Chapter 131

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Marlie's POV

It's been over a month since the ferry incident and Tony, and I have returned to our normal lives. We've made great progress on nanotech, and I have been busy with more preparations for the future. We've also made a point to spend more time with Rosie, since in a few months we'll be busy with two newborns.

The babies are growing quite nicely. We've decided to keep their sexes a surprise until their birth. We wanted to be surprised. We've also been working with Blake on the birth plan. Even though we're having twins, I wanted to give birth at home. I really didn't want to deal with the craziness of a hospital. Blake had several concerns about this, but we managed to figure something out. We've decided to set up a portion of the lab as a makeshift hospital style area, with all the recommended machinery Blake suggested. Blake said that as long as I make it to 36 weeks, I could give birth here.

I honestly couldn't believe how big I have already gotten. I looked to be at least five months along instead of three. I was going to be huge by the end of this. Rosie was loving the idea of having siblings. She loved to give my belly kisses and talk to the babies. I wasn't sure but she seemed to understand what was happening.

I sat on my bed alone staring down at the name on my phone. I needed to call Natasha, but I was hesitating. About a month after everything with Steven, she called me. I don't know what it was about, I interrupted her before she could explain. I was angry with her. After learning from Steven, that he found out about Bucky killing Howie and Maria from Zola, I was able to piece a few things together. If Steven learned it from Zola, then Natasha knew too. I couldn't believe that she would also keep something this huge from me too.

When she called, I immediately asked her about it. She told me that Zola did reveal that Howie and Maria were killed by Hydra, but Steven actually learned who killed them later on in some of the files I helped him collect. At the time, I was to angry to care how much she knew, but things have changed.

I'm to pissed at Steven to make amends with him, but I'm ready to try with Nat. She may have kept things from me, but with everything going on and knowing what was to come, I couldn't stay mad at her. I needed my friend back.

Working up the courage, I dialed the number of the encrypted phone I gave her. It rang twice before she picked up and Nat's surprised voice came through.


"Hi, Nattie." I said using the nickname I gave her all those years ago.

"What's up? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk. Is now a bad time?"

"NO, no, I'm just surprised to be hearing from you."

I gave a light humorless chuckle at this. "Yeah, I'm sure."

I then paused not knowing what to say.

"Listen Marlie, I've been wanting to apologize for everything. I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I knew and I'm sorry for betraying you and Tony at the airport."

"I know and I know why you did it." I added referring to the part about the airport.

"Oh, do tell, cause I'm not even sure why."

I let out a genuine laugh at this making the tension leaves my body.

"It's because of you're unspoken love for Steven. Come on, you can't tell me that it's not there anymore. You threw everything away just to help him."

I could hear Nat laugh threw the phone. "Yeah, well, you may not be completely wrong about that."

I sat there in shock. Did she just finally admit that I was right.

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