Replacement parents (Techno and Phil)

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The request for this chapter was: techno (or someone else, idk) has autism but doesnt know/hasnt been diagnosed and all his life he's been taught to hide it or something. but what happens is, maybe during a meetup, techno gets overwhelmed and has a meltdown of some sorts and maybe phil (?) helps him since he knows how to help bc of smth. anyway kinda angsty but more just hurt/comfort

No disrespect to Techno's parents, or anyone. I hope this can give some people just a chance to feel at peace even for a moment, it did that for me in the end.

Phil's POV:

I was hyped to finally be meeting Techno in real life. He had agreed to come over to stay at mine, and Will, Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo were all staying too. Somehow we were managing to fit everyone in our house. We had borrowed a few camping beds from my mum, so they made a difference.

Wilbur's Ranboo and Tubbo all travelled up from Brighton on the train together and Tommy arrived a few hours later on his own train. Techno was the last to arrive that evening as his plane landed and he got a taxi over. Instantly, I could tell something was up.

Techno constantly complained about having to wear shoes everywhere. He felt like they were a chore and he didn't like it. We always put it down to his ADHD although I had a sneaky suspicion that he was autistic as well. Maybe it was that father-like instinct or the fact that Kristin used to work with autistic people and knows how to spot traits. To a trained eye, apparently it was pretty clear. Still that was Techno's thing to find out and Techno's thing to deal with. As much as we joke about the family dynamic, he's my friend, not my kid. Well, sort of.

"You can take your shoes off mate."

"Mhm." It was a frustrated sort of grunt.

"Or you can leave them on, whatever's easiest?" He ended up undoing the laces whilst squinting this eyes every couple seconds or so and then placing them neatly next to everyone else's. I placed a hand in his shoulder as we walked into the kitchen, "it's great to have you here." He shrugged my hand off and gave me an unsure look.

"Are you alright mate?" I asked, but before he could answer 4 excitable children ran into the room (including Will). A group hug was soon formed which I watched Techno's body physically cringe at. Then he was dragged into the dinning room where a game of monopoly was already being set up.

"I'm just going to get a drink," I heard him mutter as he strolled back to me in the kitchen. "Have you got any pain relief? I've got a headache."

"I'll give you it if you tell me what's going on."

"Nothing's going on." He said, straightening his posture even in standing position, but the supposed confidence booster was immediately destroyed by the fact he wouldn't look further than the floor.

"I'll tell the rest of them you're feeling jet lagged." Kristin said, moving from her spot in the kitchen to the dining room.

"You and I are going upstairs. Come on mate." I grabbed the paracetamol and glass of water. Techno picked up his backpack (leaving his suitcase down there)and followed me upstairs to his room. After the pain relief, we sat on the bed together and talked.

"It's just all so overwhelming. Like my ADHD affects me so much more when everything around me changes. And I don't sleep, which just makes me feel worse. And then I'm rude to people without meaning to be, which makes me feel guilty, which makes me stressed about socialising and it just turns into a massive cycle. Normally, I'm able to sleep it off. But babies and airplanes don't mix."

"Well why don't you have a nap and see if you feel any better."

"No, I don't want to be an issue and-"

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