All nighters (Tommy and SBI)

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The request for this chapter was- The suggestion is that maybe tommys autistic and he's been doing all nighters (That happens with me alot of the time) due to stress and anxiety for a test, and it leads to a meltdown with Wilber, Techno and Philza. And maybe it could lead to a shutdown?

Tommy's POV:

School had always been stressful for me, and I always thought college would be much easier. Especially when you are studying film and media and so almost the entire thing is course work. Of course, one week we had a test. My teacher told me it wasn't a big one, and more of a progress thing but that didn't stop me stressing about it. Of course, it also just managed to happen when I was editing a video for my main channel. I wanted to edit my own video for once because I felt like I was losing touch with everything a little and that scared me. So, being eternally busy, and not sleeping due to both workload and stress: it was never going to end well.

Time jump back to that week I guess?:

I looked at the time. 7:00. I had just finished eating my food, having gotten home at around 5:30, had a shower and then made my food. I needed to shower early otherwise I would fall into the trap of not doing it later. I put some music on and spent several hours organising my notes for the test. At 11:00 I got myself some more water, and then continued making some new notes and revising my old one until nearly 2:00 am. My hyper focus had been working hard that night, and when I packed it all away, doing my best to remember where it all was, I could feel myself relaxing a little. I was going to be fine. I was going to get tonnes of revision done, and finish my video. And everything was going to be alright.

It was 3:00 when I finally got into pajamas, got into bed and went to sleep. The early start at 7:00 hurt my brain, but I picked up a coffee on my way into college and tried to cruise through my day. Making incoherent notes that would haunt me later on. At lunch I just stuck closely to my friends and listened to their conversations. I would have added something but I couldn't work out anything to say, and I was too tired to mask.

That evening, I was late getting home because of traffic with the bus. That stressed me out enough, so after making some dinner and then not eating most of it, I started editing my video. It was a Wednesday so I put Phil's stream on in the background. It was calming me a little and I was debating whether to call him after stream so we could talk. I chose against it in the end. He would probably be too busy, and I had too much work to do.

I had chosen to work in the garage instead of my room; a sort of desperate attempt to keep things seperate for my brain. But I kept getting distracted. Scrolling though my phone before throwing it at my desk. Checking something on my laptop, and then quickly closing the tab. Everything was just all over the place, and every sound meant I couldn't think. It was 4:00 am and I was just putting the finishing touches to my video. A discord call appeared.


"Hallo? Tommy? What are you doing up? You should be asleep man."

"You're not my dad."

"No, I'm not, but you need to sleep."

"And I will do, but I'm just finishing my video."

"The video can wait, your sleep can't."

"My sleep can wait, I'll just get a coffee. I can't do this tomorrow because I need to be revising for a test. If you weren't talking to me, I could get it done quicker."

"You are just going to keep arguing with me aren't you?"


"Tommy, I'm talking to you."

"I know you are Techno, but I'm trying to edit this video so I can go to sleep."

"Okay man. Let me know if everything's alright when you wake up. Maybe we can call properly tomorrow?"

"No, I've got work to do tomorrow Techno."

"Well, if you find time, we'll talk."

"Yea, okay. Am I good to leave the call now and finish this?"

"Go ahead Tommy, sleep well."

"Thanks, night!"

I ended the call quickly, and dragged files about on my computer. After 10 more minutes I saved the file and shut my computer down. Going to bed, suddenly realising I hadn't showered and having to set an earlier alarm so I could do it in the morning. I creeped through my house and did my best to avoid waking my parents up. I hadn't even realised the time. I didn't change into my pajamas I just fell straight into my bed, and straight to sleep.

My 6:45 alarm came through. I pulled myself out of bed, had a shower and instead of eating, which I didn't feel well enough to do, I did some more revision. Trying to make sense of the incoherent notes I had made the day before. It was a nightmare. By the time I had got into college the only thing I had eaten was some haribo's and I had also drunk an energy drink. To be honest with you, I felt high on life and got through the first half of my day absolutely fine. I crashed at lunch but used some food to make me feel a little better, and whilst we were messing round with sound equipment in the last part on my day, I just got on with it.

I was tired, and the anxiety of the test being tomorrow and me not being where I needed to be for my revision, it was getting to me. Big time. My hands were shaking a little and all I could think  about was how I was going to get them to stop shaking in time for me to write out the last of my revision notes. Tests were important and I always want to do well in them.

I sat on my hands as I got the bus back. Curling myself away into a corner, hoping no one would recognise me. Scrolling through my phone, I saw messages from the SBI group chat. I had forgotten to talk to Techno in the morning. But feeling it might be better to wait until I got home, I left them all on read and ran home from the bus stop. I was worried I had let them all down, and now everything was getting to me.

Knocking on my front door, not wanting to get my key out my bag, I suddenly remembered both my parents would be out until late this evening. I think that's when I properly broke down and realised that this would only end in a meltdown. In between my stims, I managed to get my key out my bag and unlocked the door. Throwing my my bag off my shoulders, I dragged it upstairs to my room, myself straggling behind it. 

I opened my laptop that was sat on my desk in my bedroom, and called Techno, Wilbur and Phil. Putting my stupid webcam on aswell. I needed someone, anyone. And since my parents weren't here, I thought they would be the next best people. Sitting in my chair, coat still on, shoes still with my laces untied but holding on to my feet. I pulled my feet up to my chest and chewed on my headphone wire. Losing control second by second and desperately wanting everything to be alright. I pulled my hood up and started to cry.

The sound of someone joining the call filled my ears and I broke down into harder cries. Nothing was alright, everything was wrong. And I wasn't going to be able to do my revision for my test. I was going to fail my test, and disappoint everyone. But I had already disappointed Techno by not talking to him. It just wanted everything to stop.

"Tommy? Are you alright?"

"No." It was small, and hidden behind tears, but the shaking of my head helped its understanding.

"Well we can help okay? Take some deep breaths." Shaky breaths escaped my mouth. Maybe, as long as I was with them, I might be alright.

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. Thanks for all the recent votes and hello to any new readers. Pt 2 of this one coming out soon, and a new America part in the works. Let me know what you thought of this one so far. Hope you're enjoyed and have an outstanding day.

Thank you,


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