When the people whisper and stare pt.5 (Tommy and SBI+Kristen)

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Tommy's POV:

When I woke up the next morning, it was to a knock at my bedroom door. "Yea?" I said sleepily.

"Morning Tom, we are going to go out for lunch in a bit, is that okay with you?" It was Will.

"Yea, I'll get up now. Am I allowed to get some breakfast before we go?"

"Why wouldn't you be allowed?"

"Oh uh I don't know, just worded it weirdly I guess." I tended to do it a lot; it wasn't exactly getting my words mixed up, more saying things with slightly the wrong meaning.

"Okay then. I'll see you down there in a few minutes." He was about to close the door, "oh did you want a shower?"

"Yes please."

"Come on then, I'll show you how it works." I followed Will out the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. After him showing me how the shower worked, I returned to my room, grabbed my clothes and wash bag, before getting myself fully ready for the day. The shower felt refreshing and whilst I was a little tired, and totally not at all embarrassed from the evening before, I was ready to get on with the day.

"Morning Tommy."

"Morning Kristen."

"Coffee, tea, orange juice?"

"Oh umm, orange juice please, Phil. And morning Techno."

"Morning Tommy, you have a nice sleep?"

"Yes thank you, how was your first night in the U.K.?"

"Well, it was alright. Not my best though."

"Nope that'll be tonight." Phil chuckled setting a cup of orange juice in front of me.

Confused I then asked, "why? What's happening tonight?"

"Will and I have decided to take Techno to a club."

"A club? Like a nightclub?!"

"Yea! We are going to force him to have the night of his life."

"Great, I cannot wait." Techno replied in his usual monotone voice.

I looked down at the ground nervously, working out that I was probably going to be home alone with Kristen again. Kristen and I always got on, she was funny and cool, but I couldn't help but feel a little part of my heart sink when I remembered how much older some of my friends were than me. Alcohol might have well as been a stab to the heart, but I was getting close to 18. And whilst I was incredibly aware of the fact that my friends would always kind of see me as a child, and never let me do all the stupid things I wanted to, but drinking was one thing Wilbur told me he would let us do together. Just not binge drinking. He always said it wasn't a good route to go down and I trust his judgement. Unless it's on mud.

"Next time Tommy, we will be taking you with us mate."

"Thanks Phil, would I be allowed to use your set up for something?"

"Sure mate, you going to stream?"

"Yea, I was thinking about it or you know, the playing minecraft with phliza's wife idea has been on the YouTube list for a while now."

"I'm up for that."

Phil just rested his head in his hands as he shook it, and the rest of us laughed at his dismay.

Time skip:

I had just finished putting my trainers on, tying the laces carefully so I was sure not to fall over. Picking up my backpack from the hallway floor, I joined Techno outside and waited for the others. Wilbur tried to pander to me but I simply told him I was fine and that I had everything I needed in my backpack.

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