Oh that's Jess pt.2 (Tommy's little sister and Tommy)

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Jess' POV:

I liked Tubbo. He gave gentle hugs and he was like me. I had forgotten he was coming, but now he's here it's cool to meet him. I hid behind Tommy at first because I had met a lot of new people today, and I was really scared about meeting anymore. The new people from the morning weren't very nice and kept trying to get me to do things that they knew I couldn't do. Like tell them what a silly cat in a picture book was feeling. I don't know, because I don't know the cat. If I knew the cat, I would know what the cat's sad face was. How is anyone supposed to know how someone they've never met is feeling? They aren't. No one can do it, so why would I be able to. But Tubbo isn't like those people and so I like Tubbo.

Tubbo and Tommy had a long sleepover, and because it was a 'special occasion' as Mum put it, I was allowed to stay up late and watch the streams they did whilst Tubbo stayed over. Mum and Dad would always watch Tommy's streams with me; Dad would connect his laptop to the tv and we would watch it in our living room. Mum would be annoying and get me to go get things from different rooms right in the middle of his streams, I think it's because Tommy talks about things I'm not supposed to know about yet. If I'm not supposed to know them, then I think it's okay that I don't hear him talking about them. It doesn't really bother me. Mum says I already think about enough adult things and that I shouldn't have to think about any more. Mum understands how my brain works a lot, so does Tommy; Dad just gets too confused.

My favourite stream they did was the fire stream. Dad had it on in the living room, but Tommy was going to let me stand and watch outside, as long as I was behind the camera and didn't speak. Mum said no. And I guess that relates back to that thing about me hearing things I'm not supposed to hear. So I watched it in the living room like normal. It was funny, and I liked how Mum and Dad kept having to go out and tell them off for doing stupid things, like Tubbo putting his foot in the fire.

After a while, Mum went outside several times and tried to get them to end the stream because she wanted to watch her tv show. I was confused because mum had already watched the final which was on that night. They had put the whole series on the app, which was on Mum's I-pad. I showed it to her and she watched them all, including the final one. I didn't get why she had to watch it live. I like watching things lots and lots of times, like Tommy's minecraft videos, but I don't have to watch them at a specific time. Maybe Mum just does. I told Tommy about it, but he said not to worry, so I stopped worrying.

Time skip to the day of George's 'lore' stream:

Tommy's POV:

I was nervous for today. Tubbo, Jack, George and Niki were all coming round to mine for a bit to hang out. And I would feel bad if I asked Mum or Dad to take Jess out somewhere, because I didn't want her to feel like I was ashamed of her when I wasn't. I was just scared, scared that even though I didn't think any of them would react badly, someone still would. Of course Tubbo already knew, and loved her to bits, just like Freddie and Eryn; but I've know the 3 of them longer than I have the others. I was also nervous because Jess wasn't having a great day. She had completely shut herself off due to a sensory overload at breakfast, and was now doing laps around the garden with a pair of ear defenders on, and one of those chews that hangs on a necklace, in her mouth. I didn't want to make the day any harder for her by introducing her to a load of new people, but I didn't really see another option.

The door bell rung, and I watched Jess' head jolt a little in response to the noise which she could somehow still hear. Whilst I was sat in the garden, half watching Jess, half just taking a break, it was Dad who went and got the door. However, I realised that bringing the people to Jess wasn't a sensible decision, so jumped up from where I was sat and went to greet them inside. It was Niki and George, and so I took a very deep breath. Things would have been easier if Tubbo was one of the first to arrive, but life just didn't work like that. I offered them a drink and we ended up sat in my living room, talking about the most stupid things. Jack arrived not to late after, and Tubbo was only a minute or so after him. As he came through the door, he stopped walking and asked me a question. "Do they know who Jess is yet?"

"No. She's in the garden, we've been in the living room the whole time. I think I'm just going to leave it as long as possible."

"Your decision mate. Now come on, I want to meet Gogy!" I just laughed and let him past me. As long as Jess was alright, I didn't see a reason to possibly upset her.

After hanging out for a bit longer, we went up to my room to set up for this bit we were going to do for George's stream. Jack, Niki and Tubbo were sat on my bed and looking at stuff around my room, while I set up minecraft from George and changed some of the settings around. So invested, in what I was doing, it took Tubbo telling me to turn around to realise what had happened. Jess was stood there, staring at the floor and sobbing quietly. I immediately hugged her and picking her up, took her to Mum and Dad's room. Tubbo followed me, which wasn't a great idea but he just wanted to help. "Toby, go and get my parents and tell them Jess is having a meltdown."


I sat and hugged Jess, rocking us both back and forth a little, and letting her squeeze my hands as a replacement for hitting her chest. My mum came and sat beside us, consoling Jess as best she could, despite not knowing why she was upset. After explaining the situation to my friends who still sat shocked in my bedroom, Dad came and stood in the doorway. "I'm so sorry Tommo, I thought you lot were still in the living room; she asked if she could play minecraft and I suggested she played it on your PC. I was using my phone and Mum's was charging, otherwise I would have got her to play it on one of them."

"It's fine Dad, honestly. Once she's calmed down enough to let me go: I'll go do the stream with them and then we'll get the pizza. They'll probably understand it."

"Yea, they said it was fine and that they didn't mean to upset her. Look, Tom, I was more worried about you. I know you love her to pieces but this is the first time you've had a group of friends over that didn't already know, you seemed really nervous before."

"I was, but I'm fine now, and Jess is almost calmed down, so I'm even better."

"Good." I noticed my mum smiling at me.

"What is it?"

"You're an amazing big brother Tom, you know how much she loves you. Not many kids would put their younger sibling before their friends. Your dad and I are so proud of you."

"Thanks, but I think this is what big brothers are supposed to do. I'm just amazing because I have such an amazing little sister." I heard her giggle, and it made me smile more than anything. That giggle also meant she was calming down. "Hey Jess, I've got a question for you. Would you like to be on George's stream?"

"George's stream."

"Great, you're going to love this. And don't worry about it, I've got a plan." I turned to my parents as I said it. "Mum, do you know where Jess' mask is?"

Time skip to the 'lore' stream:

"This is not the time!" We were all getting into the joke, but looking at each other to make sure everyone knew when to stop. We all went quiet.

Jess stepped through my bedroom door, wearing her mask, a pair of my sunglasses and one of my dad's old sun hats, "Gogy! It's rude to do lore at someone else's house!" I was so surprised she had managed to say it all clearly and without laughing, but now we were all almost in tears from our laughter. Crouching down, Jess climbed on my back, and wrapped her arms around me neck for stability. "Chat! What is up? Oh, who is the ranboo cosplayer on my back. Oh that's Jess, and she is the best little sister the world could ask for." George clicked the end stream button and we all continued our laughter. Jess ran out the room to go and talk to Mum and Dad about it, and I sat down on my bedroom floor. "Thanks guys. You have no clue what that means to her, my parents, me. Everyone has bad days but the fact that you've just made her's so much better, it means a lot. And thank you for being so understanding, some aren't."

"It's fine Tommy, but you should check Twitter." I did as George had told me. And there on the number one spot of the trending page: #ohthatsjess.

A/n Hey. No disrespect is meant to Tommy's parents in either parts of this story, I'm sure they are wonderful people. I do know both his parents names, thanks to Motherinnit's insightful channel which I find really interesting. But as to respect her wishes to keep the 2 worlds as separate as possible, I will not use them in this book. Let me know what you think of big brother Tommy. Hope you liked reading this and thank you for doing so if you did. Be sure to comment and vote if you would like to. I hope you have a great day.

Thank you,


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