Not enough pt.2 (Wilbur and David)

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Wilbur's POV:

I was watching the sand and my footprints in it as I danced around the beach. I liked walking on the small bit of sand that was open in the mornings. The tide was so high that sometimes there wasn't any sand. But the late afternoons and early evenings were my favourite times to visit the beach. The tide would be out but there would be big stretches of sand that were still wet and they were fun to walk across. I like wet sand, but I'm not a big fan of dry sand. Unless it is for crunching, but that's more of a joke inspired by a childhood of sensory seeking.

I was making a lot of noises, but I was on a beach and the only people near me where David, some seagulls and the occasional dog walker who mostly avoided me. They probably thought that I was clinically insane or mentally ill, David looked a little like my carer sat up on the bench. But I was enjoying myself. My music was loud and good and I was happy. Sure I had a lot of energy and was definitely still understimulated, but I was happy.

After a while, though I wasn't sure how long, I joined David on the bench. But even then I couldn't sit still, and continued to hum to my music as I rocked back and forth.

"You alright Will?"

"How are you David?"

"I'm alright thanks, how are you?"

"I'm alright thanks, how are you?"

"That's cheating man. You can't just get me to answer first so you can use my answer and not have to think."

I squinted as I looked over at him, "but I don't want to have to think. I just want to walk and listen to my music."

"I'm well aware, but you know what I meant, didn't you?"

"Okay, I'll answer properly. I'm still under stimulated and it's starting to hurt."

"What do you mean by starting to hurt, Will?"

"I don't know. Hard to explain. This is why I like copying your answers."

"That's alright. What do you want to do? Get some breakfast?"

"Can we go to that coffee place? I like their coffee machine!"

"Sure, come on then." He got up and started walking off, I looked at the beach once more and then followed. Running a little to catch up.

"David I have a question." I took my AirPods and put them back in my pocket with my phone.

"Ask me anything Will."

"What is it like to not be autistic?"

"I don't know. Just like you don't know what it's like to not be autistic, to compare it."


"I know how I live, but I don't know how I live is different to how you live. Get it?"

"Sort of. You don't know how to explain to me what it's like to be you, because you don't know what things are different?"

"Yea. So I know you see and hear things differently, but you always tell me that it's not like the movies make it seem, so I don't really know what it's like."

"I mean it's brighter and louder, but it isn't noticeable because it doesn't change. In movies it always changes, so you can see it."

"Yep." I continued talking and walking. "WILL!" I jumped, having been startled by him shouting. I turned around to see him stood nearly 50 metres behind me. I ran back towards him and shoved my hands into my pockets, confused and not very calm about whatever was going on. "You missed the turn mate, that's all. You alright?"

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