Chapter 59.

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Odalia then felt offended on how Amity spout out her statement. "How dare you speak like that to your mother?" Odalia screamed which Amity's eyes were opened and then she looked away sadly.

Luz slurped the last piece of the spaghetti and dropped the plate. "Isn't that just the main problem? She obeys you people too much, that's why she's thinking of wanting to be free." Luz said as Odalia looked at her. "This is a daughter and mother conversation!" Odalia said as Luz was surprised.

"And I was the one who brought this up. And also, I'm your daughter's fiance." Luz said as she drank some water. Odalia held a grip which made Alador to tell her to calm down. "People do need some freedom in their lives. Aren't I right?" Luz looked at Edric and Emira who nodded immediately she looked at them.

"So, that's why I'm taking her to live with me once we get married. If you really think about it, It's a good thing. At least, your child can get more independent and learn more new things in her environment." Luz looked and smiled at Amity which made Amity happy.

"It's basically benefiting to all of us. Including Amity." Luz folded her arms and Odalia nodded. "Then I agree with this." Odalia said as Amity was surprised as Luz screamed in her head that there was victory. "Now since that's settled, Luz, can I talk to you?" Emira said as Luz nodded.

Edric also stood up but Emira looked at him. "Oh Edric, you don't have to come. It's only Luz and I." Emira said as Edric sat down back and was confused, as Alador and Odalia were smirking, already knowing the situation.

"So what are we talking about, Emira?" Luz said to Emira who then stopped walking and looked at her. "You're getting married to Amity tomorrow at 2pm. So better dress up and look proper." Emira said which made Luz very surprised. "But the question is this, who's wearing the wedding gown and who's wearing the suit?" Luz asked which made Emira laugh.

"You silly! You're wearing the suit, Amity's wearing the wedding gown. You're so clueless sometimes." Emira said as she kept on laughing and Luz wanting to ask more question because she was pumped up. "Does Amity know about this?" Luz asked as Emira shaked her head, meaning no. "So it's a surprise?" Luz asked and Emira nodded.

"Well, this is nice. Anyways, I need to go to sleep. I'm tired." Luz yawned and Emira agreed with her. "I'll wash the dishes, you guys go sleep first." Luz said as Emira patted her head and Luz whispered something in her ear. "And don't worry, I won't disappoint." Luz said as Emira nodded and walked away as Luz followed too.

Everyone was already gone in the living room. Luz carried the plates and went to the kitchen to wash it. Luz kept on yawning continuously as she finally finished washing the plates and went to The Owl House to sleep.

After some hours, she finally arrived to The Owl House. She immediately teleported to her room and lied down on her bed and started to sleep immediately. But the thing was that, she entered that same place again, and she saw Abel.

"I thought that if I was in deep concentration, I would appear here." Luz looked at Abel who pointed at himself. "Actually, I was the one that brought you here. I heard the news that you're getting married to Amity tomorrow by 2pm?" Abel crossed his arms as Luz nodded.

"Then, if you can exchange vows and kiss, I'll exist." Abel said as Luz squeezed her face. "So it's that easy?" Luz asked as Abel shaked his head. "if you don't do it right, I won't exist and you won't happiness. As in, I'll die and never come back like how Megan and Dan does." Abel said which made Luz frown and look at the floor.

"Then, I'll try my very best! You know me and my vocabulary. I'm good with my words." Luz said as Abel sighed at her. "Alright then, I believe in you." Abel sat down as Luz sat down too. "So, why did you bring me here Abel?" Luz asked as Abel looked at her. "It was just to only ask that question. And besides, if you leave, you'll wake up. And if you try to sleep, you'll come back. Don't worry, you won't become tired when you wake up." Abel said as Luz nodded her head.

"Then what should we talk about?" Luz asked as Abel didn't know.

"Okay then, tell me more about yourself then, Abel." Luz crossed her arms as Abel looked at her. "I'm basically just created by you from Amity." Abel said as Luz looked at him.

"Can't you just make me go back to the real world and let me sleep? We seriously don't have anything to talk about." Luz said to Abel as be sighed. "Fine." Abel snapped his fingers and to Luz, it felt like the environment didn't change. "Try saying the word." Abel said to Luz as Luz looked at him.

"Re-divide." Luz said as she quickly went back to her body, but went to sleep immediately.

"Tomorrow WILL be a great day... Right?"

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