Chapter 4.

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"Why?", "Why am I still thinking about her ever since that night?" Amity said while she was as red a tomato. "I really wish to see her soon" Amity said. And she doesn't even know a thing about what might happen next to both Luz and herself.

Today was a good day in the castle. Amity Blight, the last born of the Blights along with her older brother and sister, Edric and Emira, who would tease her almost every day which she would be annoyed.

This royal girl had a diary of her own. She wished to be free, not having rules and regulation to follow. She would write about the things that happened to her in the castle, and she even wrote about how she saw Luz that faithful night.

"Good morning Father, Good morning mother" Amity said with a face that had no emotions. Of course, Amity loved her parents really much but she wished for them to understand what Amity wants to do. If they could even hear a single thing from her, they would fully disagree and go as far as putting books in her room and locking her there to read them until she's done.

"Ah yes, Amity dear. Good morning. We will soon start breakfast so get ready" Amity father said; Alador Blight. Amity had nodded and walked away but as she was walking upstairs to get ready, she heard her mother's voice; Odalia Blight. "And darling, when we are done with breakfast, I will need to talk to you. Alone" Odalia said.

"Yes mother, of course". Amity said while she felt a trickle of sweat on her neck. See, it had been a first time in a very long time that she had been called by her mother like that. She can't even imagine what her mother is about to say to her. Whether is to compliment her, yell at her, tell her great news or such.

Luz Noceda's part.
Today looked like a good day. It had been, over a week since she had stayed in the Boiling Isles? All she needed was to get ready for today and to come downstairs to eat breakfast before Eda would start yelling her name, which Luz disliked really much.

She had worn her usual beanie, a black shirt and ripped jeans, nothing special. She went downstairs and ate her breakfast and talked to Eda about the plan and if they were any updates so that they can get the information as soon as possible. Luz's life in the Boiling Isles wasn't really special. She even liked it more here than the human realm because that was the place where she would be reminded of all the terrible things she had gone through.

Even before her parents had died, she was bullied and she didn't tell her parents. A teacher of hers almost sexually abused her but successfully, that man was arrested and is in jail. Not even her own family knew about all these terrible things that happened to her. She was just alone, her eyes were dark with no emotion. Then months later, her parents were killed. Of course, she thought it was her fault, that it's like a curse. That she was a burden to her family. And that guilt is still with her unless she finds someone she can love and show all her love to.

When Luz went out, she had bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry, here grab my hand" Luz said. It was actually a girl that looked like Amity but entirely different. She had dark green hair and wore glasses and from far was a dark skinned boy who was shorter than the person Luz was trying to help stand up. "Thanks, who are you by the way? I've never seen you in this town" Dark Green Haired girl said. "I'm Luz, Luz Noceda". Luz said to her.

"Why is everybody just asking for my name these days? Am I yet to become popular or something?" Luz thought. "Oh well, then Luz, my name is Willow. This other boy here is Augustus but you call him Gus" Willow said. "I think we're going to be great friends for sure" Gus said. "Wait what. Did I just hear 'friends'? I'm pretty sure I heard that". Luz thought.

See, in Luz's mind, it was like her mind was going crazy. Because Willow said friends, Luz had the thought of "Am I going to  assassinate them sooner or later?" Or "are they worthy of my trust?" Or "were they the one who killed my parents!?". Luz had breathed in and out and then muttered to herself that she should calm down. "Sure, why not" Luz said.

"So..." Gus said with amazement in his eyes. "You're a human right? How did you come to the Boiling Isles? Who do you know here apart from us?" Gus said, asking too much questions making Luz to laugh. Willow apologized to Luz for Gus asking her too much questions, but she said she was fine with it.

Amity Blight's part.
When she was done with breakfast, she had gone straight to her mother immediately.
Her mother sat her down and then she started to talk. "You do know why I called you here, right Amity?" Odalia said. "No mother, at all. Why?" Amity asked.
"Well, since Edric and Emira already have a fiance and you don't, I was thinking that it would be time for you to finally get yours because you have reached the appropriate age for such" Odalia said with a somehow sweet but serious tone.

"Wait, WHAT!? What did mother just SAY!? A FIANCE!? Wait, I need to calm down. But a fiance? It's not even long since I turned 19 though! But sooner or later, I'll still need to do this" Amity thought. "So, we are going to spread the news across the Boiling Isles so that whoever that wants to get engaged to you will be noticed right away" Odalia said.

"Yes, of course mother. I will try my very best and find a fiance so that I won't disappoint this family's name" Amity said while at the back of her mind, " *sigh, I seriously don't want a whole lecturing and I need to make our family name to be good, not in a wrong way..."

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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