms (with showers, technically there were 3 toilets), but eventually we were ready. Tommy slung his backpack over his shoulder and was the only one carrying a bag. I noticed him tense up a little as he realised it. So I decided to try and defuse the situation a little.

"Tommy, if you don't mind, can we put some of our shopping in your backpack?"

"Yea, Yea that's fine." He gave me a small smile, he kind of knew what I was doing, and he appreciated it.

"Right in the car boys!" 

Tommy stuck around a little, as the others exited the house. "Uh Phil?"

"What's up mate?"

"Can I sit with Tubbo again?"

"Go for it mate. Thanks for asking though, it's just so we can help, you know?"

"I understand, and Umm thanks about my backpack."

"It's fine, you got everything you might need?"

"Yea, my iPad is a little low on charge but I don't think I'm going to need it."

"Tell you what, charge it in the car anyway. I trust your judgment that you're all good, but I would prefer to be overprepared, than underprepared."

"Okay sure." He walked out to the car as I closed up the house behind us.

Tommy's POV:

The journey to the shopping 'mall' or whatever was alright. I couldn't help but notice how everyone kept checking on me, just because my iPad had been put on charge. I was a little tense due to not being the most sociable, and tiredness from swimming, so I just snapped. I don't think it had even been 5 minutes.

"I'm fine! Will you please stop with the sympathetic looks and treat me just like Ranboo and Tubbo!" There was silence apart from the radio playing some random pop music in the background.

"We are just trying to help."

I didn't even register who had said it, just what they had said. "WELL OBVIOUSLY IT'S NOT HELPING!" I sat there, next to a concerned Tubbo in the back of the car, trying to hold tears in the corners of my eyes. But I was failing, and then I knew they wouldn't let me sit in the back with Tubbo anymore, and I was angry at myself more than anything. "Sorry." My voice wavered as I said it.

Techno and Phil who were sat in the front of the car, turned to each other and whispered about finding a place to stop. But I could hear every word they said, as the rest of the car remained in the silence.


"Yes Phil?"

"We are sorry if sometimes we treat you like a little kid. We just care, and understand that you really wanted to enjoy this trip, and haven't really had the chance to yet. We are going to go back to the houses to chill for a bit, and then we'll see about going to the mall another day."


"What do you mean mate?"

"Can we just go to the mall today? I'm fine I promise, and I won't be an issue, I'll stay with one of you, and I won't cause I problem." Tubbo put his hand out and rubbed my shoulder, gesturing that everything was fine, and I could stop trying to make excuses.

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