America: Disneyland pt.3

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Phil's POV:

"Besides Tommy, doesn't anyone want anything from McDonald's?" Everyone said yes. "Can someone write it down then, or like do it on the notes app?"

"Yea, I'll do it. Tubbo what do you want..." Techno started taking everyone's orders. "Tommy what do you want?" He turned to Will and pointed back at me, trying to get Will to order for him. Will didn't know what Tommy wanted.

"Tommy, I don't think Wilbur knows what you want, let me get the iPad." Techno leant forward and unplugged it briefly to pass it back to the younger. Tommy took it and quickly typed pancakes and orange juice. Instead of us hearing the text to speech voice, we heard Will say it out loud. I wasn't sure why Tommy hadn't just pressed the button, but hey he was obviously really upset, so it wasn't something to start picking over. "Okay, Phil did you want anything?"

"Yea I'll get myself a coffee or something."

We pulled up to the drive through, ordered our food and then took it from the last window. I sipped on my coffee as I started the real drive to Disney. The car was at a moderate noise level, everyone was talking and I could Techno humming along to the radio.

Wilbur's POV:

Tommy was fine eating by himself, but he was stimming a lot and kept moving how he was sitting, so eating was much more of a challenge. In the end, to avoid orange juice getting all over the rental car, I held it for him and left him with the pancakes. And whilst he did get maple syrup all over himself, there wasn't anything on the car. A small success.

"Tubbo, can you get me a pack of wipes from Tommy's backpack?" Yes, those wipes were baby wipes. Not cause the child was a baby, but because they worked best. And they were cheap. He passed them over and I took one out and handed it to Tommy. He wiped his face and hands, smiling at me and resting against my shoulder again. He may have been really stressed and upset, but he was also exhausted and just wanted some comfort. He was a little sweet sometimes.

I passed the iPad back to Techno as I finally managed to get it from Tommy. What can I say, it's his only way of talking to us sometimes, who wouldn't hold onto it for dear life? He plugged it in and I then ran my hands gently through Tommy's hair. One hand doing that and the other scrolling through things on my phone. It was peaceful for a while, then we worked out why.

"Wilbur?" I turned round as Ranboo whispered to me; he pointed at Tommy.

"What?" I whispered back.

"He's asleep." I looked down at him and realised his eyes were closed and his breathing had evened out. No wonder he had stopped moving about as much. Techno turned round, saw a sleeping Tommy and smiled at me. We thought the same thing: if Tommy is asleep, he can't be upset. And no one wanted him upset. He was probably exhausted from the meltdown.

We had about 10 minutes until we got to Disney and we were sat in a practically silent car, everyone doing their own thing and trying not to wake Tommy. The thing that did wake up Tommy was the young person at the ticket booth for the car park. They talked loudly with a thick American accent and a whitened smile. All I could think was how it was the picture of America, but then Tommy realised where we were and I suddenly had bigger things to think about. He put one of his hands around the back of his neck and shoved the fingers of the other into his mouth. Tears were falling down face.

"It's alright man, we are going to sort it out." Techno turned round in his seat and tried to help. Ranboo was rubbing Tommy's back whilst I was getting stuff out the backpack with Tubbo. 

"Tommy, can you look at me? Hey, I promise you when we meet up with everyone in the park, we will sort out a plan okay? Everyone is going to understand." He shook his head and continued to cry, Techno turned around to quickly talk to Phil, while I passed Ranboo a chew and a wipe to try and replace those fingers in his mouth and clean them afterwards. He tried but Ranboo quickly gave me a shake of his head. Meanwhile, Tommy was only getting more and more upset, and even more frustrated about being unable to communicate and not being listened to.

He tapped Ranboo's shoulder, "what can I do to help Tommy?" Tommy tapped his ear with the hand not partially in his mouth. "Do you want different sound or no sound?" Tommy tapped Ranboo's  shoulder twice, second option. "Wilbur have you got his ear defenders?"

I got them out the bag and placed them over Tommy's ears. Almost instantly, Tommy relaxed from being up in his seat and looking around, to leaning up against Ranboo. He was a mess. A tear stained face, maple syrup still leaving residue on his face and hands, a bit of orange juice spilled down his t shirt, fingers in his mouth, hair sticking out in all directions and still not wearing anything on his feet. Whilst it may sound like I'm being mean, I actually felt quite bad for the kid. My days like these were tough, and I didn't have to go to Disneyland on my days like these.

He didn't stop crying, if anything, he cries became louder and louder. He was probably just so exhausted and stressed that he couldn't regulate any of his emotions. Techno was helping Phil find a place to park, and Ranboo was helping me try and calm Tommy down.

"Tommy can you look at me?" He looked at me for a second before staring straight down at the floor. In that brief second, I saw the little bit of mucus dripping out his nose, from where he had been crying so much. I saw the redness around his eyes where he had been crying for so long. I saw the bites marks on his fingers as he bit down on them to try and stop himself from crying. My heart sank for him. Ranboo ran a hand through his hair and started talking to him, I didn't interrupt, I just listened.

"Hey man. You know something I found out yesterday was about this new thing they want to put in minecraft. Would you like me to tell you about it?" Tommy nodded and nestled into Ranboo's shoulder; Ranboo smiled at me and gave me a little nod. I turned round to get things out of Tommy's backpack. Slowly, as Ranboo talked, Tommy fell quieter and quieter until whilst he was crying, there was no loud cries. "You're alright Tommy, hey look the car's stopped moving. We're here." Tommy sat up quickly and looked around, I watched him bite down on his fingers to try and calm himself.

"Do you want a chew?" I offered one to him and he took it, removing his fingers. "Here," I gestured at his fingers and held a wipe. Knowing very well that if I left it to Tommy, he wouldn't do it, I wiped his fingers carefully. At one point he pulled them back sharply and looked at them. "Can I see too?" He tentatively pushed his finger towards me. There was a bite-shaped mark, and it had drawn blood. Tommy looked at me with wide eyes and a nervous face. "It's alright. We'll get you a plaster, next time we can just use the chew yea?" He nodded.

"Phil have we got a first aid kit?"

"Should be one in my backpack, why? What's happened?"

"I'll talk to you about it later, just need a plaster that's all."

"Okay, Techno, just pass it back to him thanks mate."

"Big band aid or a small band aid Wilbur?"

"Uh, a big one thanks." I took it from him and carefully peeled off the back bit. "Here, Tommy." He straightened out his finger and held it patiently. I wrapped the plaster around it and patted the last bit down to make sure it stuck.

"Hey big man, do you want some water?" Tubbo popped his head over the back of our seats and held the water bottle out to Tommy. 

Tommy took it, nodding his head in an effort to try and say thank you without his iPad to help him communicate. He held his chew in his other hand, and put it back in his mouth as he passed his water bottle back to Tubbo. I mouthed thank you and Tubbo nodded back at me. We were all working together to help him. He looked intently at his plaster and then curled back up to Ranboo's side.

A/n Hey. Thank you so much for reading. More parts coming, this America part will be quite long but hey, I hope you all enjoy. Requests are welcome, I've got lots of ideas ready to be written, but I will never turn down an idea. Doing a lot of writing at the moment cause life has got a bit hard. That's ok, I'll be fine and you will be too! See you in the next part awesome people! Hope you enjoyed and have an far better day than I had.

Thank you,


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