Chapter 121

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Tony's POV

I watched as first my wife and then my best friend got hit by Vision's stray beam. After everything today, I can't bear to lose either of them. I quickly changed my direction, trying in vain to reach at least one of them. I see Sam do the same, but I know neither of us will make it in time, they are too far away. I don't stop though as I call out to them. My eyes are locked on Marlie, who started falling first and is closest to the ground. Just as she's about to collide with the ground, she disappears into a portal. The adrenaline from the life and death situation must have given her enough energy to create a portal. The relief that floods through me is short lived as Rhodey collides with the ground. I see Sam and Vision land next to him.

Satisfied that they are with him, I turn around in the air.

"Friday, where is she?"

"100 feet above you." She responds showing me Marlie's location on the screen in front of me.

Turning around in the air I spot her as she continues to fall. Flying up as fast as I can, I race to catch her. I collided with her a mere 15 feet from the ground and slowly descend. Once on the ground I quickly lay her down next to Rhodey and rip off her face mask. She lays their eyes closed and unmoving. Glancing over at Rhodey, I see his face mask has already been ripped off by either Sam or Vision. He looks to be in even worse condition than my wife.

"Read vitals." I frantically tell Friday as I continue to scan both of their faces.

"Heart beats detected. Emergency personnel are in route."

Friday's words only provide a minimal form of comfort seeing my wife and best friend unconscious before me.

"I'm sorry."

I hear Sam mumble and my fear turns into rage. I lift up my arm and knock him out with a repulser beam. Moments later the emergency personnel arrive, and I ride with my wife to the hospital, leaving Vision to deal with the others.

Marlie's POV

A sterilizing smell and the sounds of the constant beeping of a heart monitor is the first thing I notice. The last thing I remember I was falling through the air trying to make a portal. Now it seems that I am lying in a hospital room. I managed to open my eyes and immediately shut them due to the brightness of the lights.

I hear some shuffling next to me and decide to try to open my eyes again. The harsh lights meet my eyes again but this time I give them time to adjust. Once they do I look around and see Tony standing in the corner starring out the window. I looked him up and down, noticing how he had his arm in a sling and had changed into his normal attire.

I bring my arms behind me and use them to help me sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. Tony must have heard me moving because he quickly turns and rushes over.

"What are you doing?" He asks as he places his hand on my shoulder to try to push me back.

"I'm standing up." I say as I try to brush his hand off in vain.

"No, I mean why are you trying to get out of bed?"

Ignoring his question, I stop trying to stand as a wave of vertigo hits me making me almost throw up. Resigning to his hand I let him sit me back in bed, but in an upright position. Getting comfortable I watch as Tony sits at the edge of the bed looking defeated.

"Are you alright?" I ask referring to his arm.

"You just woke up in a hospital and you're asking about me?" He chuckles dryly, but I just wait. "Yeah, I'm fine. My shoulder's a bit messed up, but nothing serious."

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