America: water park

570 19 16

Phil's POV:

I woke up and went downstairs pretty quickly, still in my pajamas. We were leaving early that day to go to the water park, and I wanted to make sure everything was ready. We may have been a house full of adults, but we were unorganised adults. Techno was laying on the sofa, snoring his head off. I laughed at him, trying my best not to wake him up and got started on some snacks. We would be able to get food while we were there, but sometimes it was just nicer to have your own stuff. I chucked a few packets of crisps, some biscuits and an entire plastic tub of carrot sticks before placing 6 water bottles in the fridge. Cold water was a necessity in America, as we had all found out.

I then returned back upstairs, getting myself ready for the day. Wearing my swimming trunks and a t shirt, chucking a hoodie in my bag, along with my towel. And soon it was time to wake everyone else up; I started with Techno.

"Techno wake up mate."


"We are leaving soon, you need to go back to your hotel mate."

"In a minute."

"I'll wake you up when I come back downstairs."

"Hm." Techno mumbled before turning back over and wrapping the blanket further round himself.

I tiptoed upstairs and knocked on Tommy's room first. "Morning mate. Time to get up."

"Morning Phil." Tommy practically whispered, hauling himself out of his bed and flattening his hair down.

I closed his door behind me and walked to Will's room.

Time skip because people waking up is not exciting:

"See you mate." I said as a Techno walked out the front door, catching an Uber to his hotel where we would pick him up from on our way to the water park.

"Right, has everyone got their swimming trunks, I swear if one of you forget."

"Keep your hair on old man, we've got them." Tommy said, holding up his swimming trunks whilst stood in his pajamas.

"Okay then. Eat some breakfast and get ready, I want to be leaving at 8:30."

"What time is it now?" Ranboo asked from the top of the stairs.

"8, so get moving everyone." I said, laughing as I cleaned up things from my breakfast. As I was completely ready, I sat myself down on the sofa and sat scrolling through Twitter. I texted Kristen quickly and caught up with her before Tommy came downstairs asking for my help.

"What's up mate?"

"Can I see pictures of the water park? I don't remember the name otherwise I would have just searched it up."

"Yea sure, I'll get them up for you." I said, as Tommy sat down beside me, now wearing his swimming trunks with a t shirt, like I was. "There you go." I handed him my phone.

"Thanks Phil." He smiled, studying each picture on the website I had brought up. "So they have a lot of slides then."

"Yea loads, which will be fun."

"Yea, I can't wait."

"Good. You got everything?"

"Yep, all in my bag, but they have like a quiet room or something right?"

"Yep, go to the next tab." He looked confused for a few seconds and then understood what I had meant and went back to the phone.

"Oh, well it looks nice."

"And we can take a break there around halfway through the day, even if you aren't having a sensory overload or anything, so that you aren't as tired if that would help?"

"Sounds good thanks Phil. I kind of want things to be okay today, you know, for once."

"I hope it will be, you deserve to have a bit of fun."

"Yea, anyway, talk later. I'm going to go annoy Tubbo and Ranboo now."

"Okay mate," I said barely containing my laughter and then turning the tv on. There was literally nothing to watched but I watched it until 8:30 anyway.

I jogged up the stairs and shouted through the hallway, "we are leaving in 5 minutes. If you are not in the car, you will not be coming with us."

Tommy came running down the stairs, backpack swinging behind him. And I moved back to the kitchen to place everything food related into my backpack and pass out a water bottle to every person as they left through the door. Each one said thank you before climbing into the car. And before long we were on our way to Techno's hotel, music blaring through the car speakers and everyone singing and dancing along. It was great fun.

And the fun didn't stop when Techno got in the car. In fact, the whole 40 minute drive from Techno's hotel to the water park was filled with the blaring music. There was Wilbur's music, a collection of Hamilton songs, love joy and of course Blitz, the number one song of the year. And by the time we got to the water park, everyone had a lot of energy (probably a little too much).

Once in the park, we found a picnic bench to sit at and all placed our stuff down. Some of us, Techno and Ranboo specifically, still weren't super comfortable just walking round not being faceless and in just a pair of shorts (which we all understood) so whilst they were going to be joining in with things throughout the day, they also weren't pressured to do much. Both had UV shirts with them (as did everyone in our group) and had all decided quite quickly, to wear them due to the temperature. There was a bit of a wind picking up and it had made everyone a little cold.

"Come on! Let's go!" Tommy whined, partly joking but also partly getting frustrated with having to wait so long.

"Come on then, let's just go in the pool first."

"Fine!" Tommy stated, running off with Tubbo. What Tommy hadn't quite realised yet was that the only 'normal' pool in the water park wasn't that normal, it was a wave pool...

At first, the waves were barely noticeable, the ones you might get when someone is splashing about stupidly, which was what Tommy was doing. Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur stood considerably closer to the end of the pool, laughing their heads off when people got smacked with waves. Meanwhile, I stayed in the shallow end with Ranboo and Techno. We were laughing when the other 3 got smacked with waves.

For the first few hours of our day, we stuck to the: wave pool, lazy river and the kids part of the park. Now when I say kids park, you'd think it would be fine and a bit boring. When in actuality, the massive bucket of water that dumped on top of us hurt far more than we all thought it would (Ranboo and Techno were glad to have sat out of that one). And the smaller plastic slides, that were a part of it, looked cute and easy, but even Wilbur who would claim that nothing scared him said that they were a bit faster than he had thought they were going to be.

We all agreed that we'd spend the afternoon doing all the bigger slides (giving ourselves enough time after lunch) and stopped for some lunch at 11 am. Most of us had a burger or hot dog with some chips. Tommy, stuck to a portion of chips and had some carrot sticks. He'd said he wasn't overwhelmed but just that sometimes having a lot of fun could be very tiering. I didn't quite understand it, so I asked Techno who confirmed and explained it to me in a way Tommy couldn't quite yet. Turns out anything can be exhausting as long as your brain struggles to process it. I kind of felt bad if I'm honest. It's probably not much fun to be made tired by being happy.

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. Sorry I can't reply to all your comments like I normally do, my account has been weird with notifications recently. Hopefully it will be fixed soon, because I love to interact with you all, but yea, just so you know. Let me know how your day was today, I'll read them all and reply if you give your answer just


(That way they are all in the same place, and I can see them all). Anyway, have a great rest of your day/ evening/ morning!

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