Chapter 108

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Marlie's POV

We just dropped Rosie off with Pepper and head for the airport to fly to Boston so we can make it to the presentation. We're just pulling up to the airport when I get a call. I pull out my phone and see who's calling before answering. "Hey, Wanda what's up?"

"Hi, Marlie. Nothings up I just thought I'd let you know that we got a lead on Rumlow, and we're headed out. Steve wants to make sure he doesn't get away this time." She says in her thick Sokovian accent.

"Good, you guys be careful and watch each other's backs. Who all's going?" I say back.

"Me, Sam, Natasha, and Steve." She tells me.

I nod even though she can't see it. "Well, you be careful and remember what we've been practicing. Let me know if you need anything. Do you have the new suit I made you?"

"Don't worry I'll be careful and yes I do, but it's also an undercover mission so I'm not sure if I'll be able to wear it."

"Okay, give me a call if you need anything."

"I will. Stop worrying about me." She in mock annoyance and I imagine she just rolled her eyes at my worry.

"I'm allowed to worry, but I also know how capable you are. You'll do great, just remember your training, and trust your team." I say back. Tony then pulls into a parking spot in the airport. "Hey, Wanda Tony and I are about to get on a plane so I'm gonna have to go, but can you put Steve on for a minute?"

"Sure." I hear her say and then hear some rustling until she hands the phone to Steve.

"Hey, Eddie what's up?"

"Tell me I shouldn't be worried." For some reason I have a bad feeling about this.

"There's nothing to worry about. We'll get him. Be in and out." He says confidently.

I nod again. "Okay, but Steve promise me that you'll look after her. She's still new to missions and doesn't always have the greatest control over her powers." I sigh still worrying.

"Don't worry Eddie. I got her. We all do."

I then see Tony motioning me over to the plane. "Okay, I trust you and I gotta go. Our plane is about to leave me behind. Be safe."

"We will." Is all he says back before hanging up.

I then board the plane and go and sit next to Tony. "What was that about?" He asks me.

"Apparently, Steve got some lead on Rumlow, and they're headed to check it out." I say with a sigh.

"Where at?" He asks.

"Didn't ask, but Wanda, Nat, Sam, and Steve are all going." I then sigh. "I don't know. Something just doesn't feel right about it." I say looking at him.

Tony just nods. He is very familiar with my strange intuition and how it's usually right. "Well, let's hope your wrong and everything goes smoothly." He says giving my hand a squeeze. I just nod and the two of us start going over the finishing touches on our presentation.

The plane ride to Boston is only thirty minutes and it's another fifteen to the school. When we arrive, we're led to the presentation hall so we can set up. We were doing our presentation on a project that we had been working on called Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing as way to help people deal with their trauma and make peace with the past. We are also going to announce the September foundation, our newest foundation to help aspiring young geniuses succeed by funding all of their projects.

Since Tony had already sent our technology ahead of time, we just had to set it up. By the time we're done we have a blank white 3d model of the old Stark living room and our retro-framing technology set up all around. I can't help but smile at the model. Even though the setup of the old Stark living room is different than it was when I was there, there are similarities though. The piano being one of them. Maria loved her piano there were even some nights when she would get me to play a song or two with her. I don't play much anymore, but I have played for Tony and Rosie a couple of times.

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