America: Party pt.2

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Tommy's POV:

"Hey, hey, hey Tommy. Big Tom. Tommo."

"H-hey Fundy." I looked at Phil, a little concerned but I didn't want to upset Fundy. So I just started masking as much as I could, as quickly as possible.

"Fundy are you drunk?" Trust Phil to always be direct.

"No, no. I'm not drunk. Not even a little, tiny, wincy bit."

"Ok. Well I'm going to go get you a drink of water, and something to eat."

"Mmm, food. I like the sound of food."

"Tommy, do you want to come help me do that?" I just nodded my head, and sped walked to the kitchen. My hands were shaking, and my breathing was quite quick, and both only served to make me more anxious. "Deep breaths mate. It's alright. Fundy isn't going to do anything ok? Who do you want to go upstairs with?" I just looked to the side of him, unable to speak and give any eye contact. "I'll ask Tubbo." I grabbed Phil's arm, nervous about being be myself like that. "No, it's fine. I'm going to text him, I'm not leaving you alone." Hands still shaking, I let go of Phil's arm and walked backwards and forwards in a small part of the kitchen.

Tubbo came in, in high spirits, which I saw immediately drop as he saw me. "Let's go hang out upstairs." Unfortunately, to get to the stairs, we had to walk back through the lounge, where everyone was. So I put my fingers in my ears, and followed what I could see of Tubbo, keeping my eyes fixed on the floor and my head down. Someone put their hand on my shoulder, probably to try and comfort me, but it just made everything worse. Tears were falling down my face rapidly. And I started running towards the stairs and ran into Tubbo on the way, making us both fall. I got up immediately, and ran up the stairs, into my bedroom, shutting the door as I went in, and tucked myself into a corner. Fingers in ears, rocking, and banging my head on the wall behind me, I just couldn't cope anymore. I had been fine, but everything had gone down hill very quickly.

Someone opened the door and closed it again, which I think was Tubbo. And the next time it opened, it was both Wilbur and Phil. They tried to get close to me, but I started kicking and they backed away. Luckily, neither of them got hurt. Then Phil tried putting a pillow behind me so I didn't whack my head on the wall, but it was too much sensory information and so I threw it on the floor. I just wanted everything to stop.

Wilbur's POV:

I knew Tommy was stressed because I had seen him walk to the kitchen with Phil. At this point, I could tell from the way he walked how he was feeling. A small group were now trying to help Fundy, who thought it would be a good idea to not eat before turning up, and drink as much alcohol as he could find. The last thing we wanted. Tommy had this thing with drunk people. He couldn't really explain it other than they were too unpredictable. There was a reason I was only tipsy a lot of the time. I would get drunk, but just not as much as others would. And definitely not around Tommy.

I saw him start walking with Tubbo and presumed he would be okay. There was a loud noise, and a couple gasps, but I couldn't work out what had happened. Tubbo came downstairs after less than a minute saying Tommy needed us, and we walked into his room to see him having a full on meltdown. I went to help him, and nearly got kicked, so I backed off. Phil tried putting a pillow behind him to stop him hurting his head, but he threw the pillow on the floor. I got his iPad out, and found a playlist titled 'meltdown playlist'. I knew Tommy's password after he had got me to use his iPad for taking pictures once. Headphones were probably going to be too much, so I put the music on a low volume and put the iPad on the floor near him, sitting down myself. Phil sat down next to me.

"Hey Tommy. Can you take some deep breaths with me?" He was crying so much that I thought he might pass out, and that was the last thing he needed. Slowly, but still crying and banging his head, his breathing evened out. "Thanks for doing that. Can you come sit with us, so you don't hurt your head?" He didn't move. I asked again. I then asked in a slightly different way, still nothing. "If you won't come here, can I come and sit next to you?" I got a nonverbal signal that was alright, and then sat next to him. He didn't stop banging his head. "Would you like a hug?" He rested his head in my shoulder, finally stopping the banging. And I hummed one of the Lovejoy songs, slowly. He was fidgeting, so I got Phil to get a sensory toy out of his backpack. Phil brought back a choice, and Tommy picked the one he wanted. He then took his head off my shoulder, pulled his shirt off his body, which Phil stuck his hands out to take, before shoving his head back on top of my shoulder. He fiddled with both the sensory toy, and the hem of his t shirt, before falling asleep. Right there on my shoulder. Meltdowns were exhausting after all, and that had been quite a bad one.

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