Moving house (Jack and Scott)

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The request for this chapter was: Hello! Could you do one where someone has to move houses and find it really hard due to change? For example, George moving to America or Ranboo moving to the UK. Thank you!

Jack's POV:

Finally, I was moving out. If streaming hadn't have worked out, I wouldn't have moved for university. I was going to stay living at home, and do apprenticeship work. Being autistic made things harder and change was the biggest of those things. So when I was first looking at moving to Brighton to be closer to everyone, I didn't ever really expect to be doing it. Not actually doing it. But then Scott mentioned he wanted to move. And there we were there looking at houses. Then deposits. And now I'm packing everything up from my house to move. From my home to my new house. The new house wasn't going to feel like home. And that scared me.

Scott and I weren't exactly close. We were good friends and had talked a lot more off stream than on stream. But to say I was completely comfortable unmasking around him was a lie. A complete lie. The idea of doing it, knowing I would have to do it at some point, petrified me. I talked to Wilbur about it, but he couldn't get rid of the things I was so scared off, and couldn't do much to help me stop thinking about it so much.

The day of me moving got closer and closer. I was sleeping less and less. Stressed more and more. It was horrible. But the night before I actually did move, I slept right through; so exhausted and mentally overwhelmed, my brain just seemed to shut off. When I wanted to feel okay, or just zone out, I would stand in front of my bedroom window and just stare out of it. Just watch everything happen, but not really process any of it. And whilst I did it a lot, my brain was constantly worried about where I was supposed to do it at the new house.

I spent the morning packing the rest of my boxes and things into my car, and had a final breakfast with my family. Dad cooked us a full English. And we talked about all the funny childhood memories, which nearly made me cry. My mum did cry when we said a proper goodbye, I'd be lying if I didn't mention the fact I was sobbing too. I wasn't terribly sad about leaving home, just really anxious about living somewhere else.

I dried up my tears, got into my car, and waved back to my family stood on our doorstep, their doorstep, as I drove off. Sending Scott a text to let him know I had started driving, and putting my phone on to play music. I drove for a little while until I found a practically abandoned park, and pulled into the car park. I turned off my car and sat sobbing there in my seat. I couldn't do this. I wasn't going to be able to handle this. Why did I ever agree to any of it?

My phone started ringing. It was Scott. Taking one massive deep breath, and making me sound as least upset as I could, I answered. "Hey Scott."

"Hey Jack. You said you'd started driving, I'm just checking if you think you are going to get here around 5."

"Ummm well it depends on traffic and how long I stop for lunch, but I should be there a bit before that yea."

"Okay good, and uh you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine. You?"

"Good thanks. I was just checking cause I know it's pretty big moving away from home for the first time."

"Scott, can I tell you something?"


"Well, you know I'm autistic."

"Of course, we've talked about it."

"It makes change really difficult and I don't think I'm ready for this." I let a few sniffs out but tried to keep my tears at bay.

"I think you are Jack. And aren't your parents coming down in a few days?"

"But it's not about missing them. It's about not doing the same things in the same ways in the same places."

"Well, I'll help out with it. We can call Wilbur and your parents and see if they have any ideas. But you've got this Jack! I believe in you."

"I just don't want things to change."

"I promise you that right now, whilst everything seems very big and scary, you will get through it. You can show me how everything is at your house and we can try to replicate at our house."


"Yes Jack?"

"How do I know everything is going to be okay?"

"Because you're you, Jack. You've faced 19 years of your life with a brain that very few other's accept, and here you are. You've faced who knows how many years of school where you felt different to every kid around you, and here you are. You've faced the last 2 years when there was a global pandemic, and here you are. I know that in the end everything will be okay, because that's how it always works. Things go up and down, but at the end of each little chapter, each little part, things are okay. This is the end of a little part of your life, and what happens next is the exciting part. You get to do new things Jack, and I know you find new things scary, but maybe you'll learn to love them. So, you ready for it?"

"I think."

"I'll see you in a few hours, and if you needed someone to talk to, you've got my number."


"You're welcome. See you soon." I started my car and turned the radio up. Things were changing, but I'd get through it. They were going to get harder and there were always going to be things I struggled with, but in the end, everything's fine.

Time skip:

I pulled up in front of my new house. Turned off my car and sighed. There wasn't any way I could drive back home now, this was it. Scott opened the front door and waved at me. I got out my car and walked up to him. He engulfed me in a hug, before putting his hands on my shoulders and looking at me.

"You alright?" I breathed in deeply, but my breath was shaky. "You're going to be alright, even if you aren't quite yet. I promise."

"Yea, just well, yea." I couldn't find the words no matter how much I searched around in my head for them. 

"Don't worry about talking, let's just go in and get a tea. I'll help you bring in your stuff from the car later." I nodded, walking in as Scott closed the door behind me. I still remembered the lay out in my head from the day we had viewed it, but actually seeing Scott's stuff in it was different. "How do you take your tea Jack?"

"One teaspoon of sugar and very milky, I called to the kitchen where I could see Scott getting mugs out of one of the cupboards. I walked over to the kitchen sink, starting out the large window, back out to the world. And instantly, I knew I was going to be spending a lot of time stood there. That was my place, that I could watch the world go by, just like my bedroom window back home.

"I'm going to be alright."

Scott turned to me, "yes you are."

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. Part 2 coming soon, because I'd like to give little examples of things I'd think would happen in this situation, maybe a meltdown over something not being how Jack did it back home. Also I didn't forget, you forget, this was ready to go but I was doing school work all day so other things on my mind. So, I hope you enjoyed and have a great day.

Thank you.

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