Chapter 95

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Marlie's POV

As the others track down Ulysses Klaue, I decided to go a different route. Steve mentioned that the Maximoff twins, the enhanced we ran into earlier, were working along side Ultron. I decided to try and find out as much information as I can on them, particularly the girl, Wanda. From Strucker's files I've been able to learn more about their history. How they were orphaned at ten and have spent their lives hating Tony, blaming him for everything. They're now in their early twenties and have spent most of their teenage years protesting the violence in their world. They also willingly volunteered for the experiments that turned them into what they are today. They're just a bunch of kids trying to do what they believe is right. They've missed the mark by a lot, but I believe their intentions are true.

A side from the why, I'm also looking at the how. The twins are the only two to survive Strucker's experiments, which was founded in the gem of the scepter, that helped to create Ultron. The girl is especially intriguing for me. Her powers have a similar quality to my own mind abilities, which makes sense since I seem to also be connected to the gem. Also, whatever she did to me during our first encounter seemed to open up my visions and make them clearer. If there's anything I know, it's that I need some answers and this girl just might be the key.

The more I learn about them the more I want to reach them. I don't know why, but there is something about their story that makes me want to help them. This world has been nothing but cruel to them. They deserve someone looking out for them. If only they'd give me the chance.

I'm sitting in the study, writing notes on both mine and Wanda's abilities. I was just adding the finishing touches, when out of nowhere Nat appears behind me.

"We got a location. Everyone's getting ready." She says making me jump so hard I knock my journal on the ground. She laughs.

"God, Nat. You gotta warn a girl." I say picking up my journal.

She looks at it and takes it from my hand. "What is this?"

"It's a secret code I created to keep my most secret projects private." I say, standing up from my chair and taking the book back.

She looks at me surprised. "Really, how do you read it?" She asks me.

"Not telling. I haven't given anyone the tools to break my code yet. It's quite fun really." I say with a smirk.

Nat just laughs and shakes her head. "Whatever Edwards. Come on we have to get ready. Steve has a plan."

I set my book down on the end table next to my chair and follow Nat out. We then part ways as she goes off to change and I head to me lab to get my new suit. I have Friday load my new suit onto the jet and go back to get one last thing from my lab. I almost forgot, but since Tony no longer has Jarvis, I thought he might like to use Friday also. I grab the drive and walk back to the jet. I get on and see only Thor, Bruce, and Tony are here. I walk straight up to Tony who is in the cockpit.

"Here." I say throwing him the drive.

"What is it?" He asks catching it.

"It's Friday. For your suit. I figured you could use it." I tell him.

"Thanks." He says smiling and walking over to where our suits are stored. He then sees my suit. "New Suit?"

"Yeah, I figured I could use the upgrade. I just finished it earlier today." I nod as I watch him install the drive.

"Yeah, good idea." He says.

Then the others arrive, and Tony goes back to the cockpit to fly us out. Once we're in autopilot. We all gather in the middle and Steve goes over the plan.

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