Chapter 45.

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"Did you miss me?" Luz said in a deep tone which made Amity surprised. "Oh, Luz." Amity said in a sad tone. "You can tell me what's up." Luz said as she went closer to Amity.

"Oh, it's just nothing. I'm just thinking about this wedding." Amity said as she was doodling on her book. "Oh. I understand. Well, can I ?" Luz said as Amity nodded her head.

"Close your eyes." Luz said as Amity closed her eyes. "Now, bring your hands and open them." Luz said and Amity did so. Luz dropped something on Amity's hands and it felt heavy? Light? What was this thing to be exact?

"What's this Luz?" Amity said as her eyes were still closed. "Oh sorry! You can open your eyes now!" Luz said to Amity as she opened her eyes and looked at her hands. "Is this... that box!?" Amity said as her eyes sparkled. "Oh Amity. It's a phone. I usually see witches use scrolls and you wanted to listen to music. I could have just given you an MP3 player. And oh, here. Earphon-"

Before Luz could finish her sentence, Amity jumped to Luz and hugged her. "You're always that one person that cheers me up when I'm sad." Amity said as Luz patted her head. "I just wanted to comfort you because I've been seeing your emotions recently." Luz said as she looked at Amity straight in the eye.

"But are you feeling okay is the question?" Luz asked worried while Amity giggled. "I'm alright. It's already April 3rd. Some days from now huh." Amity said which made Luz remember her birthday.

Oh Amity. Megan said to Amity's mind. "Wait, who's this!?" Amity said in her mind. Megan, if you don't know. Megan said as Amity remembered as she remembered that voice from somewhere.

It's Luz's birthday. Did you know that? Megan said as Amity was surprised. "Luz's birthday!?" Amity said to Megan. Sheesh. And she's your partner. She obviously didn't want to tell you because she thought that you would guess. She's 29 now and you're 27. It's not long that she died Amity. Megan said as she cut off the conversation.

"Luz." Amity said as Luz looked at her. "What's up?" Luz said to Amity. "Can you go outside for a minute? I need to do something." Amity said in a deep tone but still somehow light and Luz was close to the window. "When you want me to come up, just tell me through your mind. Alright?" Luz said to Amity. "Sure, no problem." Amity said as Luz went away.

"What to get, what to get..." Amity said to herself. "A necklace! But no, someone must have already given her that. Clothes! No. Glasses! No. Wait, I know! Thank Titan I'm talented at this particular one." Amity said as she carried some materials and started.

Luz was on the floor, lying down and looking at the skies. "So beautiful. I wish I was a cloud. So free." Luz said to herself. "Wonder what Amity's doing." Luz thought to herself.

Some minutes later...

"Isn't she done yet?" Luz thought to herself as she was playing with a yo-yo that Megan also gave her as her birthday present. "Hmm. I could read her mind so that I can know what she is doing but isn't that invading personal space? Luz said to herself. Surprisingly, Luz knew a word like "personal space" but doesn't understand the word "wifey".

"I'm done Luz!" Amity said on her mind which Luz heard. "Well finally!" Luz said as she closed her eyes and teleported back to Amity's room. Yes, her eyes were still closed. "So, what did you do Amit-" Luz opened her eyes and saw what was in front of her eyes.

"Here Luz!" Amity shoved to Luz which Luz held surprised. "I know you don't like it, I'm sorry Luz, I wish I did something better-" Amity said as Luz mouth was wide opened. "A FREAKING BEANIE!" Luz looked at it and then looked at Amity.

"Amity! How did you know how much I loved beanies!?" Luz said as she said surprisingly. "Well, I realized you wear it a lot, so I just decided to make one." Amity said which made Luz's eyes bring out tears. "Amity!!" Luz said as she hugged Amity. Luz cried like a baby but immediately stopped crying.

