Exhausted (Tommy and Eret)

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The request for this part was: Thanks!

Maybe Tommy has a meltdown while at Erets, and Eret has to help him calm down and takes care of a exhausted Tommy afterI had a meltdown earlier and was exhausted after so maybe that happens with him?I hope you have a good day!

(A/n Hey. So I really liked this request but Eret lives in the US. In this story, Eret lives up near Phil and Tommy -pretty much in between the 2 of them-. I also changed it so that, Eret calls Phil to ask what to do and Phil comes and picks Tommy up, taking him back to his house. Then we get a bit of Mumza and Dadza content, before Phil takes Tommy back home in preparation for his parents coming back that Sunday. Hope that is okay max!

I'll be using all pronouns for Eret interchangeably because that is what I understand should be used. Please do correct me if it's wrong!)

Tommy's POV:

My parents were out the country for a week, visiting friends in France; it was a small trial run for me staying at home by myself. But I had organised to visit loads of my friends throughout the week, so I wouldn't feel lonely. I was super excited!

On the Monday, I went down to Brighton and visited friends round there. I stayed in a hotel and visited Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur and Niki. It was cool and I was a lot less tired than I thought I was going to be. I came back home from Brighton on the Thursday (there was a lot of people to visit okay!). I stayed at home on the Thursday evening and then on the Friday had a 'sleepover' with Freddie (one of my friends from school) that evening. It was cool to hang out with him because we hadn't had a chance to do it for a while.

We did a short stream that evening but stayed up until the early hours of the morning, talking. And that was a big mistake. On the Saturday, I had organised to go and stay with Eret. They were kind enough to let me stay at their house if I needed it, but I mentioned the anxiety that it would instill in me and she then said it was fine. I had booked a late train, so we were going to hang out from the minute I got there at about half 11 till about 7 in the evening.



"How you been big man?"

"Pretty tired but I'm alright thanks, what about you?"

"Been busy making some content, felt good to be productive I guess."

"Yea I mean..." we started our conversation and as we got in his car and went back to her house, we didn't stop talking. It was cool to catch up and just talk. But I was tired, and because Eret and I had not stayed in calls into the early hours of the morning or talked daily, I still masked around them. And I wasn't sure how long I could keep that up.

We pulled on to his drive and I got out the car, looking up at the house and swinging my backpack across my shoulder. It wasn't a huge house, but it looked nice. Old, traditional and with plants growing up one side. Inside, it was far more modern, but still homely. We sat in the lounge.

"I've booked the food for 1 so we could watch a movie or something before we go?"

"Have you seen Bo Burnham's Inside?"

"No, everyone keeps telling me I should watch it though. Is it any good?"

"It's incredible, I think we should watch that." Looking back on it now, that was so badly worded. I mean I knew my social skills weren't great at points, but that makes me wish I'd just stop talking. No wonder she gave me a weird look before saying it was fine and that he was looking forward to it. Man, why do I have to be so awkward?

I sang along to all the songs as we went, which was probably very annoying but I didn't realise. I may say I was masking but I was failing to even do that. As the special finished, I got my coat and shoes back on. I decided I probably wouldn't need my backpack so left it at the house. We walked to the pub where we were eating. It was more of a pub and a restaurant, but the pub part was loud. It was the holidays so kids were running round screaming and adults were drinking to try and forget the mistake of having kids. I laughed to myself, thinking, big man Tommy Innit will never have kids because he will have too many wives.

"What you laughing at?"

"Oh nothing, don't worry. Just remembered a funny video."

"Oh ok. Everything alright?"

"Sorry, Yea. I'm just really tired. Had a pretty busy week, but I stayed up really late last night. My own fault really."

"When's your train back?"

"7, I think."

"You can take a nap at mine if you need it, I've got a spare room."

"Umm, yea. Thanks." I looked down at my feet nervously. I didn't want to be rude, but also the idea of sleeping in house I had only just walked into today with a person that I knew but didn't KNOW, I just couldn't.

"No pressure to. I understand Tommy."

"Thanks Eret."

"Know, what did you want to drink?"

"I'll have a coke thanks."

"Why could I guess that?!"

"Cause big man Tommy Innit always has coke. Not the white one though, the drink one. Well if you mixed the white one with water then," she cut me off.

"Don't think it's the place for it man," he said, looking around at all the families. I just nodded. Feeling greatly embarrassed at again, not understanding something socially.

We ordered food and as we sat eating it, I could feel myself getting more and more overwhelmed. I wish I could have just bought another train ticket and found an excuse to get home earlier. I loved staying with Eret. They were so cool and understanding. But it was just not the right day. As there was a particularly loud shout from the pub part next door, I dropped my knife and fork into my plate and pushed my fingers in my ears. He gave me a concerned look and I quickly took them out again. Wincing at the loudness of the noise, and not being able to hide my discomfort.

They pointed at me and then did a thumbs up, asking if I was okay. Eventhough I had always masked around her, they seemed to understand the whole non-verbal communication side of things. I put my thumb down and started rocking ever so slightly. "You finished eating?" I nodded, looking at my plate that still had quite a bit of food on it. But I was too overwhelmed to eat it now, the thought of touching so many textures made me feel ill. And slowly my brain was hurting more and more.

"Okay, why don't you go stand outside. I'll pay and meet you out there." I nodded, picking up my jacket and walking out the door. It was a bit cold outside, the wind had picked up, but wearing my coat would have me feel even worse. I just stood there, rocking back and forth on my heels, trying to hold my coat in such a way that meant I didn't have to touch it too much.

She came out the door and ran over to me. "You alright kid?" I just burst out into tears. Everything was too much and I just lost control. I just wanted to be at home. "Can I give you a hug?" I attached myself to them and continued crying. He ran her hands up and down my back, trying their best to comfort me. After a bit they pulled me away form herself and kept their hands on my shoulders, I pushed against him, wanting the comfort from the hugs and more than anything not really knowing what was going on. "Listen to me Tommy. I'm going to help you calm down but we need to get back to mine. So we are going to walk together big man. Can you stop hugging me for a minute, hey why don't I call Phil?"

Through sobs I repeated, "Phil?"

"Yea, I'll call him now. So, can we get going?" I nodded and held on to her arm as we walked. They held my coat in their other arm along with the phone which was on a call with Phil. The loudspeaker allowed me to hear it all too, and every now and again Eret would look over at me just to check I was ok. I wasn't any calmer, but we were a lot closer to his house.

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading, hope it's alright. Pt.2 coming soon, so look out for that, might be this evening if I can finish it in time, if not it will be tomorrow. Mumza and Dadza content will be pumped into your veins! Anyway, hope you enjoyed and have a great day.

Thank you,


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