Chapter 72

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Marlie's POV

After everything settled down at the oil rig, Tony and I took the speed boat to shore and contacted Pepper, letting her know we were okay. She arranged for a private jet to pick us up and fly us back to Malibu. I was completely exhausted and by the time the plane arrived Tony and I were practically dead on our feet. Tony had the stewardess turn the couch into a bed and I was asleep before the plane even took off.

I finally woke up to the morning sunlight streaming in through a window. I looked around and saw that I was laying in the guest bedroom at Blake and Pepper's house. Tony was next to me fast asleep with his arms draped around me holding me to his side.

I took this opportunity to study him. I started with his face. It was full of cuts and bruises, that looked painful and definitely needed cleaned. I'll make sure they get cleaned later. His face for the first time in a while looks at peace and it makes me happy to see him this way. I then mover my gaze down to his exposed chest and the arc reactor, that is keeping him alive and brought us together. I smile as I trace my finger around it.

Tony then squeezes me a little tighter and I look up and see him staring at me smiling. I smile back. "Merry Christmas." He says and then kisses my forehead and then my nose and finally my lips.

I smile even bigger. "Merry Christmas. When did we get here? I don't remember."

He smirks. "You wouldn't. You slept through the whole thing. Pepper and Blake picked us up around four this morning and then we came straight here to bed. You never even stirred. Not even when I carried you."

"Well, its been a crazy couple of days." I say sighing into his chest. He just pulls me closer.

"I almost lost you again. I though I actually lost you and I blamed myself. I'm so sorry Marlie." I can hear the grief in his voice.

I sit up so I can look at him and place my hand on his cheek. "Tony, it wasn't your fault. Please don't blame yourself. I'm okay. We're both okay." He pulls me back into his chest. After a bit I mumble. "So, did I win the Christmas challenge this year?"

He chuckles. "Definitely not." I look up at him surprised. "I definitely won, because you finally kissed me and you're here with me right now. It just feels..."

"Perfect." I finish and he sighs in contentment. "So, where do we go from here?"

He looks into my eyes. "Where ever you want. I know what I want, but if you aren't ready, I'll wait. I'm just happy, that you're here."

I could tell what he really wanted, in his eyes. "I'm ready Tony." He smiled brightly at me. "I am nervous and even a little scared, but Tony. I want this. I want you in a way I've never wanted anyone before. I love you Tony."

His smile only grew as he pulled me closer and kissed me with a deep passion. When we pulled apart we were both breathless. "Lee." He whispers quietly to me. I looked him in the eyes. "You are the best part of me. You make me better. You believe I can be better and you've stuck by me, even when I'm an ass. Honey, you are the most selfless, smartest person I know and everyday I'm reminded of why I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I smile up at him. "Yes, Tony. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

Tony and I then spent the rest of the day having a nice relaxing Christmas with Blake and Pepper. It was honestly the best Christmas I've ever had. It was made even better by Pepper and Blake announcing that they were pregnant. I couldn't be happier.

Tony and I spent the next couple of months sifting through the rubble of our home and looking more into my powers. It was slow going but once we stopped trying to figure out the source of my powers and instead focused on my control, things got better. My control isn't perfect but it is definitely improving. Tony also decided to figure out a way to remove the shrapnel from his chest. It took some tinkering but we eventually figured it out and the surgery was successful. Tony even made me a necklace with a red heart out of the shrapnel pieces. Happy also eventually woke up and is now expected to make a full recovery. Tony even found a way to repay Harley. After hearing about this kid, I had to meet him. So, Tony and I made a special trip. We upgraded his garage and even gave him his own robot helper. I was so happy to meet him, he really was a great kid and Tony seems to really like him. He is even taking him under his wing. Tony and I have never been happier. All in all, everything seems to have worked out. By spring Tony and I have decided to move to New York and are about to leave, but we make one final stop by the ruins of the old mansion. I lean against the car as I watch Tony walk over to the edge of the drop off. He takes the arc reactor from a brown bag and throws it into the sea. He doesn't need it anymore. I smile at him and he walks over to me and pulls me in for a short sweet kiss.

"You ready?" He asks me.

"Always." I smile up at him before climbing in the car and we drive off.

It just seemed fitting to post this part on Christmas. I hope you all enjoy reading this story as much as I have writing it. Merry Christmas!!

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