Chapter 61

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Tony's POV

I lay here in bed unable to fall back asleep, my mind is running a million miles a minute. 'Did I just hear her correctly? Did she really just say that she loves me?' I know it's tacky, but this is all so new to me. I've never been one to have a relationship before, so everything I've been feeling with Marlie is completely new to me. Sure I've been with so many women, but never for long. It was always just one nice of fun, that ended with me never seeing them again. I've never aloud myself to form an actual relationship and the possibility of having one with Marlie feels so perfect, exciting, and terrifying all at once.

I've known since New York, that I'm in love with this girl. The thought of living life without her causes a physical reaction in me, but I never knew where she stood. Yes, we've been flirting, but that isn't exactly new to us. The thought of her possibly reciprocating my love for her brings me pure joy.

I look down at her sleeping form. She is so beautiful. He dark hair perfectly frames her freckled face as she sleeps peacefully in my arms. I love everything about this woman. She isn't just the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but she is also the kindest and most caring person I know. She cares so deeply for people, that she would do almost anything for them. She is also incredibly smart. I love watching her work. When she concentrates on a task you can see a small crinkle form in the middle of her forehead. Her ideas and unique perspectives help make me better and fuel different ideas. I like to call her my inspiration. She usually just rolls her eyes in response.

Even when she is annoyed with me she is beautiful to me, but she can also be scary. Even though she is tiny, when she is angry with someone, she can be terrifying. She has only gotten scarier since these powers of hers have manifested. I'm absolutely terrified, that she will one day accidentally teleport somewhere dangerous and get hurt. There have already been a couple of close calls. I really hope we can figure this out. I'm on edge everytime she get overly emotional, which thankfully isn't that often.

I look over at the clock and see that it's 4:37a.m.. I sigh and decide that I should at least try and get a couple of more hours of sleep tonight. I settle back down and pull Marlie even closer to me. I lean down and gently kiss the top of her head and whisper. "I love you too. Marlie." I then close my eyes and let sleep over come me once again.

I'm rudely awoken by Jarvis. "Sir, the telephone."

I groan. "Jarvis, what have I said about waking me if it isn't an emergency."

"My apologies sir, but it's Mrs. Porter and she claims that it is. I sigh and open my eyes. I look over at Marlie, who is still sound asleep laying on my chest. I don't want to wake her so I grab my phone from my nightstand. "Jarvis, put it through my phone. I don't want to wake Marlie up."

"Of course, sir." Jarvis put it through.

"This better be important Pepper." I whisper.

"Tony." I hear Pepper through the phone. Her voice sound hoarse, almost as if she's been crying. "It's Happy. He was at the theater. The Chinese Theater."

I can hear the sadness in her voice, but her words make no sense. "Pepper, I'm gonna have to ask you to take a breath and explain. What is wrong with Happy." I'm trying to keep quiet, but Marlie still stirs a bit as I speak.

"The Mandarin..." I tense. "he attacked again last night at the Chinese Theater. Happy was there."

"What?" I forget to be quiet and Marlie stirs awake and looks up at me, with a confused look on her face. "Is he alright? Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital. Blake called me about an hour ago telling me. Tony. He's in a comma." She starts crying through the phone.

I abruptly sit up at this, getting a very concerned look from Marlie, which I ignore. "Send me the address, we'll meet you there."

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