Chapter 6.

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First of all, this chapter is going to be short. But anyways, please enjoy. Expect some good things in chapter 7.

Luz didn't believe the words that just came out of Eda's mouth. Eda sat down and just told her that The Blights just brought in some news that their youngest daughter is going to get a fiance. Out of 10 people, one will be chosen to be her fiance. Luz's mouth was opened. "Maybe I can finally get some info on the blights, maybe it's close to my parents death once and for all!".

"Kid, you're going there and I just want to tell you that you should be careful. Crazy things can go on in that castle, they might even tell you to fight some people to become her fiance and get some info" Eda said with a worried face. "Fights? Now I can finally put my assassin skills to the test. It's been a long time since I've fought and killed some people" Luz thought which made her make a smirk.

"Eda don't worry, I'll do well and I'll get some information on the blights. I'll try my best not to get hurt in the castle" Luz said while putting her hand on Eda's shoulder trusting her that everything will be fine.

"Okay, but let me just go to the story so that I can buy you some 'royal clothing' because immediately I come back, you're going to the castle" Eda said while standing up and opening the door. "Sure, okay. I'll practice some 'royal' attitudes myself so that I won't look suspicious" Luz said with a smile.

Amity Blight back at the castle is worried. "I really miss her, I hope I get to see her soon..." Amity said to herself. It's not long that Edric and Emira came to give her some words of advice that she shouldn't be worrying to much that everything will be fine eventually. "Will I even get a fiance?" Amity thought to herself. She slapped herself and said "No, don't think negatively! You'll get one! But is it going to be Luz?" Amity said out loud which made her turn red like a tomato and fell back into her bed.

Night Time...

Obviously Luz didn't go to the castle immediately when Eda came back. But as Luz was on her bed, and as also Amity which was also on her bed, they both mentioned these same words.

"I hope I get to see Amity soon..."

"I hope I get to see Luz soon..."

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