Chapter 76

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Marlie's POV

After catching each other on everything, we decide to find a better disguise for Steve. Nat and I are fine, but Steve looks conspicuous. We also decide to go to a nearby mall and use one of the computers in the electronic store.

After I had a chance to look at the drive, I realized that as soon as it would be plugged in. SHIELD would be able to locate, which meant that we would need a public space to better blend in. I also didn't want to use my laptop again. After putting the last drive into it, my software was barely able to fight the Trojan Horse off and I don't want to risk SHIELD getting everything on my laptop.

Steve and I had to rely a lot on Nat as we worked our way to the mall. Neither of us know anything about going undercover. This is definitely Nat's area of expertise. On our way we come up with a plan. We all agree that it was best to keep my involvement a secret a bit longer. With that in mind, Nat and Steve were going to go into the mall together. Nat has enough computer knowledge to hack into the drive. My job was to distract SHIELD and keep an eye on Nat and Steve with the security tape. Nat was a little concerned when I said I could distract SHIELD, but I reassured her that I could do it without revealing myself. That is how I've found myself in an old work van parked in an ally a couple of blocks away from the mall.

The others didn't question how I got the van which was good because I didn't feel like explaining. In reality I just used one of Tony's secret bank accounts. No one knows that since Tony has become Iron Man he created a few different secret bank accounts, just in case something like this happened. It ended up being very useful for him when everything happened with the Mandarin. I know Tony will have questions, but I'll just have to answer his questions later.

In the van I set up a bunch a tech central. I purchased several monitors and servers. Anything that I thought I might need to do what I needed to do I bought it with the account. After setting everything up I used half of the monitors to hack into SHIELD and the I used the other half to hack into the mall security system.

I located Nat and Steve on the security feed. "Nat I'm in and I have eyes on you both. I'm also ready on my end so whenever your ready just let me know."

"Alright Marlie. Standby." I hear her say into the comms.

I then focus on making sure that I am ready with my plan. I pull up the SHIELD monitors and see their search system on Captain America. I subtly make sure that their system doesn't catch him at the mall until we're ready.

"Ok, Marlie. We're at the store. Be ready." Nat says in the comms.

"Alright, whenever your ready." I tell her.

I pull them up on the security feed. I see them talking and as soon as Nat plugs the drive in, I get to work. On the SHIELD screen I see their location show up, but only for a second. I set my program loose into their severs. It's something that I had been working on for a while. It's a virus that causes confusion within the servers. It makes everything confusing. Their screens are suddenly filled with ten different locations, including the correct one but the data point is off. The team that is going to the mall will be at the opposite side of the mall than Nat and Steve allowing them the window they will need to escape. I've also blocked access to all of the security feeds to all of the different locations.

I watch as Agent Sitwell and several other agent frantically try to figure out what is wrong with their system. And just as I expected they couldn't do anything about it. They end up sending different teams to each location.

"Marlie." I hear Nat say through the comms, interrupting my focus.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I can't get into the drive. Can you do anything?"

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