Lie pt.2 (Tommy and Wilbur+Bee duo+Russ+Jack)

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Forgot to say this in the last part, but no disrespect to Jack. I'm sure he would be lovely about the whole thing and very understanding. With that being said, enjoy!

Wilbur's POV:

I shut the door carefully behind me. "What the f—- was that for?"

"What Will? That kid has been attention seeking with that lie for months now."

"That kid, our friend has been honest with us about something which he has struggled with his entire life. Get your facts right Jack."

"Whatever Will. The machine said it was a lie anyway."

"No the machine said he was anxious about answering the question which you knew would happen if you asked that. You knew what you were doing Jack and if I was Tommy, I wouldn't give you a second chance. I suggest you leave him alone and go home early. Maybe we'll sort it out properly another time. Today isn't the day!"

"You guys have all fallen for it, even Russ!"

"No, we have all listened to him. You haven't."

"He is f-ing liar! A LIAR WILL!"

"No he isn't, but you are a bully." Russ opened the door and stood next to me.

"Come on Russ. Seriously!"

"Jack, you know how Tommy knows me. The whole work experience thing. I'll tell you now that I had 6 different documents sent to me regarding Tommy being autistic before he even step foot in my work. There is so much more going on in his head than what you see, so you can't just say he isn't autistic and expect people to believe you. People believe him when he says it because he's been professionally diagnosed. He's got evidence Jack, you don't."

"F—- this man, I'm going. I'll get my bag and leave." He barged through the door, so Russ and I went and stood by Tommy. Neither of us wanted Jack to do anything else to him.

"It's alright Tommy. I'm thinking we go and eat pizza, you like the sound of that." He nodded and looked behind me, he was watching Jack and seemed very anxious. I didn't blame him.

Jack walked past us and left, no hostility or anything. Almost suspicious.

"Right let's get going, find some food for us to eat." We got our stuff together and walked down to the front desk, letting them know we had finished with the room. It was about 5 minutes until we found a restaurant and walked there. Tommy had his music playing the entire time and stuck very close to Russ. The 2 were talking as we walked and I noticed how Tommy was both on his tip toes and staring intently at the floor. He kept messing with the straps of his backpack. He seemed upset but he was doing an amazing job of getting on with it.

"Yea, table for 5 please?"

"Ok, that's great, if you just follow me."

"Oh sorry, can I just ask if we can be sat in a quieter part of the restaurant?"

"Uh, yes, sorry, follow me back over here."

"Nice thinking Wilbur, don't want any other thing to upset him."

"It's fine, just need to get him home. If he isn't able to mask fully by the time we leave, I might go back on his train and just stay in a hotel near him for the night. I just want him to be safe and happy, I'm not sure that'll happen if someone's not with him."

"Yea, I mean ask him, but it sounds like a sensible idea. I know you said not to, but I might call his parents, just let them know. We were talking on the way here and it was obvious he was upset."

"Jack didn't have to do that to him."

"I honestly don't know what Jack was thinking, but he said it."

"What are you two talking about, aren't you going to sit down?"

"Yep, coming Tubbo." We gave each other a knowing look and sat down at our table. It was one of those ones with booth seats that went round the table almost the entire way apart from a gap to get through. Tommy was sat in one of the corners, feet on the chair, headphones still on, staring at something on his phone.

"Tommy, feet off the chair please." Russ was quick to pick him up on etiquette and manners, and as the most responsible out of all of us, he normally did that.

He didn't look up from his phone but allowed his feet to drop to the floor, still leaning back into the corner.

"Right, has everyone decided what they are going to have to drink?" The waitress stared at us impatiently.

We went round the table ordering our drinks, it was left to Tommy who still didn't look up from his phone and therefore didn't answer.

"He'll have a Coke Zero thank you," Tubbo smiled at the waitress, as he answered for his friend. Everyone at the table looked at each other, worried. We all were beginning to understand just how much Jack's comment had affected Tommy. Even if Tommy was upset or stressed, he would mask up until the very last minute before a meltdown if he had to. He wasn't himself and it worried all of us.

We started up a conversation, and the waitress came over with all our drinks. Once she had left, Ranboo pushed Tommy's drink closer into his view to try and show him it was there. Still, Tommy stared at his phone. Tubbo gently tapped his shoulder to try and get his attention, Tommy pushed his hand away and shuffled away from Tubbo. Shrugging his shoulder and brushing it.

"Hey Tommy. Can you say thank you to Tubbo and Ranboo please, they've got your drink for you?"

Thank you. 

"And then can you say sorry to Tubbo? He was only trying to tell you that your drink had arrived." It was obvious Tommy wasn't in a verbal mood, but I didn't remember learning the sign for sorry yet (knowing Tommy would use it to apologise for things he didn't need to apologise for). Tommy leant back over towards Tubbo and rested his head on his shoulder. "Is that your sorry Tommy? Because I think that's a great sorry." Tommy nodded, still staring at his phone screen.

The 4 of us carried on our conversation as normal, I mouthed at Tubbo, "what is he watching?"

"You." He mouthed back. I would later found out that the video Tommy had been watching for majority of our time in the restaurant was my minecraft but the water rises video with schlatt. But for that moment I just nodded and carried on talking.

We ordered pizzas, Tubbo again ordering for Tommy. But whilst we waited, Tommy got more upset:

Tommy took a massive breath in, like a gasp or something, he stared at his phone before turning it off and placing it on the table. Everyone looked at him confused as he rested his head back on Tubbo's shoulder before bringing his knees to his chest and fight back the tears falling from his face. Tubbo brought his arms around Tommy, and rested his chin on his head, any effort to let him know he was there for him.

"What's wrong Tommy?" Russ looked at me, as both of us tried to work out what on earth was happening. He just continued crying. 

"Can I look at your phone?" He nodded and clung to Tuboo for further comfort.

I picked it up and looked at the lock screen. There on the screen was a text notification from a contact named 'Jack (the annoying one)' reading: 

whatever stunt you pulled today was a lie too. The detector said so didn't it? And that won't lie will it, because it's not like you, it's not an f-ing liar! You don't fool me Tommy, got it?

Instantly my heart dropped; dropping further as I read each sentence. "Hey Tommy? Do you want to go outside for a minute and calm down?"

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. Thank you for 10k reads, I never imagined this would be so popular. Thank you for 1k comments and nearly 500 votes, you have no clue what it means to me. I hope you have enjoyed and continued to enjoy my stories. Knowing I may be giving comfort to someone who needs it really does continue to inspire me to write more. Never be afraid to reach out, ask questions or comment. I'm proud of all of you for just existing, I know it can be tough sometimes, but you got it! I believe in you. Requests are welcome. Hope you enjoyed this part (part 3 coming soon), and I hope you have an outstanding day.

Thank you,


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