Chapter 126

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Marlie's POV

After dinner Tony and I decided to watch a movie with Rosie. When I first met Tony, he made it his mission to bring me up to speed on pop culture. Apart of this being at least two movie nights a week. Even after I had been here for years, we kept up the habit. Since Rosie was getting older, Tony and I wanted to include her and make it a family event and Rosie loved it. We'd let her pick the movie and then she would get to cuddle in her pajamas on the couch between Tony and me.

Tonight, she picked the movie Cars, which had become one of her favorites. Tony thought it was hilarious that she would pick a movie with talking cars over the several princess movies we owned.

About halfway through the movie, I looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep snuggled against my side. I tapped Tony on the shoulder to get his attention.

He turned to me, and I gestured with my head down towards our daughter. Tony looked down and smiled at her sleeping form. Tony then looked back up to me.

"Do you want to take her up to bed now or finish the movie first?"

"Let's finish the movie. I'm enjoying this too much." I answered referring to the feeling of the three of us together.

Tony nodded then turned back to the film and bringing his arm around to the back of the couch behind me.

Once the movie had ended Tony and I put Rosie to bed before heading to bed ourselves. Tony quickly fell asleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about the boxes down in the lab.

Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore, sleep just wasn't coming to me tonight. I carefully and quietly slid out of bed and slipped into my closet. I quickly changed out of my pajamas and put on a pair of sweatpants and one of Tony's t-shirts.

I then walked down to the lab and over to the table with the boxes. I grabbed one of the boxes and set it down of the floor. I sat down next to it and started reading through some of the files.

After a couple of hours reading, I was able to piece together a bit of a timeline. It appears that sometime in January of 1959 I pulled the Tesseract out of cold storage and began researching it again. I was looking into some strange energy readings, that started occurring in December of the previous year.

I set the file on some of my energy readings down and turned back to the box. I started grabbing different files out to see if anything caught my attention. Nothing stood out to me until I reached the bottom of the box. At the bottom I found a small package. I pulled the package out and brought it over to my desk. I sat down at my desk before ripping the package open and dumping the contents out.

A small handheld device and few papers spilled out. I grabbed the device first and looked it over. It appeared to be some sort of energy input reader. I picked it up along with the papers and brought it over and set it down on the holographic table.

"Friday, run a scan and bring up the schematics in a manipulable 3-D rendition. I want to know what I'm looking at."

"Right away miss." Friday relied before running a light over the device and bringing a detailed rendition of the device.

"Friday, what am I looking at?" I asked as I began manipulating the image.

"It appears to be some form of detailed energy input and output reader meant to detect Tesseractic energy."

Keeping the model up on the screens, I grabbed the papers that were in the package with the device. I was surprised to see that it wasn't a report or even a file on the Tesseract. Instead, it seemed to be one of my normal journal entries dated January 29th, 1959. This must be one of my missing journals from that time. After Tony gave me all the journals he had found in storage, realized that there were several missing, including all of the ones I wrote during my missing time. I carried the journal entry back over to my desk and sat down to read.

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