When the people whisper and stare pt.7 (Tommy and Kristen+SBI)

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Tommy's POV:

I sat on Phil's sofa, in my pajamas shorts and t shirt, waiting for him to come back downstairs. I was tired, and I knew I was tired but I also knew that I definitely wouldn't be able to go back to bed now I had been up and doing stuff for so long. There were nights where I would go to the toilet at maybe 3 in the morning and not go back to sleep before my alarm at 8. It was sort of just how my brain worked.

He came downstairs himself and sat down on the sofa next to me.

Phil's POV:

After getting Wilbur to his room and checking in on Techno, I then went to my room and got ready for bed, as if I was actually going to bed. I then chucked on a hoodie, grabbed one from Tommy's room for him and headed back downstairs.

"You want to talk to me mate? Or would you rather just stick something on the tv and chill?" He shrugged. I smiled at the anxious boy bedside me, handing him his hoodie. He put it on quickly and shrugged a little as he felt the hood around his head. "How about we have something to eat, or at least drink?"

"Can I have toast?"

"Of course you can, what do you want on it?"


"Of course, now come on mate. You help me make your toast and we'll talk, as long as you want to." He hummed, probably going non-verbal. I think that's what he called it before.

I got the butter, out the fridge, bread out the cupboard and plates plus cutlery for eating with afterwards. With it all laid out on the side, I put a single finger up, then 2. Asking the number of pieces of bread he wanted. He held up 2 fingers in response, and I couldn't miss the way they shook slightly as he held them there. I nodded, placing them both in the toaster.

"What would you like to drink?" He walked away from me, going upstairs. I called after him in a whisper but he didn't seem to ever hear me. Worried, I followed him up the stairs and watched him grab his water bottle from his bedside table. That was the only problem when he went non-verbal, I was so worried about every little thing because he couldn't tell me about any of them.

I smiled at him, trying to reassure him that everything was in fact, fine, despite my obvious panic, and lead the way back downstairs. The toast had popped out the toaster and I put them on a plate. Whilst I filled his water bottle back up, he spread butter on his toast, almost in a trance, knife hovered above the browned bread as the butter soaked into it. It was like he was on auto pilot.

"You alright Tommy?" He turned to me, not giving me eye contact but making it clear he was going to communicate. He opened his mouth to speak and when no sound came out, he sighed and closed it again, turning back to the counter where his toast was. "If you can't talk to me right now, do you want a hug?" I did not miss the tears in his eyes, carefully falling down his face as he turned and buried himself into my chest. The poor kid was shaking beyond belief and I could hear his shaky breaths. Something had set off his anxiety big time, and I knew, instinctively, it was about Wilbur.

"Wilbur is fine, you're fine. Everyone's alright. Everything is going to be okay mate." I rubbed my hands up and down his back, he just seemed so inconsolable.

He took in a deep breath, and between sobs, said, "I'm fine Phil, I promise. Everything was just too much."

"It's ok. I get it. Do you want to eat your toast?"

"Yea." He laughed lightly, dried his eyes with his hoodie sleeves and walked back over to the plate.

Time skip:

I had put some random movie on which I recognised but didn't exactly remember. Tommy seemed interested enough and watched it intently as he shoved pieces of buttered toast into his mouth. 2 hours later, the movie was over and Tommy turned to me, "thank you for staying up, I'm sorry you had to in the first place."

"It's fine honestly, I'll catch some sleep when someone else gets up. Just wanted to have someone awake if you were. Didn't like the idea of an anxious kid being up through the early morning with no one to talk to, even if he couldn't talk for a bit." He turned his head back towards the tv. "Just messing with you mate, did you want to talk to me about anything?"

"Just anxious being away from home for 2 weeks. I don't know, it's probably stupid. Just sometimes everything gets too much, and I don't know how to talk about it. I mean the therapy helps with it, but being autistic makes therapy harder, cause it's all about talking and I'm not all that good at talking. And just, aaah!" He smiled at me with a goofy kind of smile, like he was kind of anxious about my reaction but also he felt like he had to smile. To be honest with you, I'm not all that good with social interaction myself.

"You're doing great mate. I promise, I wouldn't be nearly as organised or mature if this had happened to me at your age. And you know what I mean when I say, being autistic brings its own challenges for you."

"Yea, don't worry I understand."

"Do you want to try going back to sleep, or is there really no point?" He shook his head, almost a little embarrased. "That's fine. Kristen will probably be down soon, are you still alright to be with just her?" He nodded slowly, so I asked again. "Be honest, it's not rude to be honest."

"I like Kristen, she's fun and she gets it. But I don't know her well enough. I don't really talk to her on calls like I do with you and Techno and Will. And normally, the issue is that I'm worried how new people would react. But I know she's fine with it, and I feel safe with her. Like I do feel accepted and stuff, but I'm just not used to her?"

"That makes sense, so do you think you might get used to her?"

"Yea, especially cause I'm going to be around her. Like today, I mean yesterday, was good in the end. But I don't know Phil."

"It's perfectly okay mate, just don't even worry about it. We'll work it out," with that I yawned loudly.

"I'll be fine if you want to go to bed though?"

"I'm fine, now what do you want to do? I can pull up netflix?"

"Can I just listen to my music?"

"Go for it, and whilst you get your headphones, I'll go put my phone on charge." He nodded, disappearing upstairs quietly. I rested my phone in the kitchen, giving it a much needed charge.

I looked at the time, we were getting closer and closer to 6am, and I was slowly accepting the fact that I might be better just pulling an all nighter and getting myself some coffee.

Coffee in hand, I sat at our dining table, looking out to the garden; from where I was sat I could still see Tommy, who had spread his legs out across my sofa and closed his eyes. He wasn't asleep and I knew it, just giving his brain a break from the world. I didn't blame him.

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. So there might be 2 parts of this specific story left and then I'll wrap it up and move on to something else for you guys. I've currently got an american part, a george story, a wilbur story, a ranboo story, a tubbo story and another tommy story in the works, so lots of exciting stuff coming for you guys. As always requests are open and welcome, also please let me know what you think of my stories in the comments. Thanks for all the recent support, it's been really motivating. Thought I'd give you guys an early update too, cause you all deserve it for being so amazing. Hope you enjoyed and have a magical day.

Thank you,


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