Today's not a good day pt.2 (Tommy and Freddie+Tubbo+Aimsey)

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Aimsey's POV:

I made sure to keep an eye out for Tommy as we got back to Tubbo's. I kind of understood where he was coming from on masking side of things, and we got on quite well. Even when he masked a little less around me, the not so loud Tommy. I felt something in me that was quite protective over my friends, and said feeling was only stronger when I knew one of them was having a bad day.

"When are we eating?" Tommy turned to Toby to ask.

"I don't know. That lot have already eaten, but me, you and Freddie haven't. Is pasta alright? Cause that's what my parents are making."

"I like pasta."

"Yea, pasta's good."

"Ok, well everything's pretty much set up for the stream. So we'll chill for a bit and just chat I guess." We all sat down, various chairs, the sofa, and started talking as a group. Tommy was sat in the corner of the sofa and had curled in on himself, avoiding the conversation. I caught his eyes and held a thumbs up, asking him if he was alright. He just nodded and sat up, suddenly seeming a lot better. Suddenly masking again. But even then, he was pretty low, pretty quiet and pretty not himself. 

He got up from his seat, going over to his backpack. And sat back down, this time next to me, wearing a sweatshirt. "Hey big man. How are you?"

He shrugged, resting his head on my shoulder and having to lean down quite a way to do so. I ruffled his hair a little with my hand, and Freddie came over to the two of us, trying to work out what was happening. "You alright Tom?"

"Tired, hungry."

"We'll eat in a second. Would you like me to get you some sugar in the mean time?"

"I'll got get a bag of tangfastics, that's sure to avoid you crashing." I got up quickly, the other 2 laughing slightly at the way I said what I had said. I sat back down and handed him the orange bag, "here you go big man."

He handed them to Freddie, managing to force out a thank you. Freddie opened them for him and handed him the open bag. Few at a time, Tommy chewed and swallowed, eventually having a bit more energy in him and starting to perk back up again. It was good to see. "I reckon I could pick you up Tommy." He looked at me with a surprised look, as if he didn't quite believe me. "Stand up and I bet I can pick you up!"

"I bet I can pick you up too," he stated proudly.

"Well that's not much to be proud of, look at the size of me." He laughed slightly and I hopped on him for a piggy back.

"Hand on a second, I'll take a picture." Freddie stood back and pulled his phone out. Tommy pulled one his usual funny faces and I smiled widely at the camera. Then I jumped off and managed to prove to him I could pick him up. He was shocked -pulled a stupid face from the camera- and then we laughed about it for a bit. He seemed a lot happier and a lot less overwhelmed, which was good, because we were just about to start streaming.

"Right I'll go through it all for you guys. Firstly, we are going to..." we all stood and listened as he talked about the activities for the stream. Some of us knew Tommy better than others, but all of us knew that the last thing Tommy liked was a lack of control and a lack of knowing. He liked to have routines and he liked to stick to them. Whilst it was good for all of us to know what we were going to be doing, it was important from Tommy. He seemed fine, but I could just tell from how loud he was being, he wasn't doing great. The more Tom seemed to be loud, and ever so slightly annoying, the more he was masking and therefore, the more things happening in his head that he was having to mask.

Tommy's POV:

We started the stream with some chatting, which was really nice. It gave me a chance to relax and get into it before we went outside to do apple bobbing, which of course, I lost. Eating the pasta and drinking Tubbo's water made me feel a little better, but it was never going to be a magic cure. I was just full chaos, trying to be as 'big man tommyinnit' as possible so no one would know what was up. Knowing that I was going to have to mask, but also still be funny and stupid. I decided to be stupid, being stupid was funny, and so I was killing 2 birds with 1 stone. The plan was simple, but I was never going to be in the right mind to execute properly that day. So I just tried my best.

But my clothes. My stupid clothes. And I lost the apple bobbing so Ranboo sprayed me with the hose. I was soaking wet, and my clothes were sticking to me and I had to borrow Ranboo's jeans, and they were a bad texture. Everything was going wrong, but I just had to keep going, I couldn't ruin the stream for everyone else and chat. I couldn't do that. I would just have to play to the awkward and stuttered speech, make them bits. I would just have to be super chaotic and all over the place to hide the fact my brain was completely shutting down. The last thing I could do was sit quietly and pretend like the world around me didn't exist.

We got the stuff out to carve the pumpkins, something I had never done before. The smell: horrible. The texture: horrible. My brain: exploding. And that's when Wilbur called, and luckily I avoided ruining the stream by having a sensory overload right there in the middle of it. 

To be perfectly honest with you, I don't remember a lot of what happened next. I was sort of in a shut down, but not really. I made some stupid bit up, got all muddy and then zoned out and stuff. I don't know, I just wanted the whole thing to be over. 

Eventually, I pulled myself out of it again and started masking, knowing the content was more important in this situation. Tubbo told me I was acting a bit arrogant, which I pretended was nothing, but made me super self conscious. That was not the way I was trying to mask, I was just trying to be big man Tommyinnit. I laughed at and made some stupid jokes and just tried to get on with it. That was all I could do, get on with it, wait for it to be over.

Freddie's POV:

Tom had picked up masking again after his 'bit', but it was obvious he wasn't having a great time of it.

At one point, I completely panicked. I wasn't truly focussed on the conversation Bill, Tom and Ranboo were having, just making the odd comments. But as I 'comforted' Tom about the Queen, he started whacking his head on the table. Instantly, I tried to stop him before moving onto stopping him hurting himself as much rather than the action. I was desperately remembering the stuff I had learnt from secondary school on how to help. It was a few seconds after my panic subsided that I remembered it was a bit and that Tom wasn't actually upset. From then onwards, the stream seemed to run pretty smoothly.

Little time skip:

The stream ended and Tubbo started to turn off all the cameras. Tommy got up from his chair and sat down on the sofa immediately. He pulled the hood of his hoodie up and curled in on himself. Everyone seemed to carry on around him as I walked over.

"You alright?" He didn't say anything, or even look my direction, he just started crying and shoved hands holding handfuls of hoodie sleeve into his eyes. Crying loudly and causing everyone in the room a great amount of concern.

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading, got one more part of this story to go and whilst this part was a little rushed because the stream was quite long and I cant write that much, I hope you still like it. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day!

Thank you,


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