Chapter 42.

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Luz yawned as she stretching her body on Amity's bed. She crawled up her entire body which was actually very cute. "You look like a cat" Amity said as she was giggling.

Amity's pajamas was purple in colour, it had abomination designs on them, which was pretty cool. Luz's pajamas was blue in colour, and had otter designs on it. "What animal is that on your pajamas?" Amity said as she pointed to Luz's pajamas.

"Oh this? It's an otter. My favourite animal." Luz said as she looked at the clothing at looked back at Amity who was surprised. Amity then yawned and also lied down on her bed.

"I think I should just lay on the floor. It is your bed after all and since I'm bigger and taller than you, I wouldn't want to take spac-" Luz was already standing up and before Luz could finish her sentence, Amity dragged her back to the bed.

"Hey!" Luz said as she looked at Amity and Amity looked at her frowning. "Why would you say something like that Luz?" Amity said as she looked down. "It was only a matter of mass and space, it's fac- oh." Luz said as she paused.

"I can't believe I'm this stupid to say something like this." Luz said to herself. "Amity, I'm sorry. I'll sleep with you alright? So please don't cry, it'll make me sad too." Luz said which made Amity giggle.

"Let's talk before we go to sleep." Amity said which Luz nodded her head. Luz didn't notice that Amity was trying to go closer to her. "Wait, are you trying to come closer to me?" Luz said as she finally noticed and Amity paused. "Uh, um..." Amity said as she was speechless.

"You could have just said so! I didn't know you were cold Amity! Come on, I'll warm you up!" Luz said as she dragged Amity closer to her and hugged her which made Amity blush.

Luz smelt like cinnamon and  sunflower which Amity thought smelt nice.

"Amity. Can I give you advice on what is troubling you?" Luz said as she asked Amity, which Amity nodded her head. She just didn't care about anything, apart from the fact that her partner was literally hugging her on her bed.

"You did say that you were having problems with your mom and dad?" Luz said which made Amity nod her head. "I'm saying this from my own opinion Amity. I hope you won't get mad." Luz thought to herself.

"I honestly think you should be free with them. When I actually met your parents, your father was actually free unlike your mother. She's the type of person who would be strict at someone, but is doing it for their sake. And I'm sure she's doing the same for you." Luz said which Amity looked at her.

"If I were to be honest, I was more closer to my mother than my father. And I was supposed to be closer to him because if I have any problems, and things weren't going right with my mother, I would meet him. As I am right now, if my parents were here, I would hope that they would never know how I am right now. Because they would never love me. So I honestly think you should be free from them. Release all your stress when you talk to them. You can just call them mum and dad instead of mother and father." Luz said as she smiled at Amity which Amity also did the same.

"Also, you said you didn't have any friends?" Luz said as she asked Amity which made her look away and paused for a moment. "Should I stop? Because I feel like it's hurting you if I keep on talking." Luz asked but Amity said that she should go on. "I'm also in the same category. You should have met someone right?" Luz said which made Amity nod her head. "Actually I know someone. Her name is Boscha."

"I knew her but not for long. She went away for some time and she never came back. I think she's dead but I honestly don't know." Amity said as she frowned. "Amity. I told you before. If you have faith, what you want will eventually come back. And I'm sure that Boscha even wants to see you too." Luz said as Amity smiled at her.

"As I said before, I was in the same category. I'm even happy that you even got to meet someone. Heck, no one even went close to me. Even in the hallways, they would gossip about me. I had this negative sense that anyone and everyone despised me and hated me even if they are talking good about me. And unfortunately, it was real. Even the principal, the teachers, classmates, people I try to interact with despised my existence. They almost went as far as killing me. I was almost trafficked, killed, which was terrible. And all this was because I wanted friends. So, I would really appreciate if you didn't follow my ways and just try to be free and not think negatively the same way I did when I was young."

"Humans are really selfish you know that? We are really ungrateful. And even if people decide to disagree with that, they might not know they are but their actions show it. As said, actions speak louder than words. I always thought, "I want to be able to say a letter to someone. Is that too much to ask for?" Or "No one loves me. I just need somebody to love. Is that too much to ask for?"

"I don't need too much. I don't need the whole thing in the world. I just need a friend. Is that too much to ask for? I begged and begged everyday for someone I never knew to approach me and just ask, "hey, what's your name? Let's be friends!" I begged everyday Amity. It was only my family that loved me. No one else." Luz said which made Amity cry.

"So I'm telling you this Amity. If you ever get friends, don't be scared to tell your problems to them. It's just that you don't tell everyone you know. People tend to betray you for their own personal needs which is terrible." Luz said as she was comforting Amity, which made her to calm down.

"And you said you wanted to be free?"

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