Chapter 47

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Tony's POV

The Captain and I had just finished fixing the motor and were just taking a minute to breath. I want to contact Marlie and  make sure she is okay. The last I heard from her, she sounded panicked. I hope she's alright. I'm about to activate my private comms with her, when Fury's voice comes through stopping me.

"Agent Coulson is down" It's like a punch to the gut. Coulson was a good man and had save my life multiple times. He also played an instrumental role in bringing Marlie into my life.

"Paramedics are on their way." I hear someone say.

I hold my breath as I wait for Fury's response. "They're here. They called it."

I can feel the anger building within me. This isn't fair. He was a good man, who didn't deserve to die. I storm into the helicarrier leaving Steve outside. I go and take off my suit and go off to try and find Marlie.

I try the lab first and when she isn't there, I decide to try the comms. "Marlie? Where are you?" No reply. "Marlie? Answer me." Still no reply. I'm starting to get worried. "she better have a damn good reason for not responding to me." I say to myself.

I decide to try the bridge. I walk into the chaotic bridge and see Steve, Fury, and Agent Hill standing over a monitor. Once I walk in they all look up at me with sad expressions. I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and freeze.

Fury walks over to me. "Stark, we need to talk. Follow me." He spoke in a gentle tone, which has me even more on edge.

I follow him into a private room off the bridge. It looks like a room, where private meetings are conducted, with a large table and several chairs. He turns and looks at me. "You may want to sit down."

I can't sit down, so instead I just lean against the table and wait for him to tell me what's going on. "Stark, during the attack we lost all of our main systems, including the detention level." I just nod wanting to get to the point, while also wishing he would never reach it. I am pretty sure I know where he is going with this. I just don't know how bad it is yet. "Marlie volunteered to go down there and try and fix it before Loki escaped. She went down with Coulson." My breath hitched as the gravity of his words hit me.

"Where is she?" I managed to say while trying to control my fear and panic.

"We don't know. All we know is that Loki has her." Fury then leaves letting me have a moment to myself.

My thoughts are racing as I try and process the information. He has her. Loki has her. He killed Coulson in front of her and then took her. Where is she? Is she hurt? Is she even ali... NO! I will not think that. She has to be alive, there is no other options.

After taking a moment to regain control of my overwhelming fear and panic, I turn my focus to finding Marlie. I leave the room and walk straight up to Fury. "Show me the security tapes."

"Stark, I don't know..." Steve starts to say but I don't have the patience for him right now.

"Rogers!" I feel the anger course through me. I briefly realize that I'm no actually mad at him but at the situation, but I don't care. I'm terrified that I will loose the best thing in my life. Her.

I turn to the man and we stare at each other for a moment before he backs down. He must be able to tell that now is not the time to mess with me. I turn back to Fury. "Show me the tapes or I'll find my own way to access them."

Fury sighs and brings up the feed on the table that we all were around earlier today. I can't believe it was just hours ago that she was here by my side helping me hack SHIELD and now she is gone. I take a deep breath. I can't lose her. I can't imagine my life without her. Even in the few minutes that she has been gone I can feel her absence. It's like I can't fully breath because of this weight in my chest and I won't be able to breath again until she is safe in my arms.

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