Chapter 9

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Eddie's POV

Howie and I have spent the past two days trying to understand the technology of this minisub, but it does not make any sense. A lack of sleep on both mine and Howie's parts is not making it any easier.

I have spent the majority of my time trying to figure out the power source. It is not anything I have seen before. The energy is not read as anything I have seen or studied before. Howie cannot even figure it out, which is saying something.

A welcomed break comes with the arrival of Peggy, the Colonel, and the soldier.

"What've we got?"

Howie looks over to me before replying to the Colonel.

"Well, speaking modestly, I'm the best mechanical engineer in the country with Eddie as a close second. And We have still got no idea what any of this is or how it works. We're nowhere near capable of this technology."

I roll my eyes and look down at all the wires that still make zero sense even after two days of studying it. "Howie is right. We are not even close."

"Then who is?"

I look up at this unfamiliar voice and find that it belongs to the Senator from the other day. I hate politicians.


I remember that that is the organization that the spy was with. I may not know what Hydra is but at least I do not have the stupid blank face that the senator has. I almost want to laugh but now is definitely not the time.

"I'm sure you've read our briefings." The Colonel states sarcastically.

"I'm on a number of committees, Colonel."

I never knew that the Colonel could be sarcastic, but the senator making excuses is definitely not new information.

"Hydra is the Nazi deep science division. It's led by Dr. Erskine's first test subject, Johann Schmidt." Peggy explains to both me and the Senator.

I send Peggy a tired smile. I appreciate her including me in her explanation.

"Hydra's practically a cult. They worship Schmidt; think he's invincible." The Colonel adds.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" The Senator accuses.

"I spoke with the President this morning. As of today, the SSR's being re-tasked."

I was standing between Howie and Peggy when the Colonel said this. His words honestly caught me off guard. Apparently, I was not the only one.


I look over at Peggy, but entire focus is on the Colonel.

"We're taking the fight to Hydra. Pack your bags, Agent. You too Stark, Edwards. The four of us fly to London tonight."

What? I am going to London. I honestly do not know what to feel. Excited, yes. Scared, definitely. Nervous, maybe.

"Sir? If you are going after Schmidt, I want in."

I completely forgot about the soldier. Man, I need to stop doing that. Of course, he wants to come and honestly it would not be a bad idea. He could be useful. Plus, I was to test his blood myself and see if I can figure out what I witnessed and somehow helped make.

"You're an experiment. We're sending you to Alamogordo."

"As what, a lab rat? The serum worked!"

I understood where he was coming from. Even though all I want to do is run test to figure out the serum, I would not want to be the one being experimented on. Something about him though seems to rub me the wrong way. I do not think he realizes the importance of learning as much as we can about the serum.

"I asked for an army. All I got was you. And you are not enough."

It seemed harsh but most likely true at least until sufficient evidence contradicts it.

Howie started to go clean up the lab a bit. I go to help.

"Eddie, I got this. Go home and pack. I won't be long here."

"Are you sure?"

He sighed. "Go I got this."

I looked into his tired eyes and conceded.

"Okay Howie, don't be too long."

I grab my things and walk up to Peggy, who just said goodbye to the soldier. I love having Peggy for a friend. She is my first female friend, and it has been nice to have someone to talk to about girl things. One of the best things about Peggy is her confidence. She has not let being a woman stop her from achieving her goals. Peggy is also good at reading people, which is good because I am not the most expressive or talkative person. When we first met, she had to be very intentional in developing our friendship. It is not that I did not want to be friends with her, the opposite actually. No, I have been too shy and too diminished for too long. That is not something you get over in a few months. Even though I do not ever talk about it. She understands enough to the point where she has even helped me start to gain confidence and respect amongst the overwhelming amount of testosterone.

"Hey, Pegs. You all right?"

Since the experiment I have come to realize that Peggy has developed a crush on the walking 'Boy Wonder.' I have not interacted much with the man, so I have not really formed an opinion of him yet, but everyone else seems to like him. He also volunteered for the experiment, which is either really brave or really stupid. I have not decided which.

"Yeah I am. You look tired."

"I am. Howie and I have been working nonstop on the sub for two days. I need a bath and a bed, but I think I may only have time for one."

I sigh because it is true. Its already late afternoon and I still need to pack before we fly out tonight.

"How about I pack your bags while you clean up. That should give you enough time to get a couple of hours of rest. Besides, I'm not letting you drive in this condition."

She is probably right. I definitely need sleep and take a bath, plus if I tried to drive right now, I would probably fall asleep.

"What about you? You still need to pack."

"No arguing. I am helping. Besides, I practically live out of suitcases anyway, so it shouldn't take me long to get packed."

"Thanks." I gave her a soft tired smile and followed her out to the car.

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