Chapter 55.

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Did I say that I can't trust anyone? Am I loveable? This questions keep on running in my mind. I know she's afraid of me to admit that I'm a monster. Or is she just different? Is this marriage ever going to work out? I'll just swallow all these questions.

"Let's go back. I'm feeling tired." Luz said as she held Amity's hand. "Luz! You're holding my hand too hard!" Amity said as Luz released Amity's hand. "Did I leave a mark?" Luz asked Amity and she nodded. "Let's just go back. I can't stay here for too long." Luz said as Amity was confused.

"Why can't you stay here for too long?" Amity asked as Luz held a grip. "I can't say." Luz said as Amity was starting to become worried. "When we go back, can I talk to you?" Amity asked Luz as Luz smiled and nodded.

Luz did exactly what she was supposed to do for both of them to go back to the real life. Luz stood up and was close to the window, about to leave the castle.

"Luz, wait. I need to talk to you." Amity said as she held Luz's cloth. Luz and Amity sat on the bed and Amity started the conversation. "Luz. I know those smiles are fake." Amity said as Luz looked at her. "Then am I to show my real self to you?" Luz asked as Amity nodded her head.

"They'll probably hate me if I show my true colours to them." Luz said as Amity was confused. "They?" Amity asked as Luz nodded her head. "Your whole family." Luz said as Amity was surprised. "Luz, they won't hate you. They've already accepted you for who you are." Amity said as Luz breathed in and breathed out.

"Amity. Have you ever thought you weren't good enough for me?" Luz said as Amity nodded. "I usually think you've gone through too much, and I would hurt you more if I came into your life." Amity said as Luz laughed. "Guess we're the same huh?" Luz said as she pushed back her hair.

"I'm not exactly the best Amity." Luz said as Amity held her hand. "You don't need to! You're already good the way you are!" Amity said to Luz who was surprised and smiled at Amity. "Thank you Amity. I really needed to hear that, especially from someone like you." Luz said to Amity who blushed at her.

Luz patted Amity's head and hugged her. "Then I'll obviously stop hiding things from you like before." Luz said as she looked at Amity. "Whenever you need help, just call for me and I'll always be there, alright?" Luz said to Amity who nodded.

Luz looked outside and saw it was already dark. "You haven't eaten dinner?" Luz asked Amity and replied with a "No".

"Then go on. Isn't it time?" Luz said as she saw the clock in Amity's room. "You're right!" Amity said as she stood up and ran to the door. "But aren't you going to eat with us?" Amity asked as Luz pointed to herself. "Yes, you." Amity said to Luz. "Oh no, I'm not hungry." Luz said as Amity held her hand.

"I don't need to eat Amity!" Luz said as Amity still kept on dragging her hand. Luz laughed and Amity smiled.

"I seriously don't need to eat Amity! You can't risk me not finishing the food!" Luz said as Amity looked at her. "Then should I feed you?" Amity said as Luz looked at her surprisingly. "I should be the one to do that, not you. And I decline." Luz said as she folded her arms.

"Are you two lovebirds seriously going to fight over food?" Emira said as Luz and Amity looked at her. "It's what we're supposed to do. We are going to be married soon, so." Luz said as Emira laughed at how Amity was blushing.

"Or do you not want to get married to this lonely girl who seeks love?" Luz said as she knelt down and looked at her with a sad face. Amity became stuck at this moment and thankfully, Edric came to save Amity away from Luz.

"Come on Amity. Let's leave this woman and go eat our dinner." Edric said as Luz sat on the stairs and looked at them as they were eating.

"Why are you there? Come eat with us Luz." Alador said as Luz refused. "Oh, I'm not really hungry. I'll eat tomorrow morning." Luz said as Alador looked at her and walked away. Luz brought out her phone and her earphones and entered Spotify. She started to listen to 3005 by Childish Gambino.

She started to jam to the music and this really made her mood turn from moody to happy. "No matter what you say or what you do, when I'm alone, I'd rather be with you..."

Out of all the songs that Luz knew, this was the one song was chill.

"This is a real chill song."

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