Laser tag (Tubbo and Ranboo+Tommy+Phil)

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Tubbo's POV:

We were filming another one of Tommy's vlogs. This time it was laser tag, like with laser guns and everything. I was actually really excited. Tommy had been round at mine a lot over the last week, so he showed me pictures of it. Russ was away on holiday, so we had a different man, called Alan. That made me a little nervous because Russ was very good at understanding me, and I'm not very good with new people. But Ranboo, Tommy and Phil were going to be there, so I didn't think anything could go too wrong.

Ranboo and I travelled up to Nottingham on the train, the day before. I like trains, but that's mostly because I sleep on them. I don't actually spend a lot of my time on trains, being conscious. Which sounds really bad, but Ranboo stays awake the entire time, so he could wake me up if something did go wrong. When we got there, we dumped our stuff in our hotel room. And yes, we shared a room. It had 2 single beds in it. I get nervous when staying anywhere that isn't my house. We combatted that by Ranboo being there if I needed him. We went out for dinner with Phil and Tommy, which was alright, and then we went back to the hotel.

See, going to sleep was alright, but staying asleep wasn't. I woke up very quickly, very sweaty and very panicked. There was a strange sound. It sounded too much like footsteps walking down the corridor, and the first thing my brain thought was that someone was coming for me, for us. My brain had always worked like that. I just lay there, trying to be quiet, and eventually the footsteps stopped. But then I couldn't get to sleep, because I was worried about the footsteps coming back. So then Ranboo breathing started to worry me, and then Ranboo started sleep-talking again. And that scares me enough already, because he says some weird things. So then I was in the bed, trying to take some deep breaths and utterly failing.

"Ranboo?" I didn't get an answer. "Ranboo, please wake up." I got up out of my bed, and shook his shoulder.

"Ah! Oh, my god, Tubbo? What's happened?" I jumped back when he woke up, and tripped backwards over the end of my bed. Now on the floor, curled up in a ball, and trying to cry quietly, I was even worse than I was when I was hearing the footsteps. And I couldn't even work out what was going on anymore.

Ranboo's POV:

Great! Just great! Tubbo was on the floor freaking out, and I was the cause. I crouched down beside him and tried to get him to talk to me so I could help. "Tubbo, it's okay. I'm sorry for making you scared. Can you tell me what's up?" He was crying, and so, whilst not sure whether I should, I offered him a hug. He basically through himself at me, and that's when I knew he was panicked instead of overwhelmed. "It's alright. It's fine." Tubbo was easy to pick up, and us two sitting on the floor, wasn't the best place to be sat. He started panicking more when I picked him up, but the minute I set him down on my bed, he chilled out a little.

"Tubbo. It's alright, you're fine. Take some deep breaths." I took some deep breaths myself, and eventually, he followed. "Do you want to tell me what's up?"

"Footsteps, and you breathing. Then you talk."

"Do you want to say that again?"

"There was footsteps outside. And then you were breathing, and then you started sleep talking again."

"Ok, well I'm sure the footsteps were just someone walking back to their room. And I'm sorry about me. Are you okay to go back to sleep?" He shook his head. "Do you want another hug?" He nodded. "Okay, come here then." I sat down next to me, and he shoved his head into my shoulder, which did hurt, but I pretended it didn't.

After a couple minutes, "right. Are you alright to go to sleep now?"


"You'll try. Great, get in your bed then." He climbed in and turned away from me. I then lay awake for majority of the rest of the night, just in case he woke up again. He stirred at one point, but fell asleep pretty quickly after. It was a good thing I had slept well the night before.

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