"Wow. You got magenta? That should be...your favourite colour and my favourite colour! Purple and Red! And... Oh! You made a chibi of my face on the beanie! Pretty cool! And... You also did out yours on the back! Also... Oh? Even in the inside says, Amity and... Luz!" Luz said as she was looking at the beanie like it was something she had never seen before. And fun fact: she had never seen such a masterpiece like this before.

"Amity, thanks!" Luz said as she looked at Amity and smiled.

"Also... Happy Birthday." Amity said as she blushed and Luz scoffed and smiled at her. "So you did all this for me because of my birthday?" Luz asked and Amity nodded her head. "Awn. I can't just wait for the day I'll marry you." Luz said as Amity's face was turning into different colours of red.

"Megan right?" Luz said which made Amity surprised. "Oh I thought so." Luz said as she smirked. Luz went closer to Amity and dropped the beanie on the table. Luz raised Amity's chin and looked at her in the eyes. "So you really did this for me then?" Luz asked as she smirked. "Y-yeah." Amity stuttered.

"Well, I think you deserve a reward. What should I give you?" Luz said as she smirked. "A peck on the cheek? or maybe a kiss?" Luz said as Amity blushed lie crazy. "When you're ready, let me know. I'm tired and I want to sleep." Luz said as she changed into some sleeping shirts.

This time, Luz wasn't wearing any pajamas. She just wore a shirt that didn't cover her whole stomach, and shorts. Luz yawned and looked at Amity. As Amity was looked at Luz.

"Amity? Why are you looking at me like that?" Luz said to Amity who didn't reply but still kept on looking at Luz. Your abs dummy. And also you have scratches on your stomach and she thinks it's sexy. Megan said to Luz which made Luz finally understand.

"I never knew you would think of things like that huh Amity." Luz said to Amity as she smirked. "W-well..." Amity said as she stuttered on her words. "Wanna touch em? Wanna touch em? Wanna touch em?" Luz kept on saying to Amity, as Luz was disturbing Amity.

"Let's just go to sleep!" Amity said as Luz frowned and jumped on the bed. And dozed off immediately. "She was really that tired huh." Amity said to herself. Amity had changed her clothes to pajamas and had lied down. "She really has gone through a lot. I wonder how she got all these scars." Amity said as she touched them and touched her abs.

"Knew you would do it." Luz said as she opened her eyes. Amity wasn't scared in the outside but in the inside, her soul vanished. "I actually don't mind. By anything, it's comforting. I'm tired and I want to sleep." Luz said to Amity who calmed down. "What, did you think I was going to eat your skin if you did so?" Luz said as she laughed.

"How did you even get all these scars?" Amity said as she was touching them. "Oh, difficulties, life, tragic stories. Hardly happiness." Luz said to Amity and Amity just kept on looking at her.

"And also Amity, I'm sorry I lied to you. You know how you were trying to tickle me this morning? I actually don't feel anything in my ribs. You see, in the human realm when I was still in school, the girl bullies had forced me to raise my shirt so that they could inject a green liquid into my ribs. The times were difficult."

"If possible I saw the people who bullied me, I would break their bones, pieces to pieces and even bite it. I'll drink their blood like I'm drinking orange juice. I'll feed their bodies to a hyeana so that their body will die. And also I would also feed their dead skin to ants and mosquitoes, I'm sure they would suffer 100%." Luz said as she laughed and Amity looked at her scared.

"Wait, are you scared? Amity! I was just joking!" Luz said as Amity calmed down. "And also, I wanted to tell you that I designed your phone case. I also put your favourite colour, purple, and wrote your name in cursive, and I also did the same for my phone too. And if we try to put out phone cases together close to the sun, it turns to magenta. And also-"

Before Luz could finish what she was saying, Amity hugged her.

"Thank you Luz. For this phone." Amity said as she hugged her tight. "You're welcome Amity. And thank you too for making such an amazing- This us just the best Amity! Thanks a lot!" Luz said which made her giggle.

"Let's keep on talking."

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