Lie (Tommy and Wilbur+Bee duo+Russ+Jack)

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The request for this chapter was: So in Tommy newest vlog there doing lie detector tests and maybe Jack doesn't think Tommy's autistic and asks him if he is and that might lead to a shut down or meltdown your choice

Tommy's POV:

Lie detector. New vlog. New idea. Well not a new idea, it was everywhere over youtube. But I liked it, and I thought it would work well with our group and it did. Right up until the very end, it was perfect. Then someone asked a question that I couldn't include, and a question I didn't want to answer.

"Anyone got any more questions?" I asked, looking at them all sat on the sofa. A chorus of no's and shaking heads came back, apart from one person.

"Yea actually, I've got one last question." Jack got up and stood next to me. I smiled and laugh, waiting for his question. And I really didn't expect what I heard next. "Are you actually autistic?"

"Jack, why on earth have you asked me that, you know I can't include it in the vlog." My anxiety increased massively and I suddenly felt very warm, sweating. Everything was very scary and the idea of looking at anyone's face, even Wilbur's for some help, petrified me.

"Just answer the question Tommy." My anxiety did nothing but get worse.

"Yes, Jack. I am autistic."

Thumbs down. "Ooooooohh" from the group. Wilbur got up out his seat and walked over to the guy doing the lie detector. He said something which I couldn't hear, in fact, I couldn't work out anything. Everything was just bad and horrible and I wanted to cry. My anxiety was screaming at me to leave.

I stood up and desperately tried to get all the equipment off me. Pulling at it and just waving my hands about.

"Hey Tommy, hey man. It's okay. Let me help." Ranboo came over and gently took the things off my chest and arms. "Take some deep breaths." I couldn't, I couldn't breath. Why couldn't I breath? No, no this couldn't be happening no. "Tommy, look at me, breathe in.... and out..." I couldn't do it, I just couldn't. Everything started spinning and being weird and I just started hitting my head, why couldn't it do it?

Ranboo's POV:

"Jack, leave the room for a few minutes will you?" Russ asked. Jack just smirked and walked out the door.

I turned my attention back to Tommy, he was hitting his head. "Wilbur, get over here."

"Hey Tommy, you're alright," he said as I managed to get the last of the equipment off him. The lie detector guy also left the room. Wilbur was gently holding Tommy's wrists, guiding them away from his head. "Sit down for a minute man, the chair is just behind you. Let's take some deep breaths." He lowered Tommy down into the chair he had been sitting in before, and crouched in front of him, still holding his wrists. As Tommy curled into a ball, Will relaxed his hands and they sprung into covering his ears. He still wasn't breathing properly.

Russ offered Wilbur a fidget toy and Wilbur passed it on to Tommy. I recognised it as one of the ones Tommy always had in his backpack. I sat back down on the couch next to Tubbo, he was on his phone. We shared sympathetic smiles and Wilbur and Russ tried to help Tommy. We both felt bad, but we also knew that there wasn't much we could do and our best idea would to be sit quietly and wait to be given any more instructions. I also got our my phone and just scrolled through things.

Wilbur's POV:

I knew he was having a panic attack, but I was also worried about it becoming a shut down. I knew how upset it would have all made him. I made sure the lie detector guy knew a quick explanation and then asked him to leave the room. More than anything, I was worried about Tommy, but I was still so angry with Jack. I tried to forget about it.

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