America: Disneyland pt.8

452 15 13

TW- vomiting

Phil's POV (we are going back to when Tubbo went back with Phil to tell that side of the story):

I walked with Tubbo to the car, and he went to get in the back. "You can sit in the front mate. Not Techno or Will."

"Thanks Phil." He smiled weakly, he really wasn't feeling well.

"Right, first question before we get going. Do you think you are going to pass out?"

"No, I'm dizzy but not that dizzy."

"Do you think you might be sick?"

"Probably, have we got like a bag or something cause..." I watched him lurch forward and bring a hand up to his mouth. Quickly, I turned to the back seats and found a random plastic bag from where we had been shopping. I passed it to him in time for him to let his guts out into it. I rubbed a gentle hand on his back and told him everything would be fine. The poor kid was cvrying.

Eventually the vomiting let up, and Tubbo lay back in his seat. I passed him his water bottle, "small sips mate. You'll be alright. Should be home in an hour or so, traffic won't be as bad as this time of day. And no McDonald's detour this time." He didn't laugh, just stared straight in front of himself, spaced out.

"Stick your sunglasses back on mate, they'll help I promise." He pushed them in front his face and leant back again in his seat. The bag of sick was still on his lap, so as I stopped at a red light, I checked behind me for another bag. Carefully searching, I managed to find one. I then stopped at a garage, took the used bag from Tubbo and replaced it with the new one. He smiled faintly back at me. And we drove the rest of the way in silence. Yes, it took me a while to realise he had fallen asleep, but I wasn't planning on having a conversation with him anyway. He didn't need to have to talk to me.

I pulled into the drive way and gently shook Tubbo awake. "We're here mate. I suggest you have a quick shower and get some pajamas on."

"Yes thanks. And Phil?"

"What can I help with?"

"Can you get me a heat pack and a hot chocolate?"

"You feeling cold mate?"

"No. I just want to feel snuggly and warm. It'll help me go to sleep quicker."

"Oh ok. Yep, I'll do it the minute we get in."

"Now come on, leave the bag. I'll bring a bowl up to your room just in case."

"Thanks Phil."

"You're welcome mate."

I disappeared into the kitchen as Tubbo went upstairs. I checked my phone quickly in case the other's had texted about something, but from the lack of messages, I assumed everything was fine.

Carrying a bowl, a hot water bottle, some more water and a hot chocolate up for Tubbo, I did nearly fall down the stairs but it was fine. I put them in his room; he wasn't in there so I assumed he was still in the shower, or at least the bathroom. On the floor beside his bed, I lay down a towel from the cupboard, with the bowl on top, rested the heat pack on his bed, and placed the water and hot chocolate on his bedside table. I shut the curtains before turning of his light and leaving the room.

On my way down the stairs I knocked on the bathroom door quickly, "you alright mate?"

"Come in."

"You decent?"

"Yea, clothes are on."

"Okay." I opened the door which hadn't been locked to see him sat on to the floor, head between his knees. Crouching down beside him I said, "you alright? Get dizzy again?"

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