Not enough (Wilbur and David)

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Wilbur's POV:

"DUM DUM DUM DE DA! DUM DUM DUM DE DEEEEEEEE!" I tapped my fingers on the kitchen worktop, humming and singing whatever came to mind as I waited for the kettle to boil. I wanted coffee, because it tastes nice, that's literally it.

"Will, mate it's not even 6 in the morning, not so loud. You'll wake up the neighbours, and we'll get them knocking on our door complaining." David walked into the kitchen and sat down at our dining table. I had already woken him up, being up early myself with too much energy.

"Sorry." I put my fingers in my ears as the kettle started whining and then made my coffee. Sitting down at the dining table, I scrolled through my phone and slurped my coffee. I was gently rocking back and forth without realising, and when I finally did realise, I changed to tapping my feet on the cold floor.

"Will, stop tapping please. Down stairs were complaining to me about it the other day." One of the curses of now living in a flat.

"Sorry David. I'll go for a walk in a bit."

"It's fine, I understand it, it just the neighbours don't. I'll come with you. That way you can play your music really loudly aswell. That alright?" I thought back to the time I nearly got run over because I went on autopilot and just didn't realise there was an actual world I was living in.

"Good thanks." I took another large sip of my coffee. The last sip. With a little (well quite a bit) of liquid still in the mug because I didn't like how grainy it got at that point, I put my mug in the sink.

I walked into my bedroom searching for my beanie because it was cold outside. But I couldn't find it and that frustrated me. In the end, I just zoned out staring out of my window. I do it a lot; there is always something to look at when you look out a window and my brain just starts thinking for no reason. It's hard to explain.

"Will?" I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Oh hey David, sorry I zoned out, and I can't fine my beanie."

"Your beanie is in the hallway. Come on."

I followed David out my room, "what?! How did my beanie get here?" He picked it up and handed it to me.

"I don't know why you are asking me, how am I supposed to know?"

"You're the normal one, you are supposed to know this stuff."

"Oh yes, of course. Sorry, the boring one that I am should know where the weird one put his beanie. You've got a whack logic Will."

"Yea? And maybe I like it that way."

"Right come on, at this rate we'll never leave this place."

"Okay, what shoes do I need? Do I need shoes that are allowed to get muddy?"

"Shoes that are allowed to get wet, not muddy this time. Unless you want to walk on the beach?"

"Yea, I want to walk on the beach, of course I want to walk on the beach."

"Then, muddy shoes I guess."

"Okay. Can I go put different socks on then? Because I don't like wearing these socks with these shoes?"

"Do you want those socks? The ones you know I'm talking about?"

"Yea, but I'll go get them."

"Already getting them Will," he shouted through the flat, "if you were getting them we'd be leaving the house this evening."

"Fine!" I paused, fiddling with the hem of my jumper, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout."

He walked back into the hallway and handed me my socks, "I know you didn't. Now come on, you need to get out of here for a bit."

"Thanks. Just not enough for my brain today."

Almost falling over several times, I finally managed to get my socks and shoes on. I had to do my laces several times because I kept messing them up but I readjusted my beanie as I stood up and looked at David, trying to show we could go, with my body language. He pointed at our coat rack but I just looked at him confused; he did a lot of things of trying to show me something, but I never understood what he was trying to show me. "Your coat."

"Don't need it, I'll be fine. I've got my beanie and I don't get cold easily."



He picked my coat off the rack and handed it to me. I didn't take it. "We can't go unless you take your coat. I'm not calling an ambulance and dealing with you going to hospital when you get hypothermia."

"But you won't need to do any of that, because I won't get hypothermia. Now, come on!"

"Will.  Can you please just put your coat on? I don't want to have an argument with you about it,  I just want to go on this walk. I know how understimulated you probably are right now, so just out your coat on and we can get going."

"But I don't need my coat. I'm already wearing a jumper and I'm wearing my beanie. What if I bring it with me, but just carry it?"

"Yes, that's fine. Now, let's go." I took my coat from David and jumped out our front door.

"Yes! Doooooooo, beee da doooo doooo."

"Will, just wait a minute for us to get out the flats for the singing yea?"

"Yes sorry."

"Don't apologise."

I continued jumping as we went down the sets of stairs. Stimming further, with my hands as I went. David opened up the front door and we set off walking down towards the beach. The sun was still barely coming up, and the chill of the air made me put on my coat.

"I told you you'd need it."

"I admit defeat on that one. But can you walk faster, I want to go in the sea!"

"Draw the line there. You've got no change of clothes. Not a great idea man."

"Alright David, way to spoil my good mood. I would be fine, but I'll listen to you for once."

"Oh, you've decided to listen now have you? Well that's new. Anyway, you want to put your music on?"

"Music, woooooooooo!"

"Go for it, just a little quieter with the woooo's Will."

"Wooooooooo." I said in a whispered tone. We both laughed.

David's POV:

Will walked around a step ahead of me at all times. It was good because I could walk at my normal pace but still keep an eye on him. He would stop and zone out, looking at flowers and advertisements, and if I couldn't see him, I would miss that. He also relied on me to watch out for people, cars and anything in general. So I had to be watching. I didn't mind though, Will needed things like that to help him cope with the world.

The world was peaceful at that time in the morning. I mean, sure cars went past and people too, but mostly it was just quiet. So even with me being able to hear Will's music playing through his AirPods, I was quite happy just to walk and watch the world around me go by. Eventually I realised that Will was making a low humming noise as we walked, and was also drumming his fingers on his leg.

When we reached the beach I found a bench on the wall before the sand and we sat down. Well I sat down, Will went and walked around on the sand. Still listening to his music. It looked like he was looking at something important and very beautiful, and more than that, it looked like he was feeling something I might never be able to feel. He always tells me that being autistic isn't some special thing that makes him a genius or makes his way of seeing the world like a cinematic part of a movie, but wow, sometimes he just sees something and I know it must be cool.

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. Thank you also for 9000 reads and all the recent support! Hello to readers in Portugal and if you have any requests be sure to comment them! Any ideas for something anyone would like me to do when I hit 10,000 reads, again comment and let me know. Possibly a part 2 for this one coming soon, I'll see if I have any ideas for it. Hope you enjoyed this story and have the most wonderful day possible.

Thank you,


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