Chapter 176

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Marlie's POV

The following day, I tried doing everything normally. I woke up at a reasonable time and only took a couple of short naps. I ate all of the meals Tony brought me and even managed to walk around a bit. It was tiring but it also felt good to be doing normal things.

That evening Blake came to check in on me. He ran several different tests and was now sitting in my room with Tony and I. "You passed all of your tests, which is remarkable since you've been sleeping for the majority of a week. I'd like to do weekly check up with you but I'd say you're ready to go home."

I shared a happy look with Tony, but there was something else behind his eyes. "Sounds like there's a but coming. What's the catch?" Tony asked Blake and the two of us looked at him.

Blake sighed and looked directly at me. "I'll only clear this if you promise me that you won't push yourself. You still need lots of rest. Marlie, you will already experience some long term effects from this and if you don't take the time to rest it will become worse."

The seriousness of his tone had me on edge. I needed to know what he meant by long term effects. Apparently, Tony did too because he beat me to the question we both had. "What kind of long term effects?"

Blake set down the charts he'd been holding and stared at Tony and I with a dead serious expression. I reached over and gripped Tony's hand as we waited for Blake to explain. "Due to the effects of using the stones you sapped all of your energy. It's a miracle you're even alive right now. I'm afraid, though you won't ever regain your normal strength and energy back. You should be able to function normally, but you won't have the same amount of energy as before. You'll need to take more breaks throughout your day and you'll probably experience some dizzy spells."

Tony and I shared a worried look before turning back to Blake. "What should I do when this happens?" I asked him. It didn't sound too bad and if this was the only side effect I could live with that.

"For now, when you have dizzy spell, just sit down and rest for a bit. If it gets to bad we'll run some test and come up with another solution, but if you don't take the time to heal and rest I'm afraid you'll run the risk of becoming dependent of a cane or wheelchair to move around. So, don't take this lightly, understood?" Blake gave Tony and I a serious expression. He wasn't trying to scare us. He just needed us to understand the gravity of the situation.

I looked over at Tony and saw how resolved he looked. I knew from here on out, there was no risk of this happening to me. Tony wouldn't let me do anything but rest for probably a lot longer than necessary. "Don't worry Blake, she won't push herself." Tony stated, mirroring my observations.

The two of them looked at me, expectantly. "Resting sounds fine to me. For the first time, I actually don't have anything to prepare for so relaxing at home with my family sounds great." At my words, I could see Tony visible relax and Blake smile.

"Great. You're cleared to go home then. If you want to leave tonight, that's fine. I can ask Pepper to drop the kids off in the morning so the two of you can get settled in. Does that work with you guys?" Blake asked.

Tony and I shared a smile. I couldn't wait to see the kids and go home. For the first time since meeting Tony, we were able to relax and just live our lives and I couldn't wait. "It sounds perfect." I said not breaking my eye contact with Tony.

"Perfect." Blake said clapping his hands together and getting to his feet. "I'll sign off on the papers and you should be free to go within the hour."

I looked away from Tony and over at Blake. Him and Pepper had been great friends to us for years and I couldn't be more grateful for everything they've done for us, especially what they did for Tony these past five years. "Thank you Blake, for everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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