Chapter 65

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Marlie's POV

Because I haven't done much research into the Mandarin yet I don't have a lot to go on. I figured that Maya is going to be the best place to start. After listening to Tony's message I go over to Maya, who is sitting on the back of an ambulance.

"We need to talk." I tell her, startling her from her thoughts.

She nods. "Yeah, but not here." She looks around at all the first responders and reporters.

I think for a minute, trying to come up with the best plan. Yes, I need to talk to her, but I also need to finish getting Friday hooked up to my new suit. I can't be caught in a situation without it again. "Okay. Do you have a car?" She looks around and then nods. "There's a motel off of interstate 60 at mile marker 273. Get a room under the name Edith James and I'll meet you there." I turn to leave.

She looks at me confused. "You're not coming?"

I look back at her. "I'll meet you there. I need to make a stop first. It might be a couple of hours until I make it there."

I don't give her a chance to respond. I turn around and head over to Pepper, who is wrapping up with the press. She sees me waiting for her and quickly finishes with the press and walks over, with a worried expression.

"You look tired." I tell her. She just gives me an unamused eye role.

"No kidding. Between what happened with Happy and now this, I've been kept busy." She sighs and rubs her eyes tiredly. "What's going on? Any news on Tony?"

At the mention of Tony her face falls and her eyes swell up a bit. I hate seeing her like this, so I decide to start with him. "Well, first Tony's alive." She is about to ask more questions but I quickly silence her with a look and continue with my explanation. "He left me a message on the secure server. He founded fine, but he can't come home yet. He's going after the Mandarin."

She nods. "I'm guessing you are too."

I nod. "I have to Pep. He came after me and Tony and hurt Happy and a lot of other people. He has to be stopped."

"I know. Just be careful." She gives me a concerned look. "What do you need from me?"

I smiled at her. She really was an amazing woman. She was always so levelheaded and willing to help. "Just keep doing what you're doing. Handling the company and the press. Also, can you make sure the cranes remove all of the ruble from the floor of the lab. It's a secret storage space for Tony's suits. We may need them before this is all over. Thanks, I'll let you know if I need anything else." I give her a smile and start to walk away, when I realize. My car was destroyed in the attack and I need a way of transportation. I look back over at Pepper. "Hey, Pep. There is one other thing you could do."

I drive Pepper home in her car. Once she is dropped off, I head for the office. Pepper is letting me barrow her car, until I can get a new one. I arrive at the office and go straight to my lab. I immediately power up my suit and begin uploading Friday's systems into it. While I wait I decide to do some research. I have Friday look up all the different bombings from this past year and their inferno temperatures. I quickly find one that predates all the other attacks, but has the same heat signature. It occurred in Rose Hill, Tennessee. If I had to guess, that is where Tony went.

I grab my phone and decide to call Natasha and see if she has any information on this bombing. I quickly dial the number and she picks up on the first ring.

"Romanoff." I hear her say.

"Hey, what do you know about a bombing in Rose Hill, Tennessee?"

"Well, hello to you too." She says sarcastically. "Are you okay? I've been trying to call for the past four hours."

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