Minecraft cooking (Dan's step niece?? and Dan)

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Dan's POV:

Now that I had my own kid, and most of the fans from my peak had moved on to the newer minecraft youtubers, namely those associated with the dream SMP; I was starting to reflect on what I had really done. The impacts of the things I had done, rather the things themselves. People say that in some way I raised or certainly help to raise a generation of kids. I don't know about that, but now I'm starting to understand just how many lives I changed.

I mean meeting Tommy and chatting with him, made me realise that I inspired people. I was someone that kids looked up to, someone they wanted to be like. It was a lot of responsibility and still is, but it's sweet. And from countless letters I've be given at meet and greets, and comments across my social media's, it looks liked I saved some lives, made others significantly better. It doesn't make sense in some ways: I'm just a guy who plays games, but maybe that's it. Maybe, these people I helped, they just wanted an escape, a guy who plays some games. Games they might have played, games they wish they could play. Life is tough sometimes, and I'm privileged to have been given the opportunities to get where I am. Life was tough for some of the people behind those letters, or comments, and I guess that me, playing a video game gave them some kind of hope that life could be that simple. That life was going to be alright Of course, playing games is a small part of my life, and that hope about it being simple, is false hope. But when you feel like giving up, I suppose you would take any hope you could get.

And I knew that I had autistic fans. The minecraft community is full of neurodivergent creators and fans alike, and I had met so many at meet and greets and conventions in the past. I even spent some time doing research, just to make sure I understand everything better. But nothing really explains it to you, like an autistic individual can. And I'm lucky enough to know one now, who can explain it really well. So well, in fact, she writes books about it. You see, Jemma's (my wife) sister remarried last year, and now has a step-daughter. And said step-daughter, called Bella, is autistic. When we  met up with them for the first time, Bella asked me if I could sign something for her, which confused me slightly, but I did. Adam, her dad, helped her explain everything. 

Bella's mum died of cancer when she was 6, and since that point she had basically shut herself off from the world. Before that point, she had limited verbal communication and would pretty much only communicate with her mum. Apparently, someone was talking about minecraft one day, at her school,  and from that point onwards she had played the game everyday, without fail. She had a hardcore survival world that had been going for 4 years, the one before, dying because she had to change devices and they couldn't get her account to work properly. And all she watched on YouTube, was minecraft videos. Specifically, I was one of the youtubers she watched. She was now 17, and still watched my minecraft videos; and like most kids, had gained interest in the dream smp. But as far as she and her dad were concerned, people like me, were the reason she would talk.

"I can talk. I can talk just fine. I've never had a problem with the physical movement of saying a word, just the anxiety of talking. I wasn't scared to talk to my mum, but I was scared to talk to anyone else, even Dad. But when I played minecraft or watched it on YouTube, I wasn't anxious. And when I wasn't anxious, I could talk. And the more I talked, the less anxious I got all the time, and therefore the more I talked. I got stuck in a positive cycle, something that's almost unheard of. But there's a lot of things I can't do. Ask me to play minecraft, and I would do it all day if I could. Ask me to cook pasta, and I'll burn myself loads and end up with nothing edible. Dad has tried teaching me, everyone has tried teaching me, but my brain doesn't work like that. My brain works for minecraft, but not for real life. I just wanted to say thank you, because you and people like you, helped minecraft to be enough of a part in my life, so that I can talk. And maybe in the future, minecraft will be enough of a part in my life, so that I can cook too." We kept on talking throughout the day, and I organised with them, that I would send a load of merch and other things to them due to her being such a big fan. But it shocked me how much I had really helped, and how much I could help.

I had a plan, and whether or not it was going to work, I was sceptical. But the least I could do was try. We met again, this time at a cafe, for some lunch. Jemma and her sister, Becky, were cooing over Asher, while Bella, Adam and I, talked. "So. I know you said you couldn't cook, but what if I helped with that?"

"Yea, that'd be great. But what exactly do you mean?" Adam spoke up, Bella wasn't talking a lot today. The cafe was loud, and she had a pair of ear defenders on.

"Well, I'm not sure how much food I could actually cook this way. But I've worked it out with jacket potatoes. Bella and I could cook them together, in a minecraft kind of way. It would be easy, and I could explain it just like we were playing minecraft. I would be there, so she wouldn't get hurt. And she trusts me, so I could deal with any problems we might have."

"Really? That's so kind of you Dan. Honestly, we can barely repay you for what you've done already. But yea, if you can. Even if it doesn't work, at least we would have tried it. Bels, what do you think?" She gave a thumbs up and a smile in return. We discussed the idea with Becky and Jemma.

Time skip to a couple weeks later or something:

"Right. I'll see you later Bella. If you have a question, or need something, ask Dan. Don't worry if you get stressed or overwhelmed, Dan knows what to do. Have fun, okay?"

"Bye, I'll have more fun when you go. Thanks Dad. Thank you Dan."

"You're welcome."

"Bye Bella." She had already stepped behind me into my house, as he said it, I gave a wave and shut the door.

"We can play minecraft or we can cook some potatoes. We've got time to do both, so what do you want to do first?"


"Great! We can log you in on my computer upstairs." I watched her smile wildly, and start to move her hand, before looking to the side of me with a worried expression. "You can stim." She smiled again and started to flap her hands. I always found it stupid when people didn't allow others to stim; it's like not letting someone cry when they're upset. When you meet fans, of which many are neurodivergent, you see a fair amount of stimming, and it becomes pretty normal for you.

After a couple hours of playing minecraft, we headed down to the kitchen, to make jacket potatoes for lunch. I got the potatoes out the fridge, and the chopping board from the cupboard, while Bella stood there, anxiously rocking backwards and forwards on her feet. "We are going to do it like minecraft. So what do you do to get a baked potato in minecraft? What's the first step?"

"Farm potatoes, but someone else has already farmed the potatoes for us. So then we put it in the furnace. The oven."

"Yep, and the oven has been on, so it's at the right temperature. And all we do is put our potatoes on a tray, and slide them in. Then watch them bake."

"Okay. I can do that. Where are the tray's?..."

I cut the potatoes, when they came out the oven, and put them on plates for all 3 of us, including Jemma. We didn't have plain, baked potatoes, I promise. There was butter, cheese and tuna. But you should have seen Adam's face, when he arrived to see Bella finishing off a baked potato, with cheese, that she had helped make. And yes, she may have only put them in the oven, and then put cheese on her's, but Adam said it was more than she had done before. Plus, this was just the start, the other week, we had Bella round for the hundredth time and made a cake. Unfortunately, we couldn't follow the minecraft recipe as closely, but explaining things using minecraft made sense to her, so why wouldn't we use it?

A/n Hey. Hope you enjoyed this one, with DanTDM. This is a mcyt oneshots book, not just a dream smp one. So expect some Stampy or iBallistic squid stuff in the future, especially if you guys liked this one. As you can tell, I mostly watch British creators, but time zones messes me up and I struggle to understand Americans socially? Mostly it's because American tone is very different to British tone, and tone is the thing I struggle with the most. But if you guys want it, which considering I have American readers, you probably will, I'm happy to do requests involving the American creators, as I do watch them, just less. Don't forget to go to the requests page, if you have an idea. Anyway, let me know if you guys would want, an autistic Tommy, playing minecraft with Dan, in the lucky block stream they did. I think it could be cool to see Dan interact, and realise that Tommy, off stream, was like fans he had met before? Comment what you think. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. Have an incredible day.

Thank you,


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