Chapter 130

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Marlie's POV

It's been a week since I told Tony about the baby. I spoke with Blake and Pepper a couple of days ago and have scheduled an appointment for today. I've kept myself busy this week. I've finally seen enough of the future to know everything I have to do to prepare. It wasn't ideal, but the future I chose was the only one with a good outcome. I just had to make it happen. Apart of this was the technology Tony and I needed to develop for our suits. I presented my idea to Tony a few days and he loved the idea, so now we've been working together in the lab on developing nanotechnology.

These past couple of days I've been growing concerned. I couldn't be more than a month along in my pregnancy, but I could already see my abdomen beginning to swell. It was barely noticeable, but I could tell. I knew from my pregnancy with Rosie, that because of my petite size I would show sooner and larger than usual, but this was even earlier than before.

Yesterday Tony and I watched Peter, dressed as Spider-Man, through the news save his classmates at the Washington Monument. It was an incredible save and I was really proud of him, and I knew Tony was too. We had just arrived at the private clinic Blake owned, after Pepper at our house to watch Rosie, and were sitting in the waiting room.

"Maybe you should call Peter and tell him how proud you are of him. He did a good job, and he looks up to you. I can't just hear from you when he messes up." I said to Tony.

"Marlie, we are in a waiting room about to see our baby for the first time, and this is what you're thinking of."

I smiled up at him. "Yes, I need a distraction, besides I'm not wrong. It's three o'clock now, so he should be out of school."

"Marlie Stark." A nurse called interrupting our conversation.

We stood up and followed the doctor. As I got up Tony gave me a look telling me that he'd call Peter later. The nurse led us into an exam room and told us that the doctor would be in shortly. A few minutes later Blake walked in wearing his typical green scrubs and white lab coat.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" He asked us with a smile.

"Pretty good. We're excited to find out what we can of the baby." I said.

"Good. Alright Marlie why don't you lean back and lets listen to your baby's heartbeat. Also, just as a warning, I would like to do an ultrasound today. Nothing to worry about it's a typical procedure to do for any at risk pregnancy." Blake informed us calmly.

Tony and I nodded as I leaned back on the bed lifting up my shirt. Blake took out the machine, that he would use to listen to our baby's heartbeat. He placed the wand against my stomach and a fast, consistent beating filled the room making me let out a breath.

"That's a good strong heartbeat." Blake said as he looked at his screens.

If I wasn't staring intensely at Blake's face, I might have missed it. For the briefest of an instance, a crease formed along Blake's forehead, before relaxing back into his normal calm features.

"What? What is it? Is something wrong?" I asked him growing worried.

I felt Tony grab ahold of my hand as we waited for Blake's response.

"No, I thought I heard something for a moment there." He then turned to mine and Tony's worried faces. "Listen, it's probably nothing. I'll be able to make sure with the ultrasound. Just hang tight. I'll have a nurse bring you to the ultrasound room and we'll get to the bottom of this." He told us as he stood up to go, but Tony stopped him.

"Blake, what's wrong?"

I couldn't take my eyes off of Blake, but I could hear the worry in Tony's voice as we squeezed each other's hands in comfort.

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