It was supposed to be fun (Tommy and Tubbo+Freddy)

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The request for this chapter was: Hi I have a idea Can you do one that tommy goes to a party thinking he can handle it but the flashing light, music and people talking get too much he has a sensory overload

Tommy's POV:

Jack was having a party at his new place and despite having moved in not that long ago and still apparently, 'not having anything unpacked' had invited everyone round. Freddie and I had been invited, and then I found out Tubbo had been too. So we organised it so Freddie and I would travel down to Tubbo's and stay with him on the weekend of the party and then go back home afterwards. It was better than getting a hotel and a lot more fun.

I packed the bare necessities, chucking in a spare pair of jeans at the last minute at my mum's request. I was a teenage boy, and also a streamer, so I had made sure I had my phone, and on the train down Freddie and I both sort of just sat on them. I mean we did talk, but it was too early for socialising and I couldn't be bothered.

When we got to Tubbo's we talked with his parents for like half an hour. You know, all that small talk that's a little awkward but you always do it anyway. We then went into the garden room and just hung out for a few hours; it felt like ages since I had just hung out with Tubbo properly. I had just been so busy with all the New York stuff, and him with TubNet, but it was nice to get to see him. We didn't take a break from streaming though and decided that the best thing to do that evening was to do a mario kart stream instead and order some pizza. It wasn't the best idea to do such a long stream (hey, 3 hours is a long time for me to put on the Tommyinnit persona) and then stay up until the early hours, and when I woke up on the Saturday with half my fringe stuck to my face and a headache: I really regretted it.

"Morning?" Tubbo said, eating a bowl of cereal whilst stood in the doorway between the kitchen and the lounge. I was still sprawled out on the sofa.

"Morning." I groaned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and sitting up. "You got any paracetamol?"

"Sure. What do you need it for?"

"Fancied doing some drugs didn't I?" I said, keeping a straight face for only a few seconds before bursting out into my wheezy laughter. "Jus' got a headache."

"Oh okay, I'll go get it."

Whilst Tubbo went to fetch me my drugs, I woke up properly and walked into the kitchen. I took the slither of milk still left in the carton in the fridge and poured it over my bowl of coco pops. Desperately hungry, I began eating them but after half a mouthful my brain stepped in and stopped me. I was not a fan of dry food, and the cereal was crunching so much in my mouth that it was making me feel ill.

It was probably quite the sight for Tubbo to see: an 18-year-old boy stood in the middle of his kitchen with a disgusted look on his face and he hovered his half-full mouth over a bowl. "You alright bossman?"

"Mhm." I said quietly, sitting down with the cereal and poking at it with the spoon. (It was the wrong size spoon too, but I wasn't going to say anything.)

"The paracetamol is here, do you need a glass of water?"

"Yes, thanks." I held my pills in my flat palm whilst waiting for the drink. For some reason, I thought that if I held them properly they would break or just melt there in my fingers. Irrational fear I know, but that's sort of what my brain is like on a constant basis. Tubbo came in with the water, and I took the paracetamol and went back to prodding the dry cereal with the wrong sized spoon.

"Do you not want some more milk with that Tom?" Tubbo asked, looking at me with a soft smile that encouraged me to nod when I would have normally claimed that everything was fine and forced myself to eat it all anyway. "Okay, I'll just get it from my family's fridge." I nodded again. Why couldn't I just be normal? Why did I have to make everyone else's lives so difficult? And where was Freddy?

Tubbo's POV:

I carried the half full bottle of milk back through to the lounge where Tommy was sat, completely zoned out, with the still untouched bowl of cereal in his hands. I knew he didn't like dry foods; I didn't understand why I didn't just plan for these kinds of things. It doesn't make much of a difference to me, but it makes all the difference to Tommy.

"Thanks," he mumbled, pouring a copious amount of milk before handing it back.

"No problem."

"Where's Freddy?" He said a little louder so I could hear him from the kitchen as I put the milk back into my fridge.

"Went for a morning run, you know what he's like."

"Yea, the guy does a stupid amount of things that shouldn't be fun."

"That didn't make too much sense, you feeling alright?"

"Yea, yea, I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed."

"Anything else?"

"You and Freddy are going to look out for me at the party tonight, right?"

"Of course."

"Thanks, it's just, I don't know."

"What? It's alright, you can say what you like."

"Well, when I was in America, practically no one knew I'm autistic. It's only really the minecraft lot that know, and they are all sort of sworn to secrecy. So, when I went to parties, it felt like I couldn't get overwhelmed. The social awkwardness is part of my character, so I can sort of play to it. But I got a few dirty looks for stuff and it didn't feel too great. Plus, there was no quiet space that there is when I go to parties here, so I struggled to reset myself."

"You're allowed to be you." I said as nonchalantly as I could. "The world just doesn't quite understand that sometimes."

"I know. I know you know too."

"Yea, I do. Plus, if it helps, everyone at the party tonight is going to people you've already met, and I'm pretty sure all of them know right?"

"Only a few of them won't. Still a little anxious though."

"That's okay. I'm nervous about going too. I haven't decided whether I want to drink tonight yet." I said, a slight shiver going down my spine as I remembered the bush I ended up in the last time I got drunk.

"You're supposed to be looking out for me! You can't do that drunk!" He laughed.

"Eh, I'm sure Freddy will be sober."

"I'll be what?" Freddy asked, coming through the front door covered in sweat and with a smile on his face.

"Sober, so Tubbo can get absolutely smashed tonight at Jack's without having to worry about me."

"I don't worry about you anyway Tommy," I said in reply.

"It's not worry, neither of us worry. We just like to check in because that's what good friends do."

"Alright, alright, I didn't expect the lecture."

"You worried about the party tonight though?" Freddy asked, having missed the first part of the conversation.

"No, I think I can handle it. I just want to know that someone's got me, if something goes wrong you know? I can reset myself fine, but sometimes things to work out that well."

"Then yea, we got you don't we Toby?"

"Yep, we do!" I said, smiling. It made Tommy smile back, and that was an important enough reason to do it.

A/n Hey! Sorry, I forgot today was Friday, so this is late and unorganised and hectic. Anyway, hope you're doing well. It's okay not to be okay, I'm not okay at the moment, but I'm working through it. Thank you for sticking around while I do that.

And thank you Technoblade for being around for so many of us whilst we did that, and still being around in the form of your videos.

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