Chapter 84

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Marlie's POV

The trip ended up being exactly what we needed. It gave us the perfect time to just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. The cool sea air also allowed me to heal quicker than expected. I was still sore, but it wasn't as bad as it originally was.

I also never should have let Tony pack for us, because as expected he forgot a lot and also brought along a lot of unnecessary items. Like he for some reason packed our address book, but conveniently forgot to pack any of my bras. Let's just say the first thing we did was go shopping.

Our days here have been so calm and relaxing. We'll spend the days exploring the countryside and walking through the small towns and shops and the evenings will be spent with just the two of us relaxing and spending quality time together.

We were down to our last two weeks of the trip, and I've never felt so relaxed and happy. I woke up in the comfort of our bed enjoying the peaceful moment of the early morning. I was so comfortable as I laid there in bed on my stomach, that I didn't even want to open my eyes to see if Tony was awake yet. I wasn't left in the unknown for to long though because after a short moment, I felt Tony slowly start tracing light circles on the skin of my bare back. I hummed in content. I could feel his gaze on my face, but I was to relax to open my eyes.

After another moment of this I finally opened my eyes and was met with his loving gaze. "Morning." I say in my groggy morning voice.

As a response he just leans over and pulls me into a passionate kiss, leaving me breathless. "Morning." he finally says pulling us into a different position.

He is now laying on his back and I'm curled into his side laying practically on top of him with my head on his chest. He's still tracing little circles in the small of my back. I just cuddle into him enjoying the moment.

After several quiet minutes I can tell he has something on his mind, so not moving from our position I look up at him and decide to ask. "What's on your mind?"

He gives me a small smile. "Nothing, I'm just thinking about us, in this moment and how I don't want it to end."

I smile and give a little hum. "Yeah, I could get used to this."

"Marlie?" He asks and I look up at him again. "Do you ever think about the future?"

I give a slight chuckle. "I thought the whole point of this trip was to forget about the future."

He smiles. "No, I mean our future. Do you ever think about it?"

I finally realize where his heads at and the answer is yes. I think about our future a lot. Especially, here recently. There are so many things I want in our future, but honestly, I don't see how they could possibly happen. The simple life has never been in the cards for me, but that doesn't change the fact that I wish it was.

I turn my face away from Tony and snuggle back into his chest before answering. "Yes, I've thought about it a lot. Have you?"

"Yeah. What do you see in our future?" He asks.

I sigh and think for a minute collecting my thoughts. "Well, in our ideal future we would both decide to settle down. Retire from superheroing, but still be in contact with the team because they're our family. We'd get married and buy a simple lake house away from the city. We'd both still be involved with Stark Industries and the Avengers but only from a distance. We'd host dinners and parties with our close friends. We'd have two kids a boy and a girl, so the twins would have someone to play with. And I'd love to see you as a dad because you would be amazing at it. We would live out our days without the threat of loosing each other. We'd grow old and grey together and one day when our kids are grown, we'll have grandkids, that we can spoil like crazy and tell them amazing stories of Iron Man and Infinity. We'd be the coolest grandparents. Then one day in the very distant future, we'd pass together in our sleep surrounded by our huge loving family."

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