When the people whisper and stare pt.2 (Tommy and Kristen)

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Wilbur's POV:

Phil had said he was leaving the house at around 7 am, wanting to be a little early for Techno's 10:30 am arrival in the U.K. I woke up at around 6:30, needing some water and realised I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards. Getting up, getting dressed and getting myself ready, I caught Phil just before he was about to go downstairs.

We spoke in whisper, not wanting to wake Tommy up, Kristen was apparently in their bedroom, already awake and on her phone. "You alright mate?"

"Yea, can I come to the airport with you?"

"Sure, any reason?"

"Meh, I'm awake already and it'll be fun."

"Yea okay. I'm just going to tell Kristen you are coming with me, then I'll be straight down."

"Great. I'll be ready."

I tiptoed down the stairs, chucking on my shoes and my coat, and standing awkwardly in the hallway waiting for Phil. Grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen -which had been the real reason I had woken up in the first place- and then returning back to my original place and scrolling through my phone.

He came shuffling down the stairs, picked up his car keys from the kitchen worktop and opened the front door. I walked over to the car as he locked the door behind us. We were entirely silent until we pulled off the drive and got on our way.

"I was going to get maccie's for breakfast. That alright with you?"

"Yea no that's great."

"There's one about 15 minutes away, and then we'll start the real drive. Hope you've got some good music cause it's going to be a long one."

"Don't you worry Phil."

Time skip to the airport cause car journeys are boring enough anyway:

We pulled up to the airport, and I turned down the music I had been playing through the aux cord. Phil pulled out his phone and started messaging Techno, telling him we had arrived and where we were.

Eventually, the guy we were looking for came dwindling out the airport, smiling as he came over to the car. Phil and I got out. "Techno!"

"Phil! Wilbur!"

"Here I'll take that," Phil grabbed Techno's suitcase, leaving him with his backpack. "So how have you been mate? How was that flight?"

"No been alright, flight wasn't too bad. Got a headache though, screaming children, or babies or whatever."

"Gremlin children."

"Will!" Techno and I started laughing, him climbing in the front seat and me moving so graciously to the back. Phil passed me back the aux cord, and I proceeded to play songs we all knew the lyrics to so that we could sing at the top of our longs for majority of the nearly 3 hour trip back to Phil's.

Kristen's POV:

The house was relatively quiet for an hour or so. I got myself up and ready for the day, going downstairs to do some online shopping while I sat with a coffee. I heard movement upstairs and 10 minutes later, a fully-dressed (although quiet scruffily) Tommy came bundling down the stairs.

"Morning Tommy."

"Morning. Do you know where Will is, he's not upstairs."

"Will went with Phil to go get Techno."

"Oh ok." He sat opposite my seat at the dining table, swinging his legs whilst he sat on the chair and scrolled through his phone.

"Did you want some breakfast? We've got cereal in the cupboard."

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