America: Disneyland pt.2

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Techno's POV:

"Tommy?" Wilbur moved his hand back and forth in front of Tommy's face. Nothing.

"You alright kid?" I gave Wilbur a concerned look, he gave me a similar one back. "Tommy? What's going on, can you look at me?"

Tommy seemed to snap his neck quickly and look towards me. I assumed he had been zoned out, the way he now looked at the both of us and quickly shuffled to be closer to me, as if he hadn't realised I was there. He rested his head on my neck and continued to fiddle with the fabric he was sat on. I moved my arm round him and gave him a small hug. He nestled into me and I ran my left hand gently through his hair. Tommy and I had got quite good at hugs and all that over the course of him being in America and whilst Wilbur was still definitely the designed hugger, I was now second in command. 

Wilbur came and joined us. Now Tommy wasn't sat in the corner, Wilbur sat down there. He stretched his legs out from it, so that they lay in front of Tommy's crossed ones, and were close to my also stretched out ones. Tommy leaned forward gently brushed over the top of his trouser leg, watching little bobbles on the fabric moved and go back to their original place. We both zoned out onto it, Tommy repeating his motion and me copying the motion in Tommy's hair without realising. 

I stopped zoning out to the sound of Wilbur's exhales as he chuckled, I just looked at him and smiled. Tommy and I had worked out how similar we really could be, and we both agreed it made us feel a little less alone to have each other.

"Tommy, I've got a question for you. Would you like to get some McDonalds for breakfast?" Wilbur asked as Tommy continued to flick at his trousers. Whilst it seemed Tommy had listened, there was no answer (verbal or not). "If you would like that, can you touch my hand?" Wilbur reached out a hand, face up, towards Tommy. He tentatively took a hand away from the fabric and touched a single one of Wilbur's fingers.

"Okay then big man. Let's go get you some breakfast." Wilbur stood up and held his hands out in front of Tommy. Pulling himself up using them, Tommy walked out of the corner with him. I picked up the bed sheets and comforter, placing them back down on Tommy's bed. They were trying to find a pair of socks and a hoodie for Tommy, it wasn't going very well.

"Tommy can you nod or shake your head please?" Tommy was miming something, trying his best to communicate. "Techno, a little help?"

"Yea, I'm here. Tommy would you like to use my phone to talk?" I took it out my pocket and held it my hands. He turned round and held on to my index finger (I was a little confused if I was honest, but I continued). With his other hand he tapped my phone. "I'll download a TTS app. Wilbur, do you know the name of the one on his iPad?"

"Literally text to speech I think, or something like that. Tommy, can you point at a hoodie you would like to wear while Techno sorts out his phone?" I let my arm follow Tommy's, he still held on to my finger, as he walked closer to Will. Tommy pointed at one of his normal hoodies and Will laid it out on Tommy's bed, then they moved onto socks. A task even more difficult than the hoodies.

"Hmmmmmmmmmm!" It was a loud, angry hum. It was Tommy trying to communicate about socks and getting more upset and frustrated by the minute. The app was taking ages to download.

"You don't have to put them on now, but I need you to pick a pair of socks Tommy." He let go of my index finger and sat down cross legged on the floor. Rocking and covering his ears with his hands, me were in  the exact same position as we were downstairs in the couch or a few minutes ago in the corner of the bedroom.

"Will, go get Phil, tell Ranboo or Tubbo to get Tommy's backpack out the car and to charge his headphones and iPad as much as they can."

"Are you going to get him some socks?"

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