Chapter 36.

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"So can we open our eyes now?" Edric said as he was eager to see what was happening before his eyes. "Yes, you can." Megan said and they immediately opened their eyes.

"Did they hurt you Amity!?" Edric said as he was looking around Amity's body for any scratches or injuries. "Wow. Way to be rude. We just literally saved your younger sister's partner and you're still thinking we are bad people. By anything, Luz over here has died for Amity, even for your family." Dan said as he crossed his arms.

"Such insolence! Hmph" Dan said which made him angry. Emira looked at them with a sad face. "She died for Amity and this family- ?" Emira said as her hand was shaking as she was pointing at Luz. "Yes, she did. So you should at least be grateful." Amity said as she was putting her hand on her head and said to Emira.

"Wow. Now that's just being a sweetheart. Confirmed." Edric said as he nodded and crossed his arms. "She even thought that you people might not even love her anymore if she told you the truth. Luz isn't a normal human being, so at least, show some sympathy or something." Megan said which Dan fully agreed on.

"You people haven't gone through what Luz has gone through and what she is yet to go through. All her life is just rage, pain, and anger. It's only Amity that brought happiness into her world. But a part of her thought that she didn't deserve such happiness, that she wanted to be alone, and just suffer and for it to hurt her. If Amity, your own younger sister, can give her a little spark of happiness, can't the older siblings at least add more to that spark? Because Luz's life is something that I don't think none of you would try to keep on living with." Dan said which made them surprised and made them to shut up.

"Ugh, what happened- ?" Luz said as her head was paining her. "Luz!" Amity said as she hugged Luz and Luz patted her head. "I'm okay Amity. There's nothing wrong. But what happened?" Luz said asking all of them, waiting for one of them to give an answer. Megan opened her mouth and explained. "You were seeking blood and Amity offered hers and then we cut off her finger to drain out the blood and then you drank it, and Dan healed her finger and then you said her blood was sweet..." Megan said as Luz cut her off.

"I SAID AMITY'S BLOOD WAS SWEET!?!?" Luz said as she was panicking and then she looked at Amity who turned the opposite side and started blushing. "I need to talk to you Amity. Outside. Right now." Luz said as she swept Amity from the floor and they went through out the window.

"Hey! You could at least let us listen to their conversation!" Edric said which Emira punched his stomach. "Is this never going to end Emira!?"

"Amity. I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for drinking it." Luz said as she bowed down and apologized. "No, No Luz! Don't apologize!" Amity said as she was shaking her hands, telling her she shouldn't bow down.

"I'm just not fit to be with someone like you." Luz said as she sat down looking at the stars. "What?" Amity said holding Luz hands. "By anything, you changed me Luz! You made me do things I had never done, and you made me feel things I had never felt in my life! I was just a lonely person, who only obeyed my father and mother, but with you, I actually got an opportunity to enjoy the boiling Isles." Amity said as she was screaming to Luz which made her eyes widen and her very surprised.

"You haven't experienced my pain. And I don't want you to. I cant risk losing someone I love, my yet-to be partner's family and their friends. I can't just lose any of them because I've lost a lot of people in my life. And I regret it with all my life. I hope you'll co-operate with me Amity. Because my life is tragic up and down." Luz said as she pulled Amity into a deep kiss which Amity fully enjoyed with her soul and heart.

"Bold move Luz. Real Bold Move." Megan said as she nodded her head and looked at them through the window. The way Luz loves Amity is unexplainable and vice versa.

Some minutes later after the kiss...

"So, what are you going to do if you plan to break off the planned marriage between you and William?" Luz said as she looked at Amity. "I'm planning on convincing my parents so that they can cancel it. I'll tell my father first so that he can think about it and tell my mother about it." Amity said as she looked into Luz's eyes and saw it was blue like the moonlight.

Luz smirked and went close to Amity's ear and said: "And you're doing all this for me?" After Amity heard that, she became red. "I- I- I'm obviously n-not doing this for b-both of us!" Amity said as she stuttered her words. "Oh, but I didn't say if you were doing this for both of us. I asked if you're doing this for me but it'll be okay if you still did it for both of us." Luz said as she smiled and Amity paused for a moment.

"Luz, do you want me to hand a guitar?" Megan said as she asked Luz. "Yeah, pass one. I want to sing a song to Amity." Luz said to Megan. "Hm, of course." Megan said and then she passed the guitar onto Luz as Luz was successfully able to catch it.

Luz sang "Breathless" by Shayne Ward and it sounded so beautiful. "Do you really love me Luz?" Amity said as she was twirling her hair. "What kind of question is that? I don't love you." Luz said which made Amity surprised and made her sad. "I love you more than anyone".

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