Self isolating (Wilbur and Phil+Tommy+Russ)

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Wilbur's POV:

I loved doing the vlogs with Tommy, they were great. It was nice to get out the house, do something. And watching the end product always made me smile. But Covid still existed. It was still around, and that worried me. Especially when we often ended up meeting so many fans. Still, we tested and wore masks. Being the rule-stickler I was, I followed the guidelines and restrictions even when Tommy or anyone else in the vlogs chose not to. But it worried me a lot. It had all worried me since the beginning. It was all the uncertainty, all the changes in routine. And I couldn't handle any of it. Tommy's vlogs was a way for me to process that the world was returning to a more normal routine again. And that made me happy. But I still felt anxious all the time. Small little things I had to learn in the past, made me anxious. I had regressed in my skills, and as an adult that upset me deeply. One of my housemates had to do my shopping for me again, because I couldn't go to the shop without having a sensory overload or a meltdown. And we don't even mention online shopping anymore. They kept changing the items when they didn't have them, and that didn't end well. Streaming was becoming difficult again. And every morning, David (one of my housemates) and I, would have to use a visual schedule, to make a routine. Then it would be put on display in the kitchen so that everyone could follow it. I hadn't used visual schedules since I was first at school. But everything was just so difficult now.

The theme park vlog was fun. We did the rides in a specific order, which made it alright. And we took breaks between rides. Phil, Russ and Tommy were patient with me. And Russ made sure to explain everything to the lady from Alton towers. I didn't know it before, but that day we learnt that Alton towers had a sensory garden. It was cool that places like that were becoming more accessible, despite it being aimed more at kids. And we were tempted to go give it a look around, but we didn't, knowing that none of us wanted to be recognised whilst in it. While Phil and Tommy went on oblivion, I waited with Russ. I needed a break and put my noise cancelling headphones on, as Russ sat next to me on a bench we had found.

"You alright Will?" I nodded taking the headphones off one of my ears, but it was small and I was making a hole with the way I was staring at the floor. "You sure?"

"Just need a break."

"When they get off this ride, I'll ask them about finding somewhere quiet for half an hour or so. Do you want something to eat or drink?"

"I've got a water bottle in my bag, I'll just have some of that."

"Ok, here you go." Russ handed me my bag and I took out my fidget toy as well. I placed the water bottle next to me, and fiddled around with the toy. It was a different water bottle than the one I normally had, a disposable one instead. I was already a bit overwhelmed, so I just left it there and didn't drink from it. They got off the ride, and we found somewhere to sit.

"Why don't you take a drink?" I just shook my head. "Ok. Do you not want to, or is it that you can't?" Phil could tell I was overwhelmed, I wasn't masking as well as I had before the pandemic.


"Do you want to go home early? Tommy isn't going to mind."


"Hey Will, you alright?" Tommy came over from putting something in a bin, he was loud and excited. I just shook my head.

"He's overwhelmed. We should try and make the rest of this quick, then we can get back home quicker."

"Yea, sounds good. Let's go." I stood up with the rest of them; Phil put his hand on my shoulder as we started to walk, I shrugged it off.

"Will, are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine. I just don't want to be touched right now." I was angry and I hadn't meant to be. I paused, "sorry for shouting."

"It's fine, were you just angry or did you lose control a little?" I shrugged, I knew the answer. But if I told the truth, Phil would just say we were leaving and there wouldn't be much I could do to stop him. And I didn't want to lie. Tommy pulled out the camera and started screaming into it, I put a smile on my face and started laughing along with him.

Ride over, I got my phone from where we had left our bags, and on the lock screen was a missed call from David, and a text, "call me when you see this." "Umm, Phil? David says he needs me to call him."

"Ok, well I'm here if you need me, but I'm sure it's nothing bad." I took a few steps away from the other 3 as the phone started ringing. "Will? I've got some bad news. Is Phil there?" I hummed in response and walked over to Phil, he gave me a worried look. "Will, Charlie has got a positive lateral flow test. He's going to have a PCR test now, but he's got the 3 main symptoms. Woke up an hour or so ago, with them. You need to get back here, and self isolate with the rest of us, even if he doesn't end up having Covid. It's just the precautions, yeah?" Charlie was another one of our housemates, but I had tested negative. I couldn't have Covid because I had tested negative. I felt my phone be taken out my hands.

"... Will?" I shot my head to look at Phil who was looking at me worringly. "It's fine. It's fine. This is just how this works. Russ and Tommy are working this out with David. I'm just going to put my mask on, do you think you could put your's on?" I put mine on in an instant, not wanting to give it to any one of them. "When we get in Russ' car, we are all going to wear our masks okay? And don't worry, you tested negative, remember. This is just to be safe." Russ and Tommy came back over, standing a bit further back than they had before, and handing me my phone.

"Let's get going." Russ was walking to the exit as he said it. Phil and Tommy walked behind me, and I walked on my tiptoes through the masses of people. Picking at the skin around my nails to avoid having a meltdown in such a busy place, and walking quickly. We got to the car, by which point, I had tears in my eyes and a large lump in my throat.

I sat down in the back with Tommy; he was wearing his mask, but I think he was trying to give me a sympathic smile. I lost it when I went to do my belt. I  just couldn't do my belt. I couldn't get it to click and it ended up catapulting back, catching my fingers as it went. I just started crying, screaming, kicking Phil's chair in front of me, rocking and slapping my legs with my open palms. I had a meltdown.

A/n Hey. There's a part 2 to this, which is probably already out, so go read that. He doesn't know pt.3 is also coming out today. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it, despite it being quite angsty. Hope you have a lovely day.

Thank you,


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