Chapter 29.

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"Let's get this over with." Luz said as her eyes turned completely red and started swinging her knife.

Obviously they went outside, they wouldn't want to destroy The Owl House. Eda disgusts me. Megan said angrily. "I agree Megan. That's why we need to end her." Luz said to Megan angrily too. I've already told you how to go back to the real life if you ever enter the grey room. Megan said to Luz. "Yeah, I know, let's just get this over with."

Eda drew a circle and attacked Luz first. Thankfully she was able to block it. Amity backed up Luz and made an abomination to help Luz. "Oh, so you're little wifey is here now?" Eda said to Luz which made her angry. "You have no right to say anything!" Luz said angrily.

Luz, calm down! You're too angry! You'll have a crazy state! Megan said but Luz didn't care. Luz attacked Eda and Eda blocked it. Eda then attacked Luz and Luz saw blood on the side of her cheek. No! Megan said to Luz.

"HAHA, blood! This is marvelous! Hahahahaha! Give me more blood! I need more!" Luz said as she was elevating and her eyes and hair were turning into different colours. Luz was about to attack Eda but Eda attacked Amity. "Amity, watch out!" Luz said as she immediately rushed to Amity.

"Who did it reach huh?" Eda said. "No!"

Luz fell down and blood was coming out of her head. Amity layed on the floor crying. Luz then entered the grey room.

"Again? Ugh." Luz said. "Megan, Megan!" Luz screamed but no response. But Dan came instead. "You. What happened to Megan!?"  Luz asked Dan but no replies. "Don't tell me..." Luz said as her eyes were wide opened and black. It's sad Luz. It's very very sad. Dan said to Luz nodding his head in disappointment.

Luz did exactly what Megan said if she ever entered the dark room. She has to do this exactly: Think of the terrible memories she has. She did so and she went back.

Luz eyes were completely black. No mercy. "What's wrong with this child!?" Eda said looking at Luz. "Luz! You're back!" Amity said and when Luz looked back at Amity, she gave off that look, but it was terrible and worse. Blood was on her head. The scar looked much more terrible and she gave off this very very scary aura.

Luz then looked back at Eda.

"Let's get this over with. Again." Luz said in a very deep voice.
"Let's get it over with!"

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