Who wants to visit the world in real life anyway? pt.3 (Wilbur and Phil+Kristen)

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Kristen's POV:

I could sense that Wilbur was getting more upset, like something very specific had set him off. As we stood making small talk with Lani -who was lovely- he kept turning towards me with this obvious fear festering in his eyes. I felt bad that I couldn't help, but it wasn't long until we were starting the stream.

The plan was to walk to the beach from where we were, and walk along the beach for a bit. Tommy only wanted to stream for an hour or so, then stating that we could all go and get lunch together. It was a holiday, so whilst Tommy didn't expect many people to be watching, there were probably still more viewers than I realised as I walked behind the excited kids. Will, had stuck back with me as Phil was doing bits with Tubbo and Tommy.

Quietly, so that it didn't come up on stream, I asked, "you okay Will?"

"Didn't know Lani was going to be here."

"That's ok, she's really nice and understanding, I promise."

"Mhm." He seemed just as scared despite me trying to comfort him.

"Take a nice deep breath." He copied me. "Now, do you want to mask, or shall we just go home?"

"I'll mask."

"You sure?"

"Yep." He popped the p, and gave me a smile (that I could tell was fake) as he walked towards the group.



"How are you crime boy?"

"Good, how are you gremlin child?"

"I think you mean, 'how are you big man', or king cause I'm a king too Wilbur."

"Nope, you're a gremlin child."

"What's Tubbo then?"

"Well, Tubbo, he is of course a king."

Tubbo did one of those little fist pump things into the air before saying, "thank you Wilbur. You are of course a king too." Things seemed to be going well.

Phil's POV:

Seeing the sudden switch in Will's demeanour, I assumed that he had started masking. Which meant I continued enjoying the stream and joining in on the bits, but also kept an eye out for him. He had told me how exhausting masking was and how it wasn't just like when you went into content mode for a stream. It wasn't an exaggerated version of yourself, it was in fact a completely different personality most of the time. I couldn't even work out how he did it.

Time skip:

We were about 50 minutes into the stream, and everyone was having a good time. My sides ached from laughing so much, and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. But in between Will laughing, he had started biting his lip again. Evidently, he was becoming more and more overwhelmed, but I didn't know whether to try and cut the stream short. Tommy had wanted to go for around an hour, but he didn't give an inkling of wanting to stop anytime soon.

I moved so that I was walking in front of Lani, who had been amazing throughout the entire stream. I would never have been able to carry all the equipment for that long, and still be able to add funny bits into the stream. Still, I pulled out my phone and sent Will a quick text, "you okay mate? Need a break?"

"Meltdown." I got sent back. Looking at him now, I could see how tense his shoulders were and how his glasses were working overtime to cover up his teary eyes. I just gave him a small nod before texting Tommy, "need you to end stream as soon as possible, make it natural."

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