Adopting the weird kid pt.6 (Tommy and SBI)

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Tommy's POV:

Phil's car was nice. It smelt clean but it wasn't too strong. Just that slight scent of sweet lemon; like those wipes you sometimes get in fancy places. It was nice, not too clinical. Phil's house was just as nice. It was a three storey terrace, tucked in between 2 other houses. There was another car outside, and a small front garden with a bench.

We stood waiting for Chris on the front porch, where there was a small step and a little overhang so you wouldn't get wet in the rain. When Chris arrived we went inside and Wilbur showed me where to put my shoes and coat. "I might as well show you now, so that you know for when you're living with us," he claimed.

After putting my stuff down, we went to the kitchen which lead onto the dining room. Techno was in the kitchen making hot drinks, whilst Chris and Phil were at the dinner table. I stood sheepishly behind Wilbur, a bit like I had done with Chris at the start of the day. It was weird how things changed.

"I'm going to go give Tommy the tour." Both adults nodded and went back to talking. Wilbur guided me through some double doors into the lounge. There was a large tv and an Xbox. I didn't have too much interest in video games but it was still cool. We could see the garden better from here too. The dining room had windows looking out. But there were bi-folds here. It was a thin but long garden. Some garden furniture towards this end and an apple tree at the other. It was nice.

Nice is a word my English teacher keeps telling me to stop using but I like it. That was the best word describe everything about Phil and his family: nice. It gave me that warm, fuzzy feeling. And I felt safe. It was just nice.

"Oh you need to meet Mouse!" Wilbur said excitedly before skidding in his socks on the wooden floors, back towards Phil. "Where's Mouse?"

"She might be upstairs Will, but be gentle with her yea mate?" 

"Got it Dad!" He called through the rooms, beckoning me to join him in rushing upstairs. As we did he did a whistle stop tour of some kinds. "That door under the stairs leads to a cupboard! And that door over there is the bathroom. That's my room! That's Dad's room! That'll be your room!" We then went up another flight of stairs to the third floor. "This is Techno's floor. That's his bathroom, office and bedroom. And this," he started, going into what he had pointed at being Techno's office, "is mouse."

A grey haired cat was splayed out on a table next to the main desk which had a massive computer set up. The first thing I thought to say was, "you called your car Mouse?!"

"Yep. Because she always acted more like a mouse than a cat, plus it suits her." Wilbur must have sensed my hesitance. "Do you like cats?"

"I've never been close to one." I mumbled.

"Come here," he held out his hand towards me. I just stepped a little closer. "Hold out your hand but don't tense it." I did as he said, and slowly he moved my hand down so that it gently stroked Mouse. Her hair was soft and it made me feel calm. She purred lightly as Wilbur took his hands away and I continued my action. "That purring means she likes you," Wilbur whispered. I just smiled back at him. I didn't mind Wilbur touching me, it made me feel safe. Anyone else touching me felt dangerous in some ways, like it hurt, and like they could hurt me.

"Now you've met Mouse, I'll go through the house tour a little more slowly?" I nodded, continuing to stroke the cat. "This if Techno's office. If the door is closed that means he's busy and you need to come back another time. Next door is his bedroom and bathroom. You won't need the bathroom, but if you need him, just knock on his door and wait for him to tell you, you can come in. Techno really doesn't like people in his room without him there or invited."

"But we're allowed in here?"

"Yea, Techno lets me come in his office all the time. The acoustics in here are good and it's quiet. So I come up here to practice when he's not busy."

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