The skills of being social (Ranboo and Techno+Phil)

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Ranboo's POV:

"Are you alright mate? You've been really quiet today. Normally, you get all excited about writing lore with us." I was excited. I always got excited to write lore, but not as much as I normally would be, because I was writing it with them. Normally that was what made it so fun but I couldn't work out my socials skills that day, and it was making me anxious. Even more so when I realised that it was obvious enough for Phil to be worried.

"I'm fine thank you. How are you?" It wasn't a lie, well it was a lie. But most of the time, when people ask you if you are alright, they don't actually want to know the answer.

"Good thanks."

"Good. How about you Techno?" He was also in the call, but had been his normal, guarded, self.

"Could be worse, I could be dead."

"Oh, ummm." I was going to say that everyone could be dead, but I didn't think it was appropriate.

"I'm joking Ranboo."

"Yea, I knew. But thanks." I did know, I just didn't know how to respond.

"Anyway, so you were saying about the panic room?"

"Yea. I was thinking..." I continued talking, relaxing a little, having saved myself from having to be treated like a baby for the next hour. Phil didn't mean to, and to be honest, it was probably needed, but it still sucked.

Time skip to a bit later in their conversation:

"Stuff this. I'm just going to go round killing people and call every death cannon."

"Yea but then it would ruin the story. Neither Tommy or Tubbo, want to be ghosts yet. Tubbo has got Snowchester and Tommy has his hotel."

"I know that. I was just joking, sorry I should have made it more obvious."

"Oh, no I'm sorry. I should have picked up on it. Funny joke." The tension levels were so high, and I could see Phil, who was the only one of us with his camera on, trying work out what to do.

"Ranboo. It's fine if you're struggling with sarcasm today. But if you let us know, we can try and help with it."

"Thanks Phil. Yea, it's not great today. I can hear the change in tone, but my brain is just missing what it means. I'm quieter today because I don't want to say something wrong. If I can't get other people's tone right, I'm not going to be able to get mine right either. I'll say something in an angry tone without meaning to, and I don't want to do that to you guys."

"Do what? Make a mistake. Try and talk and not quite get it right."

"Well, yea. And I know Techno struggles with his social skills too sometimes, so I didn't want to do it to him, more specifically. No offence Phil."

"None taken. I already knew I was the boring one in this call."

"Boring. Maybe I should start using that word to describe neurotypicals."

"Already using it. If I can deal with being called a freak, they can deal with being called boring."


"And don't worry about me not understanding something. I don't understand things a lot, and quite often Phil has to ask me what I actually meant."

"Techno doesn't struggle with sarcasm, but he does struggle with tone. You 2 are probably going to be the best at understand each other?"

"What are you trying to say Phil?"

"I'm with Ranboo here; that sentence made about as much sense as a tomato being called a fruit."

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